Sodium suggestions

What are some low sodium suggestions for breakfast & lunch? Just trying to keep my sodium intakes down as I think that is one of the biggest keys to losing/maintaining your goal weight! Thanks!


  • lilybug13
    lilybug13 Posts: 154
    Greek yogurt is not too bad. Also fresh fruits and vegetables obviously. Maybe grill your own chicken instead of buying slices?
  • hdroddy
    hdroddy Posts: 122
    Depends on what you want. Some cereals are good. Kashi makes several low sodium options. Kellogg's Mini Wheats are low sodium, as is Post Shredded Wheat. Oatmeal is low sodium. If you want a larger breakfast, there's turkey bacon/sausage or the low sodium bacon/sausage. Egg Beaters or a similar product have fewer grams of sodium than a regular egg.

    Hot Pockets and Lean Pockets are relatively low in sodium. Some Lean Cuisines are really low in sodium. Instead of ham on a sandwich, maybe try turkey. And of course salads are always a good option, but you have to watch the dressings because they tend to get up there in sodium. Vinegar adds a nice flavor, and it has very little sodium, so if you choose a salad maybe go with a nice red wine or balsamic vinagrette.

    Turkey breast, pork tenderloin, and chicken breast have the lowest have the lowest sodium content of the different kinds of meat, so if you want a full meal one of those would be better than a hamburger or a hot dog.

    You want to try to limit your sodium intake to about 1500 mg a day if you're over about 50, or have high blood pressure or diabetes or kidney disease. 2300 mg a day if you don't fall into those categories. Biggest thing that will help is just cutting out table salt, because just one teaspoon of salt contains over 2300 mg. Mrs. Dash has got some really nice alternatives to salt.
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    hdroddy, what Lean Pockets and Lean Cuisines are low in sodium?
  • Johnsweaver
    Johnsweaver Posts: 46 Member I think that is one of the biggest keys to losing/maintaining your goal weight!
