Problem not sure how to deal with

So I'm losing all this weight, wonderful, and I must say I am getting in to the best shape of my life. The only problem I am coming across that i am not liking is the little bit of overhang on my gut. obviously i am fresh into this whole process, but eventually will this go away? if someone tells me it is so, i will be alright, but I need to know. I dont want a perfect "Situation" style stomach but no overhang would be nice...


  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Is it skin or fat (skin I would have NO idea the answer to this)?

    What kind of work outs are you doing?

    It definitly can go away but you may need to switch up work outs at some point depending on what you are doing and possibly you need to just keep going!

    I definitly think with hard work there is a good chance...
  • cthomas1967
    After significant weight loss it's a fact that sometimes there is extra skin that won't rebound. The good news is that people can get very great results from surgery. It's really a personal call. Some people aren't comfortable with that option, other people want to get back the perfectly flat stomach they had before the weight gain. There's no right answer, so do a lot of research and soul-searching to find the option that's right for you.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    My best guess, and actual experience with friends, is at your age it will go away. Remember though, you gotta lose it ALL! :wink:

    I lost down to the last 15 and felt so good I stopped, so tummy is still 'hanging' around.
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Belly fat is often the last to go.(was for me) Stick with it, it'll go in the end
  • andrewford
    I struggle with this issue too. It seems that abdominal fat is the hardest to lose, and losing it pertains greatly to your diet. Remember, weight loss is about 75% dependant on what we do outside the gym.

    I will tell you the same thing I keep telling myself - stay the course and stick with it. Don't be discouraged.

    Good luck to you!
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    Belly fat is *usually* the last to go. The little bit that hangs there. I as well have the pooch. It IS going down, just slower than I wish. I am on my last few pounds, but be patient. It WILL go away. You don't want it to go fast anyway otherwise you'll have loose skin. You need time for your skin to rebound back.
  • renae5
    renae5 Posts: 393 Member
    On you, Babe, it'll probably go away (skin takes a little longer to rebound back, especially if you've lost a significant amount of weight in a shorter amount of time. Also, the other posts are right, on a lot of people the belly can be the last place to go. Now, on an old lady like me it is pretty obvious that it's not all going to disappear (3 babies, 3 C-sections, LOTS of stretch marks ~~ They're NOT shrinking but so much)... SO, give yourself all the Props and know you are doing a great job, you're young, you're getting healthy and if it took year for that belly to "stretch out" have a little patience to let it shrivel back up... :bigsmile:
  • SandraMay1982
    So. add a belly massage every night in to your regime *L*

    My sister has had 3 kids (her 4th is on the way), she's got a bit of a saggy bit of skin and a scar from 2 c-sections, she's been researching and told me that people had some great results from just massaging their saggy bits (I don't know how big the sag is that you're talking about) to get the blood circulation going. of course, before you look in to surgery they suggest you wait until you are AT goal weight, and you wait at least 6months after wards so your skin has time to settle itself.

    Being the size that I am, I am full aware that I]m going to have to save up for surgery myself, because my belly is the biggest part of me and it's been there for a long time, so the likelihood of it leaving me is slim ><

    Try rubbing some Vitamin E on to it. Anything is worth a try to try and deter the effects of saggy skin. hah
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    you're young and still have collagen/elastin in your skin so you have a much better shot at success. As far as afterwards tummy tucks (worst case scenario which shouldn't apply in your case), reputable surgeons advise the client to wait 1-2 years before performing anything since the skin does rebound. I'm not implying yours will take that long at all, just what a good bariatric friend told me since i am older.
  • sallyLunn
    sallyLunn Posts: 381
    It's just "the slide". It will firm up.
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Mine is getting smaller, but is still there, i want it to go away too!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    The Insanity workout will incinerate belly fat.