My Unhealthy Family



  • Johnsweaver
    Johnsweaver Posts: 46 Member
    There are plenty of worse thing than brats out there. Fat and calories are not bad for you, especially if like the above poster said, you are trying to gain weight… eat up. If you are concerned about it, just alter the rest of your day to account for the “unhealthy” dinner.

    Are your parents over-weight/obese or have other symptoms of being unhealthy?

    Sorry, but I think this is a totally irresponsible post - 'Fat (and calories) are not bad for you' - are you joking? Fat eaten excessively is extremely bad for you and 22 gms of fat is excessive. If the guy needs to put on weight it can be done by eating healthy food. Maybe you would advocate eating McD for breakfast, dinner and tea .......

    Fat is not the devil. The body needs fat. The body even needs *gasp* SATURATED FAT. I log nearly 90 grams every day.

    And to the OP, I really hope your log is not accurate as your calories are way low.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Well if i wanted to gain weight, id want to at least do it on healthy foods..

    Yes, definitely!! You don't need to ruin your health while gaining or losing weight. I can't understand anyone trying to force someone to eat brats?!? That borders on abuse. It's one thing to say "this is dinner and I'm not fixing you anything else" but quite another to try and force someone to eat unhealthy food.
  • drakeshattuck
    drakeshattuck Posts: 50 Member
    Great advice, and, ha ha, once his family gets brown rice and veggies it would probably give them the incentive to leave him alone.
  • maxamilliond
    There are plenty of worse thing than brats out there. Fat and calories are not bad for you, especially if like the above poster said, you are trying to gain weight… eat up. If you are concerned about it, just alter the rest of your day to account for the “unhealthy” dinner.

    Are your parents over-weight/obese or have other symptoms of being unhealthy?

    Sorry, but I think this is a totally irresponsible post - 'Fat (and calories) are not bad for you' - are you joking? Fat eaten excessively is extremely bad for you and 22 gms of fat is excessive. If the guy needs to put on weight it can be done by eating healthy food. Maybe you would advocate eating McD for breakfast, dinner and tea .......

    Fat is not the devil. The body needs fat. The body even needs *gasp* SATURATED FAT. I log nearly 90 grams every day.

    And to the OP, I really hope your log is not accurate as your calories are way low.

    as a matter of fact my diary is very accurate.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    There are plenty of worse thing than brats out there.

    There are plenty of better foods than brats out there too. But the bigger point is that she doesn't want to eat it. What kind of person forces someone to eat a greasy, salty, processed hunk of junk food?
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    There are plenty of worse thing than brats out there. Fat and calories are not bad for you, especially if like the above poster said, you are trying to gain weight… eat up. If you are concerned about it, just alter the rest of your day to account for the “unhealthy” dinner.

    Are your parents over-weight/obese or have other symptoms of being unhealthy?

    Sorry, but I think this is a totally irresponsible post - 'Fat (and calories) are not bad for you' - are you joking? Fat eaten excessively is extremely bad for you and 22 gms of fat is excessive. If the guy needs to put on weight it can be done by eating healthy food. Maybe you would advocate eating McD for breakfast, dinner and tea .......

    Actually I eat roughly 80g of fat every day (30% of my daily caloric intake) and am losing weight and have excellent cholesterol and triglyceride levels, so maybe you should check your facts before you call me irresponsible. Saturated, mono fats, poly fats and cholesterol are not bad for you, trans fats, hydrogenation and oxidized cholesterol are what is bad for you. Are brats great? No, but it is one f’ing meal.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    There are plenty of worse thing than brats out there.

    There are plenty of better foods than brats out there too. But the bigger point is that she doesn't want to eat it. What kind of person forces someone to eat a greasy, salty, processed hunk of junk food?

    Well, unless we are all going to band together and stage a coup to overthrow the oppressive tyranny of this 15year old’s household, then that is really beyond our control.
  • jemko
    jemko Posts: 91 Member
    Sorry, but I think this is a totally irresponsible post - 'Fat (and calories) are not bad for you' - are you joking? Fat eaten excessively is extremely bad for you and 22 gms of fat is excessive. If the guy needs to put on weight it can be done by eating healthy food. Maybe you would advocate eating McD for breakfast, dinner and tea .......

    Well...fat and calories AREN'T bad for you, by definition. You need them to live. Like everything else, they're bad for you in EXCESS, but it's not irresponsible to say that you need to eat fat and calories. Eating one bratwurst, at 270 calories and 22g of fat isn't BAD for you. It's certainly not advisable to do it every day, no. But I don't think the above poster was making a blanket statement about it being healthy to eat them all of the time or in excess. In the context of this post, and by this particular poster, I don't think it was irresponsible to say that it's not horrible to eat fat/calories, especially if you took the time to view the posters diary, and take in to account the fact that they're 15 and still learning how to cope with food and nutrition in the proper ways in their life.

    Can you read? "Fat eaten excessively is extremely bad for you and 22 gms of fat is excessive"

    Wow. No need to be rude, I was simply disagreeing with you, which I continue to do. We simply have differing opinions, which is ok. The OP got the opinions they were seeking, so I think we're good here.