51 - - Feel free to add
In for the long haul, missed one day after almost 2 years straight. have gone up and down, all can feel free to add
all are welcome to add me as well
I agree with being more involved. Rather than taking things away, remind him of what he gets to do when he is done with all homework/chores - - sports, video games, TV, something interesting with you, friends etc. With us the carrot seems to work better than the stick. if that does not work... more pushups!!!
Add me to the list please (and feel free to add as a friend)
Add me to the list, any of you should feel free to add me
Ditto - - feel free to add
50 years old... Request Sent. All in this thread are welcome to add me
back after a break, add me
See a doctor (and probably think about swimming). But see a doc
Trying to stick to slow carb. Add me
I'm 50 - - any and all are welcome to add me, I am looking to re-focus my efforts and take off some of the weight that I have gained back
Any active members are welcome to add me
In! Getting back on my bike this weekend, How often do we post?
Looking for active friends
Motivated friends always welcome
Another Dad with 50/60 to go. All are welcome to add me and let's get back in shape!
Feel free to add
Me Sensible eating, riding with friends, great way to burn calories and drop lbs
Feel free to add Liz... getting back on track as well
Getting back in the swing as well, feel free to add me
Add me to the list. Active friends welcome. Feel free to add me.
Feel free to add
feel free to add me - - getting back on track as well
50 - - feel free to add
All good stuff guys and yes like a few of you I became injured and I am recovering from knee pain. this became very difficult once my exercise levels dropped If any of you have open diaries and/or are interested in maintaining dialogue, feel free to send me a friend request
thanks... anyone else?
Yep, feel free to add me.
Feel free to add