

  • Congratulations!! you should be VERY proud of what you've accomplished :) whats your secret? id love to know :D
  • were you always on the heavier side??? if so, maybe these people are just having a hard time adjusting their depth perception from where you used to be to where you are now?? 136lbs is NOT too skinny for a 5'6" frame. I am 5'6" and before i let myself go while pregnant... i weighed 135, and looking at my sister, who is a…
  • i honestly DONT care. thats what i find funny... really its all whatever. i joined this conversation because i was singled out.. thats all. im not gonna sit here and let you belittling people talk about me and NOT come to bat for myself! i have nothing to defend... im FINE with my achievement that i have made so far and AM…
  • But see, don't you see what YOU just said??? "they said they don't get how people can struggle to eat 1200" THEY don't have to get it... I DO! YOU arent losing the weight for me!! you're not trying to figure out my bodies solution to the neglect I caused it (NOT my kids) ... I document EVERY SINGLE LITTLE CRUMB i shove…
  • Like i mentioned. i did not and will never blame my kids. im not stupid... i dont think you're a "biznatch" at all. i appreciate your "advice" i guess you could call it. funny thing is, i could really enjoy talking to someone like you. but you think im stupid. & i have every intention of incorporating what you and everyone…
  • and YOU thought I was making a mockery out of you... uughh... some people just dont get it. frankly i dont care if you dont understand or if i hit your nerves... im sorry i havent spent a whole bunch of time researching things instead of trying to get quick answers.... i do believe i have a three year old to tend to and a…
  • thank you very much for the suggestions and the advice... I'm trying to figure out a new approach for things to get at the grocery store. reading the types of things other people on here eat definitely helps.
  • basically what most people would consider normal.... meats include steak, hamburger, chicken, pork... i eat all types of vegetable. I love fruit. carbs come from breads, pastas ive added salads to my intake. ive added sugar free jello, sharp cheese & crackers whole grain and wheat breads 100 calorie snacks. IDK if you can…
  • well. if you consider yourself a godess for belittling someone just because you've met your goal and I havent... good for you.. i just started... you on the other hand did not. thank you though for the well wishes... should i look you up when i finally figure things out and meet my goal so MAYBE then i'll get your respect…
  • AHH some people frustrate me. A LOT! just because you're an expert on YOUR body doesnt mean that you know anything about mine... you have NO idea how hard i have been working... you have NO idea how MUCH I have changed when it comes to my eating habbits. I didnt lose 9 pounds in 6 weeks sitting on my fat behind doing…
  • NOT asking for sympathy.... i actually am VERY serious about what im doing...
  • thank you... made me look at this a little differently... & you're right... i exercise because i want to... not just for the calorie subtraction.... im on a journey to find out what works for me. although im sure you found yourself annoyed by my question & my thought process... you answered it, and changed my thinkning a…
  • i see what you're saying... my weight came from two pregnancies. i DEFINITELY ate wayyyy more than 1200 calories... probably more like 3000... lots of cereals... lots of bread. lots of whole milk. lots of packaged foods... soda galore... trying to get back to where i was, or in that neighborhood. once both my kids were…
  • i have very skimpy eating habits... always have... having two kids PLUNGED my metabolism to absolutely ZERO and i have 50+ pounds to lose... i just CANT get 1200 calories without eating things that arent exactly healthy... if i throw a donut or a bowl of cereal in the mix.. i probably could... my big problem is going OVER…
  • hard chewey things such as taffy will stick to the braces and when you try to pull it off, it could and most likely will pull the wire with it... and it HURTS... now, things like tootsie rolls... no biggie...
  • as NICELY as I can say, I would suggest wearing some type of clothes for your shots... it IS possible to flaunt your losses WITH clothes on! as a matter of fact.. I can BEST see MY progress with sweats and a tanktop... the same exact outfit each time helps the most. EDIT TO ADD:: I also think you look excellent! & I would…
  • if i ever want something that I know can be on the expensice side... i always go to amazon.com... ud be surprised..
  • my BMR sitting is 1639, with activity i believe it is 2050.
  • i've been attempting to do 20... 20 minutes is where i've been for about 2 weeks is. 20 minutes and about 400 calories once a day... i have been trying to get the uumph to do it twice a day... yesterday i did 25 minutes and 525 calories... and 2 other sessions of 15 minutes each and 450 calories total. i had energy from…
  • i guess i should add that the weight GAIN came from having two kids... im sorry :( with my daughter i went from 138 to 199, and never went below 182. started off at 184 with my son, ended at 212 and am stuck at 191.
  • i know the salad itself is less than 20 calories...
  • HAH,Yes, yes I do... with SHORTS and a WIFEBEATER/TANK TOP over
  • thats kind of what i figured... im trying to get that much daily... i had to up my goal a little because if i met the 1200 i started at... i went over by 2 or 300... and that was without exercise... i just get confused with all this ur suppose to do this & not do that stuff.
  • from what i gather... if you hit a plateau... its helpful to UP your net intake... if you're doing 1200, try 1300 or 1350... i just started this 2 days ago, because from 6/26 to 7/31 i lost 11 pounds... and then it stopped and i gained 2 back... i have quite a ways to go, so thats not acceptable, so i try to do a little…
  • I dont know anything about the insanity workout... but WHY would you NOT have any business trying it!?!?! I weigh about the same as you... & let me tell you... if you have the energy, endurance, stamina and the pure will to even TRY insanity... i give you BIIGG ups! because i am 22 years old, 2 kids, 190 pounds and there…
  • Thanks :) I am very VERY proud of my 11 pound loss.. just NOT of the sudden halt once I got there. I am slowly but surely understanding the dynamics to this whole ordeal. theres a lot more to it thank i ever imagined. apparently, those girls who lose all their baby weight with no effort truly are lucky. i could not TELL…
  • I'm looking to lose about 61 pounds total. feel free to add me :)
  • use the BMR calculator tool on here... based on your age height and weight it will tell you how many calories your body burns to stay alive... basically sitting on the couch... you should probably eat at least that much, and exercise to create your deficit. my BMR is 1639... and im having the same problem you are... the…
  • well i looked up the video on you tube, and i definitely have an authentic bottle... im gonna give it a shot.. gonna stay on my diet & continue to try to bustle the energy to work out... no sitten around eating junk waiting for a miracle for me!
  • im reading all kinds of reviews online... aparently a lot of the ingredients have the laxative effect, but the bottle i have is a new bottle... doesn't contain the senna the old ones did ... NOT saying it still wont do that... idk. i fugure ill just try them to see if it works at all