what if you dont...?



  • lcarter25
    lcarter25 Posts: 286 Member
    I think if you simple added unsaturated fats like olive oil, some nuts and maybe avocado to your diet that would send the calories up. Last night I had grilled chicken, quinoia, swiss chard for dinner, but added a tablespoon of olive oil because I was low on fat for the day, which added over a hundred calories to the meal. Bananas are also relatively high in calories, and are good for you.

    thank you very much for the suggestions and the advice...
    I'm trying to figure out a new approach for things to get at the grocery store.
    reading the types of things other people on here eat definitely helps.

    exactly this!! good luck hun xxx
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    I would also never have the nerve to blame my children for my own food choices or lack thereof. Different strokes for different folks I guess. You don't have to like what I say, and I don't have to like what you say. Welcome to the real world. If being realistic makes me a biznatch, so be it.

    Everyone offered great suggestions on how to add good foods to your eating plan without adding much bulk.

    And yes, too bad I'm not Jillian... she's rich and has a great body and can scream in someone's face on national tv. I on the other hand, am forced to treat people on message boards like ants (more sarcasm).

    I really do hope you figure it out and take some of these suggestions to heart.
  • FK1983
    FK1983 Posts: 186 Member
    I'm a little baffled by this, at the moment you are 190lbs, presumably you got to that weight by being able to eat far more than 1200 calories a day, so why do you feel unable to eat more now?
    There is a reason why we all put the weight on, for you to be over 190lbs you must have been having FAR more than 1200 calories a day, there are soooo many threads like this and everyone will tell you the same, admit your downfall then try and work from there, kidding yourself by saying "but i can't eat 1200 calories a day but i'm 190lbs and not losing weight" isn't going to impress many people here, trust me, I've been there!

    Link you might like: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/309921-i-can-t-eat-enough-calories

    P.S, no offense meant in any way!
    P.P.S, I think the wording in your first post may have set a few people off, maybe if it was worded a bit better?! :)
  • moderntimes
    Glad to help. Here's one idea. There's a delicious light chilled Spanish summer soup called gazpacho. If you don't know it there's a million recipes online and no correct one. You put tomatoes, cucumbers, green or red peppers and some onion in a blender and blend until - it's the texture you like it, smoother or chunker, then chill. On its own this would have very few calories but the Spanish recipe adds olive oil, and the point is you could add one tablespoon or half a cup, in fact it tastes better with more olive oil because it emulsifies with the other ingredients. You wouldn't notice the extra calories and it's a light summer meal with a piece of bread and some protein like a slice of ham or my preference, humous.
  • RayRay042408
    I would also never have the nerve to blame my children for my own food choices or lack thereof. Different strokes for different folks I guess. You don't have to like what I say, and I don't have to like what you say. Welcome to the real world. If being realistic makes me a biznatch, so be it.

    Everyone offered great suggestions on how to add good foods to your eating plan without adding much bulk.

    And yes, too bad I'm not Jillian... she's rich and has a great body and can scream in someone's face on national tv. I on the other hand, am forced to treat people on message boards like ants (more sarcasm).

    I really do hope you figure it out and take some of these suggestions to heart.

    Like i mentioned. i did not and will never blame my kids. im not stupid... i dont think you're a "biznatch" at all. i appreciate your "advice" i guess you could call it. funny thing is, i could really enjoy talking to someone like you. but you think im stupid. & i have every intention of incorporating what you and everyone else has mentioned into helping me out. when i first started... my calories goal was 1700... i went over it every day....i did research when i had time away from the kiddos (whom i love more than life itself and STILL do NOT blame) and found that trying 1200 might be in my best interest, and i started cutting back... then i started going OVER my 1200... and now im to the point where i've cut so much out... or limited so much that i honestly confused myself... and im looking for ideas, such as the ones you and everyone else on this thread has given me, to HELP fulfill my goal...WITHOUT eating take out, fast food, or donuts!
  • Galathea96
    Galathea96 Posts: 200 Member
    Hey there, don't let the comments get to you. It's confusing starting out at first and I can understand that you've got some stuff to catch up on.

    If you need an example of 1300-1500 calorie intakes feel free to check out my diary which should be open. I try to plug in everything I eat in the raw form since most of the cooked recipes don't work for me (most of the recipes are for US brands and I don't live there). If it seems like I have tons of stuff in a meal it's because I've put in the ingredients and not the cooked meal. Hope this helps.

    Also, before I forget, there's a website called skinnytaste that has good low calorie recipes. I've tried out some of them and they are awesome.
  • iwillsoonbeslim
    I'm a little baffled by this, at the moment you are 190lbs, presumably you got to that weight by being able to eat far more than 1200 calories a day, so why do you feel unable to eat more now?

    what a dumb comment. 1200 cals of healthy food is a lot of food, fruits, veggies, chicken, low fat, no fat, lite, etc.... 1200 calories of junk is less than half a big mac. Its a chore to eat 1200 cals a day and get proper nutrition.

    I agree! On days I have a 3000+ burn (yes, meaning I need to eat around 4200 some days), I simply can NOT eat the bulk I would need to to replace those calories in a healthy way. Luckily those are usually the days I let my hubby take me out do dinner, and I just eat whatever the hell I fancy!

    It IS a chore to net 1200 healthy calories, especially if you're very active. x
  • IloveRanch
    Haha makes me laugh when everyone gets stressed

    End of the day if you are going to the gym and eating healthier in time weight will fall off. Im new to this site and theres sooooo many theories on here its UNBELIEVABLE. I have had over 300-400 calories left each day and im still losing weight yesterday after my workout i had nearly 2000 calories. EVERYONE is different and you are more than aware your eating habits were s-h-i-tty so you improve them and work out, your body will let you know if its unhappy with you.

