Stomach Tightening

Ok, so here's the deal. I've had 2 kids (both by cesarian, which plays a part in this as well), so I understand that my stomach will never be what it used to be. I've lost all the baby weight, and I'm toning up nicely everywhere but my stomach by doing the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, and the Beach Body exercises by Roberto Carvalho. Is there just no way to get your stomach to tighten? I know I have killer ab muscles under that skin! But you can't see them! Any ideas? Suggestions? Stuff that worked for you guys?


  • shanke
    shanke Posts: 1
    I have been running for 2.5 years straight, about 5 miles a day, 6 days a week, and my entire body is skinny except for my stomach, the fat just wont go away, I'm 37, and gave up doing situps a looooong time ago. I'm gonna have to say lipo!
  • cthomas1967
    cthomas1967 Posts: 16
    This advice is probably going to upset a lot of people, so please just take it as one opinion.

    Unfortunately, realistically, there may not be much you can do without surgery. As you alluded, in many cases there is extra skin there and the muscles have usually been stretched out such that even if you work out a lot they'll never tighten up totally. It really depends on the person. Some women can bounce back without trouble to their pre-baby form. Others simply cannot, even if they diet and work out. It will definitely help, but can't fix everything.

    The good news is that a tummy tuck and ab-tightening can be done and give amazing results. I know people who have done this and they are very happy with the results.

    Here's an example (taken at random):

    I'd suggest giving the gym and dieting a good hard try, but if you're doing the work and have lost the weight but are still dealing with extra skin and stretched muscles... surgery may be the only real option to get back your pre-baby tummy.

    Good luck!
  • tgrh8r25
    tgrh8r25 Posts: 10
    Don't think that hasn't crossed my mind!! :)
  • Alita2011
    Alita2011 Posts: 265 Member
    This morning on ABC news they showed a new procedure called freezing the fat. You can look into that. I did hear the requirements for the type of procedure would be very close to body weight and fat % the fat

    I am by no means promoting cosmetic surgery!
  • tgrh8r25
    tgrh8r25 Posts: 10
    I read about a laser treatment that's not as invasive as something like lip. and it smoothes out the skin on your stomach if your down to your goal weight, but the skin's not as tight as it used to be. However, it's still in the $1000 range, which is out of my reach! thanks for the link though. I'll go check it out!
  • KiriKiriKiri
    KiriKiriKiri Posts: 227 Member
    I am right there with ya ;) I run 4 miles almost every day and do pilates and my body fat percentage is very low, although I still have that "skin" from pregnancy. The pilates has helped tone underneath although I can't seem to tone on top and I personally find it unattractive as well :( I have spoken with my doctor as well as a personal trainer. Nothing! Unfortunately, only plastic surgery can remove it in my case. Surgery just doesn't seem worth it to me though, but that is a personal choice of course ;) You should be proud of the hard work you HAVE done and consider that an accomplishment!!!! Our bodies have done an amazing thing carrying babies and bringing life into this world, and then to be able to get back into a healthy lifestyle wonderful! Congrats! Don't let it get you down....
  • LilMissAngi
    LilMissAngi Posts: 127
    Someone posted something similar to this.

    after a c-section your tummy will never be the same, and based off the other forum, surgery was the only way.

    I haven't had a chance to do any research or anything.