

  • Be as conservative and safe as possible, given your injury. You have lots of time and there's no reason to rush things and possibly end up with a more serious injury because you rushed. Running requires you to build up a lot of things. Tendons, muscles, ligaments, even bone strength. Don't rush it. Stretch well before and…
  • Did it this summer. It really depends on where you do it in terms of what's "tough" about it. Here in Wisconsin it was at a ski resort, so the hardest part was running the long, steep hills (both up and down). We trained for weeks running hills and it paid off huge. If you decide to do it, have fun. It will be one of the…
  • To me "healthy" is as much a state of mind as it is a state of body. What I mean is, if you're obsessing about your eating, your exercise... that's not good. If you can't skip a day at the gym without feeling shame, or guilt, or feeling lazy and worthless... that's an issue. You may have a finely tuned body, but you can't…
  • Yes. What Grglandr said. The only way to get rid of love handles is to LOSE WEIGHT! I did situps, crunches, all kinds of exercises and could never get the abs I wanted. Then when I joined MFP I lost 15 pounds and now my abs are as defined as I wanted all along. Stick to the basics. There are no shortcuts. Eat fewer…
  • After significant weight loss it's a fact that sometimes there is extra skin that won't rebound. The good news is that people can get very great results from surgery. It's really a personal call. Some people aren't comfortable with that option, other people want to get back the perfectly flat stomach they had before the…
  • I eat standard Quaker Oats (in the cardboard tube-looking container) almost every morning. Put 1/2 cup in a mug, pour in boiling water, stir for a bit and then eat. They're wonderful and super-fast.
  • This advice is probably going to upset a some people, so please just take it as one opinion. Unfortunately, realistically, there may not be much you can do without surgery. As you alluded, in many cases there is extra skin there and the muscles have usually been stretched out such that even if you work out a lot they'll…
  • Set your goals, then if you have extra calories from exercise USE THEM by eating something healthy. In the long run it's much better to feed your body properly after exercise, and for me it made me very motivated to work out. I went from working out about once a week to about five times a week when I joined here because I…
  • Just my opinion, but IMO you cannot lose weight and drink soda. It just doesn't work. It's not just the calories from soda (which are HEFTY), but the fact that high fructose corn syrup really messes up your metabolism. For your long-term health and the sake of losing weight, you really need to figure out something else…
  • Your weight is such a complex function. How much you've eaten recently, how hydrated (or not) you are, how much fat you've lost versus how much muscle you've gained, how much water you're retaining as a result of eating salt, carbohydrates, drinking alcohol, etc. It's best to weigh yourself on the same scale at the same…
  • I get numb toes from running. I think it's some kind of swelling in the foot from the activity that pushes on a nerve. With mine, I could push around on various spots and figured out that it was a nerve the runs under the big toe right in front of the ball of the foot. I could reproduce the numbness just by pushing on that…
  • Sorry, there are no "quick fixes" for losing weight and keeping it off. You need to learn what to eat, how much to eat, and how much to exercise. This site is ideal for that. Eating in a way that you'll never be able to maintain is a certain path to a "yo-yo" diet where you'll gain back whatever you lose. I hope you'll get…
  • Great post, LittleSpy. Saved me a lot of writing!
  • This advice is probably going to upset a lot of people, so please just take it as one opinion. Unfortunately, realistically, there may not be much you can do without surgery. As you alluded, in many cases there is extra skin there and the muscles have usually been stretched out such that even if you work out a lot they'll…
  • Hopefully you realize that there are tons of options to get a lunch that's less than that, but I don't think anyone can tell you how many calories to eat for lunch. Some people eat the majority of their calories for breakfast. I don't, but my system might not work for you. Some people eat really light dinners because it…
  • When all else fails, I go with portion control. If you get some mystery dish X, only eat half of it and take the rest to go. Then when you get home you can do more research, or reconstruct the dish from components as best you can. At that point decide whether or not to finish it. If it's 1200 calories... you only ate 600…