    People cant type their tone of their voice so maybe sometimes advice sounds very harsh when just written.
  • candb
    candb Posts: 238
    What are you eating that is not allowing you to make your caloric goals? Can you add in some nuts, avocado, cheese, whole milk yogurt?

    i have very skimpy eating habits... always have...
    having two kids PLUNGED my metabolism to absolutely ZERO
    and i have 50+ pounds to lose...
    i just CANT get 1200 calories without eating things that arent exactly healthy...
    if i throw a donut or a bowl of cereal in the mix.. i probably could...
    my big problem is going OVER 1200, exercising it off and still being below : /

    Im sorry, but the ONLY way you can get another 200 calories would be to eat a donut? what about a cup of Chobani Greek Yogyrt? That is about 140 cals with good protein and calcium. A handful of almonds would be good too plus a source of good fat. Heck, eat a banana for 100 healthy cals. You"re not losing weight because you're not eating enough.
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    Read a lot of this and think the key is eat better, move more! I am sure you won't find it as much of a problem as I would eat the world, always a starver!! You probably know what to do, but try to eat little, often and well if you appetite is low, it will help you to keep your metabolism going.
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    Read a lot of this and think the key is eat better, move more! I am sure you won't find it as much of a problem as I would eat the world, always a starver!! You probably know what to do, but try to eat little, often and well if you appetite is low, it will help you to keep your metabolism going.
  • plantgrrl
    plantgrrl Posts: 436 Member
    RayRay Everyone's bodies are different. What has worked for me is to make sure I eat over 1200 cals per day--but ONLY in the food calories consumed category. I don't worry about eating back up to 1200 in the net calories. This is the best way for me to lose consistently. I read somewhere that for a good gradual weight loss just make sure you don't have a net caloric deficit greater then 500 cals per day. If that doesn't work for you try playing around with it. You should lose some even if you do eat back up to 1200 net, but see how your body responses.

    I don't think people on here mean to be hurtful, but they can be sometimes. True of all forums everywhere I think. Sometimes as we get closer to our goals and it gets easier to maintain our diets we can lose perspective of what it was like starting out. When we begin a journey like this 8 out of 10 people IMO need encouragement toward there goals and not "Jillian" style tough love. That's for later, maybe the last 20lbs or so, when we get complacent and think about quitting before we reach our goals. Most people on the over weight side of things are really good at being hard on themselves...that's sometimes why we turned to food to begin with. Starting out is really hard and it's easy to give up, but you need to remember that YOU ARE WORTH THIS.

    Not eating can really hurt your metabolism. Case in point, one of my best friends in the world has an issue with taking time for herself. Often she'll say things like "This is the first thing I've had to eat all day!" at dinner time. She wonders why she's not losing weight because she "never eats." She is obese and I worry that she's slowly killing herself. I love her to death and if I thought she would listen to me I would tell her that when I started trying to eat better it was really hard to make myself have breakfast (didn't feel hungry), but I started with a small snack when I got up, and eventually I worked up to a larger, but healthier, meal. I noticed that when I have a larger breakfast I end up not eating late (part of why I probably wasn't hungry!), so maybe breakfast really is one of the most important meals of the day!

    My go to mid afternoon snack is a packet of trader joe's "Just a handful" no salt dry roasted almonds, 210 calories, but full of "good fats" fiber and protein. Could be just the boost you're looking for! I'd say "good luck" but luck has nothing to do with it! You got this thing, hang in there, it'll get easier over time.
  • flutterqueen04
    I'm a little baffled by this, at the moment you are 190lbs, presumably you got to that weight by being able to eat far more than 1200 calories a day, so why do you feel unable to eat more now?

    My first reaction was this too. I always think this when I see someone say they can't eat 1200 calories a day and yet they are "over weight" There is no way they can get over weight purely on starvation mode.

    I had discussed this on my profile once because I got on one day and saw all these people making this comment...all over 200+ lbs. I was perplexed. Like not in a jerk way - please don't think that - but I just didn't get how NOT eating can make someone over weight. But I had an awesome friend on MFP explain that sometimes its their thought process. When they go into a "diet" its all or nothing. They either eat all healthy all the time or they don't. They can't just throw in a cookie or two and be fine. They had to eat all fruits, veggies, etc to get their calories or they think they'll fail. In her words "200 calories is a ****load of carrots!" Haha :laugh:

    First with your exercise question: Yes exercise still!! It is not just to get more calories to eat, it is for over all health. It is for your heart. It is for your muscles. That is always a good thing :-)

    Now with foods: Are you eating any low fat/no fat versions of stuff. If so maybe see about going to full fat versions (depending on the foods and the fats in them). Sometimes full fats aren't that bad. Me personally can't eat a lot of full fat stuff, like dairy because of a medical issue. But I would start there to see where you can sneak in more calories there. Also as some said earlier, saute veggies in olive oil. New taste, healthy calories. You can also add in calories through drinks, not just foods. Get some 100% juices to sip on through the day. Drink milk for calcium and vitamins. If your a salad eater consider topping your salad with avacodo, nuts, sunflower seeds, etc, good healthy proteins. Top apples with natural peanut butter.

    Good luck to you on this journey. In time you'll get it figured out, just don't give up :bigsmile:
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Exercise aside, there is no way that you can be eating under 1000 cals a day and not lose weight unless you are already severely underweight or 4ft tall.

    Either you aren't logging accurately, or you haven't been going at it long enough to have made a difference yet. I didn't have any weight loss for the first month or more. That is totally normal.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Why can't you eat 1200 cal a day?
    You need to eat to lose weight. Your body can not function on less than 1200 cal a day and if you exercise you need to eat them too. You will not be healthy or lose if you don't do it the right way. Enter your question into the search section above to learn more.