Months/years of constant calorie restriction can slow a metabolism. If it's really as slow as she says and the food measurement is accurate - I'd recommend eating at maintenance and slowly try to raise maintenance calories over the next many weeks or months. Try different strength or conditioning workouts. Track your waist…
chickpeas tomatoes cucumbers
I would say diet and nutrition are more important simply because no matter how much you exercise, you can screw it all up by eating improperly. Some research shows that exercise alone is nearly ineffective for weight loss. Now clearly I'm not…
Whatever recipe you decide, figure out how not to overcook the fish. It cooks quickly and goes from perfect to dry in no time. Over a hot grill I can cook small salmon filet portions in 4-5 minutes. This is one of my favorite recipes. I use a stick blender for the marinade/sauce.…
I can't barbell squat right now due to a shoulder injury. The best (still not as good as barbell squats) substitute I've found is the hack squat machine like the third one down on the link below: Use it not with your back against the pad, but turned around facing…
I agree with this except I'd skip the straps too. If you're using the straps as a crutch, you're not training your grip as much as you could be. If you've never used chalk, you'll be amazed at how much it helps. On my heavy deadlifts, I will flip one hand over so the bar doesn't want to roll...but that won't apply to the…
I'll second Starting Strength by Rippetoe.
Careful now, who knows what someone will say about you next.
Who are you? Jimmy Carter?
Take a ride to the big city and get fitted. Greeneville had a couple places: Fleet Feet Sports, Run In, Inc..
Your body will adapt to the stress being placed on it. Running stresses your legs, but at some point it's the same stress over and over. Your legs will reach some sort of equilibrium. Even with weights, you need to lift heavier and heavier weights to get bigger. Even your skin. Spend 15 minutes in the sun every day and…
I love the amount of opinions stated as fact and complete misinformation here. Please listen to ninerbuff. He's the one making sense.
I'm with you. Bump your calories up to 1400 + (exercise calories) for a month and see what happens. Per my calcs you should drop about 2 pounds in 4 weeks.
Here's what I get: Your BMR = 1830 With a sedentary desk job call your Harris Benedict multiplier 1.2 Daily maintenance = 1830 x 1.2 = ~2200 Cycling calories = 800 (is this every day?) So maintenance is now up to 3000. If you really want to give the losing the last bit of fat a shot, I'd try eating in the ~2500 to 2600 (or…
From your smart-assed link...
Everyone has the willpower, whether they believe it or not, to make the right decisions. The motivation is what's lacking. If it were a choice between $1000 or the donut, what would they do? Instant willpower.
I might be tempted to stay away from his favorites. If they don't turn out well he may get discouraged. Perhaps start of with a 30 Minute Meals cookbook and pick out a recipe or two together. They're usually simple and the time commitment is low.
I find that my usual healthy breakfast, a multivitamin and all the water I can drink usually makes me feel better. A good cup or two of coffee is necessary as well.
My wife got a gift card to PF Changs so we checked out the website to see what might be a reasonable choice for dinner. At first glance most of the items looked fairly reasonable being in the 600-700 calorie range per serving. Then we noticed that each entree had 2 or 3 servings and probably didn't include rice. It…
What's your current height & weight? What's your desired weight? What's your current non-workout activity level? Desk job? Walkaround all day? My gut tells me you should be eating more.
S&W 340PD
I find myself weighing stuff in lieu of using measuring cups. IMO it's more accurate and yields one less measuring cup to clean. If I want 2 servings of cottage cheese, I put my bowl on the scale, tare it, then scoop from the container into my bowl for 225 grams. Also, it's handy to work backwards. IE, put the jar of…
Lots and lots of green veggies. Broccoli and green beans are my favorites. I also eat a salad (romaine or spinach) with lunch and dinner as wells as put a couple cups of fresh spinach in my eggs for breakfast. I recommend veggies over fruit for fiber (especially insoluble fiber) because they have so few calories that…
Fat is not the devil. The body needs fat. The body even needs *gasp* SATURATED FAT. I log nearly 90 grams every day. And to the OP, I really hope your log is not accurate as your calories are way low.
I eat 4 whole eggs and one egg white every morning. I trash one egg yolk just to be considered a wasteful american.
Having a strong posterior chain (hams, glutes, extensors) has always helped my back pain. Deep squats and dead lifts made it disappear. Sometimes back pain can be cause by your abs being more developed than the opposing muscles in your back which pulls your posture out of whack. YMMV
If you replaced the sweet stuff in your diet for a peach you probably would have saved yourself 1000 calories in the last 3 days. Maybe you can slowly move away from things in boxes/packages (even if they're organic) for fresh fruit and veggies.
If I were in your shoes (and I've been there) I'd add copious amounts of green veggies. Things like green beans, spinach and broccoli which have some insoluble fiber that adds bulk to the stool. Plus they're so low calorie that they easily fit in to any diet. That is why I use them over grains and/or beans for insoluble…