

  • What does your work out plan consist of?
  • I have been down this road before and not eating past 7 has really helped me out. I got such excellent results, I am going back to it again. It is tough, but it is best for your body. After about 2 weeks, you will get used to it. Although there are certain functions your body is supposed to perform with sufficient amount…
  • Well, I totally understand that, so might I suggest swimming, zumba, hip hop cardio, kick boxing, body pump, cycling, interval training, light weight training, go dancing with frientds (that is always fun!!), drinking more water. I like to change things up myself, so I swim one to two days a week, then I will do a zumba or…
  • I'm happy for you!! Please remember that quick weight loss is not always good. Make sure to monitor what you are doing as far as exercise and food consumption so you don't gain it back. It took some time to get the weight on, so it's going to take some time to get it off. Slow is good in this aspect. Just be cautious is…
  • Jersey3025, Have you been doing to same workouts for the last 10 weeks? If so, you probably just need to change it up and if you are doing weight training, decrease the weight and do higher reps.
  • Oh, some apps for tracking your walk are cardio tracker or cardio trainer. Those are free apps.
    in WALKING Comment by QueenT24 July 2011
  • I agree with cshore54. You have to start somewhere and you have to be excited to do it. For me, morning workouts work best because I fee a sense of accomplisment to start out my day. With my current schedule, I can't workout until later in the day, but I look forward to it because I like to sweat and I know sweating is…
    in WALKING Comment by QueenT24 July 2011
  • Jason, I swim 2-3 days a week, the next week I will run or do zumba 2-3 days that week, and do minor weight training. Oh, I also dance 1-2 times a week, every week. Then I will start my cycle over. If I can catch an extra zumba class during any week, I do that.
  • Lisa, This is a good site to count calories and keep track of your exercise. Don't think of this as a diet plan, it is a lifestyle change. Don't beat yourself up if you go over your calories one day. Just learn from that day and continue on the journey and try to do better the next day. Snacking between meals will…
  • Viki, Have you changed up your work out routine or are you counting calories? What is your approach a year later?
    in Newbie Comment by QueenT24 July 2011
  • Might I suggest you put your accountability contract on the fridge for motivation as well. So those who see it, even the kids can help you out and give you little reminders. You might even get them to start working out with you... just a suggestion.
  • I believe that goal is attainable but you have to set realistic goals for yourself. What I mean is plan to lose a certain amount in 3- 6 months so that you can monitor your progress or digression. Also remember that you did not go to sleep last night at 125 and wake up at 215. It is going to take time to lose the weight,…
  • You should eat breakfast within the first 30 min to an hour of you waking up to get your metabolism started. The longer it takes you to eat, the longer it takes your body (metabolism) to jump start. So the fact that you body wants to work and you have not fed it, is not a good sign. Like erickirb said, you should snack in…
  • You can try laying on the floor on your side, bring both knees toward your chest. Then you are going to lift you top leg (with knee bent) up and down. three sets of ten, and then turn on your other side and repeat. You can also do standard leg ligts with a weight on your leg. Another excerise would be to lay on your side,…