How do you set your goal weight?

dshiemke Posts: 24 Member
I chose what I weighed before I started having kids, but I don't really know if that weight is reasonable anymore. I started MyFitnessPal at 215 pounds and set my goal as 125 pounds. Is that attainable? I'm 5" 5.5" tall.


  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Try and see.

    Or set it higher just so it seems like a more obtainable goal. Then when you reach your first goal, reevaluate and decide if you want to keep going or not.
  • QueenT24
    QueenT24 Posts: 15
    I believe that goal is attainable but you have to set realistic goals for yourself. What I mean is plan to lose a certain amount in 3- 6 months so that you can monitor your progress or digression. Also remember that you did not go to sleep last night at 125 and wake up at 215. It is going to take time to lose the weight, so you have to be consistent in your workouts and your choice of diet. Find someone either on this site or someone close to you to hold you accountable for your weight loss goals and will challenge and push you. I have chosen to partner up with my sister because we both has goals that we want to achieve, but are easly distracted, lol!! Keep your head up, set your goals, keep track of them, be honest with yourself and your accountability partner and keep up the good work!!!

  • Pucker508
    Pucker508 Posts: 67 Member
    I once heard that a general rule to calculate your ideal weight is to multiply the number of inches you are over 5 feet by 5, then add 100. For instance, I am 5'8", so 8 x 5=40 + 100= 140lbs is my ideal weight. I am definitely no expert, but this happens to be a realistic weight for me and 5lbs under what my doctor said I should weigh, so maybe there is some merit to this?
  • dshiemke
    dshiemke Posts: 24 Member
    I don't have a fitness buddy to be accountable to, so I'll put my goals in writing in my signature. I want to lose 90 pounds in a year, but I broke it up into three month intervals with intermediate goals. I'm a stay-at-home mom with enough of time to exercise, so here it goes...
  • QueenT24
    QueenT24 Posts: 15
    I don't have a fitness buddy to be accountable to, so I'll put my goals in writing in my signature. I want to lose 90 pounds in a year, but I broke it up into three month intervals with intermediate goals. I'm a stay-at-home mom with enough of time to exercise, so here it goes...

    Might I suggest you put your accountability contract on the fridge for motivation as well. So those who see it, even the kids can help you out and give you little reminders. You might even get them to start working out with you... just a suggestion.