dlmadeja Member


  • Hello I'm Danielle and I was looking for a 2014 challenge and I found this group. I was hoping that I can join in on the challenge and hopefully it isn't too late for me to join :)
  • Wow this is a lot of awesome advice! I've been trying to drink a ton of water and I'm going to be starting p90X soon. I heard that it really helps with tightening up the skin. I just don't want to lose the weight to be frustrated that I have all this loose skin. I'm going to try all of these tips!!
  • I never eat my calories back unless I know I'm going to be in a situation where I will definitely be going over my calories. Normally I consider my exercise calories, bonus calories for my body and I'm never hungry at the end of the day so I never feel the need to eat them. I just make sure whatever I'm eating is low in…
  • Ok my new activity is I'm starting a swim class tonight! Hope everyone does good with their new activities!!
  • I'm excited to be so close to one-derland!!
  • This is why I order extra veggies on my 6 inch sub!!!
  • I don't know what happened overnight but when my curiosity got the better of me and I weighed myself this morning I was 226.8!! I'm so happy my body's swelling is finally coming back down :D
  • I'm probably going to have to skip this one weigh in because I just had surgery friday and it's telling me that I gained to 233 (no way in hell that happened since I have been living on soup for days!) if you want you can put down my gain but I know it isn't accurate. Hopefully next week my swelling and bloating will be…
  • I will try to do this challenge but might be hard since I just had surgery :/
  • I love water so this will be an easy challenge for me :D
  • I'm so excited to start this!! I want to look good for summer and I'm starting to train for my marathons this year so I'm pumped!! Good luck everyone :D
  • My starting weight is 229.2! I'm happy to have hit my New Years goal of 235 by a lot and excited to blow this challenge out of the water! Good luck everyone :D ps- how do you add pictures??
  • I think I need to cut out pop, even though I drink diet coke I know it isn't good for me. Here's to being pop free this year (except for rum and cokes! :D)
  • "Today is a new day with no mistakes in it"
  • My name is Danielle and my whole goal is to make it to Onderland by summer so I'm so excited to see this challenge!! I am currently 233 and I would love to change out that 2 and put a 1 in front of it! I started my journey and a high number of 282 and even though I have had great success I really want to get out of the…
  • "My life tomorrow will be the result of my attitudes and the choices I make today" -I tell myself this so I will take everything day by day and not get discouraged. After all how hard is it to follow something for one day ;D
  • I'm so excited too!!! I have marathons planned for the whole year and I wanted to complete every single one of them. I'm tired of being over weight and not feeling happy in my own skin. This is the year for us to get to our healthy goals and be who we want to be!!! Good luck to everyone, we can do this!
  • I'm so excited to start this new year off with a bang!!! I have already made it past my goal of 235 to start off the new year and I'm currently 233 :D. Also I am signing up for a mini-triathlon in march to kick start my training, if anyone wants some more support just add me! I can use all the help I can get!
  • I have a several main resolutions! I hope I can achieve all of them!! 1. Be able to complete a 10K or higher marathon this coming summer by actually running/jogging it 2. Be able to walk into stores like Victoria Secrets, Forever 21, Charlotte Ruse etc.. and have the clothes fit and look good! 3. To maintain a healthy…
  • Like my mother likes to say, If you can diet through the holidays you can diet anytime of the year :D
  • I think weight watchers allows you to eat back your points but I have never agreed with that system
  • I have always thought of my workout calories as bonus calories. You don't eat them away but use them for extra burn and a better scale number on the AM :)
  • Thanks!!! I really hope that I make them. Sometimes I look at them and think "not too bad" and other times I think "how the heck am I going to do this!!" Hopefully I can make this into a lifestyle so I can continue this beyond just losing the weight :) Thanks for the support!
  • Hey! I'm loving single life because it allows me to concentrate on me and me alone. It's the kindof selfish behavior I need right now because my relationship took soo much out of me. I'm thinking when I slim down I will consider dating again :D
  • Well, my name is Danielle and I have always struggled with my weight. Last year my mom gave me a big push into losing weight and since then I have lost about 40 lbs. I would have probably lost more but I went through an upheaval in my personal life involving breaking up with my fiancee, moving out of my apartment and…
  • Hello! I'm Danielle and I have gained the freshman 15+! I wish it was only 15 lbs because that would be a lot easier to get off. I want to lose this weight so I can graduate from college being ready to take on the world without my weight holding me back. Also it sucks being single and overweight, makes it even harder to…
    in Hello! Comment by dlmadeja November 2011
  • NSV #1 to actually run and complete a half marathon (13.1 miles!) NSV #2 To be able to look at recent pictures of myself and not say "I look so fat" NSV #3 To go into a store like Charlotte Russe and wear their pants! I have actually done a NSV yesterday and that was work out for 2 weeks straight!! Can't wait to knock out…
    in NSV's Comment by dlmadeja November 2011
  • I'm 22!! If anyone wants, they can add me!! We all need all the support we can get!