Hooper28 Member


  • I just started again on Tuesday and came over here to read some inspiration. Yours is the first post I read and I feel like I could've written some of it. I lost 93 pounds about 12 years ago and then slowly put it all (plus some) back on. I'm feeling overwhelmed right now at the amount I need to lose (same starting weight…
  • I think that's part of my problem. Instead of seeing how great it was that I lost 50 pounds, I kept seeing that I still had to lose about 70 pounds and felt like I'd never get there.
  • Add me! I am 41, married, and have a 4 year old daughter. I joined last July and lost a little over 50 pounds. I made it through the holiday's and then fell off the wagon in January. I don't want to blame the new girl in work but the skinny "B" (LOL) can eat out everyday and not gain and I didn't have the will power to say…
  • I was always the big girl and then was just fat. In 2003 I weighed 230lbs and started WW. I weighed 137 when I reached goal and felt great. I gained it back so I'm doing it again.
  • I would love to join as I fell off the wagon a little over a week ago and need some help.
  • We get Chinese at least once a week. I usually get shrimp or chicken with broccoli and ask them to make it spicy. That really adds flavor! And I don't eat rice with it. I will sometimes get an egg roll if I have the extra calories. I have not been able to have Mexican and stay within calories. The chips and salsa get me!…
  • Welcome! I've been here since July and really love it!
  • That sounds almost like my story. Started WW in 2003 at 230pounds and lost 93 pounds and then a few vacations later, the stress of buying a house, and then getting pregnant I gained it all back and then some! I really think counting calories is easier than points (plus I didn't like the new program either). I started WW a…
  • I agree with everyone else that you need to eat more. Based on your starting weight you should be higher than 1200. I've been eating 1300 and consistently losing since July.
  • My husband is about 5'7" and weighs somewhere over 300. He complains wants to lose weight but doesn't do anything about it. He's always tired and like Amber said, if we had the extra money he'd eat McDonald's everyday for lunch. I tried to show him how easy it is to use this app on our phones but he showed no interest. I…
  • This is my first week too. I also did Jenny Craig, Nutri-System, and WW. WW worked but the new program wasn't so I'm doing this and it seems much easier to count calories instead of points, Friend me if you want!
  • I only have 1 and she keeps me busy. My husband also works some nights so it's hard for me to find time to work out. My daughter doesn't usually fall asleep until close to 10pm and has to call for me a few times so I don't really want to start working out until she's asleep and by then...I just want to sleep! I'm going to…
  • Thanks Amber. I sent you a request.
    in Hello..... Comment by Hooper28 July 2011
  • Welcome! I'm finishing my first week.
  • Thank you for the warm welcome :) Hank....I actually have a few DVD's because before I lost a lot of weight I was too self conscience to go to the gym. When DH and I finally joined one I told him I wouldn't go without him and then I loved it and went without him! So anyways, I have Walk Away the Pounds, Bikini Ready Fast,…
    in Hello..... Comment by Hooper28 July 2011
  • I did WW years ago when it was points plus and lost 93 pounds. I tried it again now when the new program came out and I was having trouble with it. I've been doing MFP since Monday and love it. I really think tracking calories is easier than points. It makes making decisions while you're out easier. You can look at the NI…