New to MFP

I've played around on here for a while but I'm officially diving head first into MFP.

I have always been overweight/obese. When I was 23, I discovered WW and went on to lose 75lbs and was under their upper goal for my height. I maintained that for about 3 months and then a set of life events sent me into a downward spiral and I started to gain my weight back. I have since graduated college, gotten married, had two kids and moved across country a few times. 8 years have passed and sadly, I have finally regained every last one of those 75lbs.

WW did one huge thing for me, it taught me about healthy eating. I knew I wasn't eating well but I never realized how bad it was. Without WW, I would be much, much larger than my high weight of 229. I am grateful for what that program did for me. However, I hate the new WW program. LOL!

I am ready to deal with the second part of why I was unhealthy. The first part was my lack of knowledge. The second was the fact that food is definitely a coping tool for me. I've spend some time working on why I needed food to cope and now I am ready to work directly on the food. I don't plan on being a fast, get it done loser. I just want to somewhat normalize my relationship with food.

That's about it. Feel free to friend me. Eventually, I'll get some nerve to add pictures. :wink:


  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    ...and in realizing your eating behavior, that is half the battle. Also, in knowing that you have an eating behavior and what triggered it, now you can move forward and prevent yourself from making the same mistake again.

    This is exactly the thing that some people either dont understand, or they refuse to acknowledge.... our behaviors, our environment, and so many other factors around us can also contribute to our eating issues...

    Honestly, WW didnt work for me... it didnt take into consideration some of the dietary limitations I have and therefore the POINTS system was a great failure... but with the help of a great endocrinologist, and upcoming new/rare tests, Im actually losing weight better with 1600 calories/120g carbohydrate daily restrictions... Im finding that this is easier than I anticipated to be honest... and its WORKING... MFP has really been helpful in my being responsible and keeping good records to email to my physician.

    Just keep in mind - you are your own person and therefore you will here tons and tons and tons of suggestions, ideas, methods, etc.... Only you can make your own individual decision... and if necessary, a consult with your own physician who knows you exclusively will also be your greatest tool ever....(RD's as well)... If you are really serious about commitment and a commitment to yourself, that is the tackling fuel you need to keep on going...
  • TLStokes84
    TLStokes84 Posts: 5 Member
    I could have written your post. With the stress in my life lately, I'm realizing just how much food is a coping mechanism for me.
  • Hooper28
    Hooper28 Posts: 22 Member
    That sounds almost like my story. Started WW in 2003 at 230pounds and lost 93 pounds and then a few vacations later, the stress of buying a house, and then getting pregnant I gained it all back and then some! I really think counting calories is easier than points (plus I didn't like the new program either). I started WW a couple of times and never got past week 1. Now I'm almost to 100 days.

    Good luck Toonces!