how many calories equal a pound of weight gain????

I hear it's something like 3,500.... I had a few slip ups in May, end of May- went out to eat with the family... I am up 3 maybe 4 pounds over the last 2 weeks... I don't beleive I over ate by 3,500 plus to have gained 3lbs. Maybe that is why I am overweight because I don't or didn't realize how bad I truly did.... Any way I am thinking something else is going on... maybe I am at a plateau (sp). Since I started in late February I have managed to lose an average of 3 lbs per week... down 28 lbs and 23 to go. I exercise at least 3 days mostly 4 a week.... I need someone to point out reality to me... Where am I? how can I get back on track? What do I do??

not ready to give up!



  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    3500 calories does = 1 lb however, your weight can fluctuate in a day as much as 5 lbs or so. It can be water weight from high sodium levels, lots of drinking water or retention from TOTM. If you ate heavily one day, don't weigh yourself for a couple days to give it time to get out of your system. Try to weigh yourself only once a week in the nude usually first thing in the morning after going to the bathroom for the most accurate results.

    Best of luck Kristina!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Too much sodium can cause your body to retain 3 pounds of water really easily.

    That being said, yes, it is roughly 3500 calories = 1 pound of fat. However, if your metabolism isn't up to par, it is possible you could be hitting 3500 calories over what you're burning faster than you think. :wink: For instance, MFP calculates my maintenance calories at around 2100/day. But if my metabolism sucks, my actual maintenance calories may be 1600 per day. So I could eat 2100 calories a day thinking I should be maintaining, but really I've set myself up to gain a pound a week because my metabolism is slower than average. This is why it's possible to think you're creating 1000+ calorie deficits and not lose any weight -- your metabolism will adjust over time to try to compensate for lack of fuel. This can be the cause of a plateau (and has been for me several times along this journey). I've had to increase the amount I'm eating by a signficiant amount (about 500-600 calories most days, actually) over the last several months to get my metabolism back up to par.
  • cthomas1967
    Great post, LittleSpy. Saved me a lot of writing!
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    yes 3500 calories does equal 1 lb

    However when overeating as you state you have been doing.....we tend to eat junk....and junk food holds lots of sodium......which makes us retain water

    So that could be where your weight gain really is coming from

    drink tons of water to flush out your system over the next few days

    Also with only 23 lbs may have hit a plateau and may need to shake up your workout or your calorie intake a bit....just to give the body a shock so it doesnt know whats coming next


    My scale showed a 2lb weight gain the morning after memorial day.....because I ate and I ate and I regrets, it was well worth it......but I just kicked myself back in gear.....have been drinking tons of water....because in reality its not possible to put on 2lbs in one I know its all that sodium from the cakes and brownies....not to mention the heinekens and I said I ate......

    Just stay on track....kick your workout up a notch if possible...drink tons of you calories and stay on track
  • hamiltonba
    hamiltonba Posts: 474 Member
    Kristina, As you slim down, you have to exercise more to burn the same amount of calories you did at your previous weight. You may also not realize how many calories are in the foods you eat. That was the big reality check for me! Also, I had to measure. What I thought was a 1/2 cup and what is a 1/2 cup were too different things. As you lose weight and your body gets used to the new you - you will need to change your eating and exercises. Good luck.
  • StarryEyedGirl
    thanks everyone! I hope to keep on keeping on!!!