Help on Getting Back to C25K

So here's the story:

I got to week 5 of the program in mid August. I felt really strong that week and was super excited to keep going with the program. Unfortunately, I tore my calf muscle =[ So running, as well as jump rope were no longer part of my workout regime.

And now finally, FINALLY, it feels strong enough to start running again. I have been swimming this whole time and I can feel a huge difference in how my leg was feeling in the water 4 weeks ago to how it feels now. I'm also able to do jump rope again, but have been holding off on running.

So now I would like some your opinions. Should I completely restart the program ? Or continue off where I left off ? Or maybe try some sort of fast track through the weeks I already completed ?

Personally, I think it would be best to maybe do Week 1 to see how it goes, but I honestly don't want to do redo the other weeks =[ I was looking forward to the longer runs lol. What do you guys think would be the best plan of action ?


  • ginny1214
    ginny1214 Posts: 338
    Inthink you should start over :)
  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    pace yourself. I would definitely start with week one than if you feel good consider doing one run from each of the following weeks till you are caught up.
  • cthomas1967
    Be as conservative and safe as possible, given your injury. You have lots of time and there's no reason to rush things and possibly end up with a more serious injury because you rushed. Running requires you to build up a lot of things. Tendons, muscles, ligaments, even bone strength. Don't rush it. Stretch well before and after. Get regular massages if you can afford it. Don't skimp on your running shoes and get them from a store where they can help you choose the right shoe for your level and physiology.