moefitt Member


  • "Todd" by Todd encompasses everything...rock, pop, blues, experimental, for every mood...great songs, no of a handful of "perfect" albums
  • Hi George and welcome...I;m Maurice and I'm a Personal Trainer living in New York is a cool good to meet so many people who share the same goal of managing their health...people from all over the world (like Germany)..great place to share ideas
    in Hi there Comment by moefitt October 2011
  • Wow. I feel empowered just by reading that statement. Thank U...U just made my day:bigsmile:
  • I pass by a fruit stand 2 a day and they always have great things...oranges, raspberries, strawberries, mangos, grapes...
  • Wow! You've come a long way...keep going ...
  • The policy for the trainers at my gym is to work out between "primetime" hours (12:00-5:00) so for me, it depends on the day...if i'm not weight training, I'll do cardio
  • Cardio exercises help burn fat but targeting the area with resistance exercises will build muscle, which will also burn fat in the area.
  • I start all of my workouts from the bottom up (squats, decline leg press, standing single leg press) I do full body every other day, always changing exercise variation and intensity.
  • Squats, walking up/down steps, sit-ups, hip raises, planks, crunches, reverse crunches, leg lifts, Jumping jacks, push-ups, dips (between banisters), scissor kicks, supermans, burpees, dive bombers, lunges w/ paint cans, bicep curls w/soup cans, walk/jog around the neighborhood. Sorry you had to give up the gym...doesn't…
  • It's a long process to lose weight. it's not going to happen overnight and it takes 6-8 weeks to initially see some physical results. you have to look at the long term picture...what will I gain by losing weight? Find your motivation.
  • You're on the right path for the long journey.we/re all here for a reason so let's help, learn from and support each other
  • As your muscle mass increases, your fat level decreases. More muscle will "burn" away fat. To increase muscle mass, you'll have to ramp up the intensity of your exercise. Cardio (walking, jogging, running, swimming) will help you burn calories, which in turn will help you lose fat. Resistance exercises will help increase…
  • Hi Cynthia, saw your post and wanted to respond. no one likes to diet and's too much work. people get discouraged when they feel they're not losing weight or don't see it but it's not going to happen's a long, drawn out process. you have to be patient but you also have to be your…