Fenton Here!
I appreciate all these comments! Im trying something right now and if it doesnt work ill come back and work my way through your suggestions till I find one that works! =) Im not quitting!!!
Sorry, but the only way that wold probably happen is thru extremely unhealthy means or if you were a VERY heay person and had a lot to lose..they lose a LOT in he beginning. Im @200 and only lose 2-3lbs at BEST a week. : / I wish you the best of luck though. Im not for this but Ive heard the all juice cleanse works…
I dont think im at my weight loss body has ALWAYS done this to me.. just not for this long. All im looking for is help in ways ive never thought of before... I need to trick my body. Ive dieted all my life and its gotten smart!
Yea, im a girl who pays close attention to weight nowadays. I see the difference. Pics arent that great but where I can see it in it your face.
Thanks for all the advice, but I cant keep repeating myself. I have MS. I cant exercise more than I body wont let me. This is what my Dr. has me doing. Before this I wasnt doing anything (Weight wise..if/when I lose more it'll change hopefully) I dont have full mobility in my legs and have a horrible equilibrium. If…
Im not up to 45 min yet.. I have ms and when I TRIED to just go past 35 on my elliptical my body started screaming at me. Hopefully I can work my way up to it though, WHEN i lose more weight!
Absolutely! (I gained it all back of course from NOT walking) But, I walked all spring all spring/summer one year ..8 months. and I lost 60lb...Prolly a 45min walk at a brisk pace 5x's a week. I worked up to that though. I started slow. I walked through my sub. its got good terrain...cpl hills. I ate right too. It CAN be…
That a girl!
Do it, change it back! I lost 44lbs just before starting here. I started and lost 3 and now I've been on a month long plateau. Change it! LOL For ME, if I need that reminder that I lost all that weight, it HELPS keep me going. Not seeing it would be discouraging.
No problem! It is something thats not always the easiest to talk about, I know! Good luck and I hope one of my suggestions work for you!! For me theyve all been trial and error. If you buy the stool softener, get a better brand as opposed to a cheaper kind. In my experience (rolling eyes) it does make a difference.
These are things you could try: Fiber pills, Flax oil/Seeds, stool softeners (that would be my #1 suggestion besides eating foods rich in fiber) Do be careful of eating too much fiber as it will make your stool very hard. Metamucil (spelling?) If you need more help message me, I have ms and have trouble with this myself.
I was doing that up to 120oz.. peeing ALLLLL the freaking time..didnt see ANY changes..weight, skin..I mean nothing. SO I went back to 80-100oz..much more comfortable. I said what the just feels better!
As far as exercising... work out at home! Do you have a Wii? Wii Fit, exercise tapes.. at the very least look up floor exercises you can do. You can always cut back on what youre eating with your husband and exercise at home and that should show you some changes.
Any suggestions of a good weight loss supplement to cleanse my body then, to get my weight loss back on track? b/c I have switched it all up, Im eating enough 1,600 calories..plenty of protein 150g and good carbs, low fat, etc, etc.. I switch up my exercise so my body doesnt get used to one kind..I've done it. HELP!
Keep in mind .2 is a TINY fraction of an amount. Thats not necessarily a gain....its more than likely just water. If youre doing everything right which it sounds like you are I wouldn't worry.
It stinks but I believe it... I lost just about 50lbs and ive only gone down 1 size..i can still wear the bigger ones and the next size down is WAY too small... sizes are BS!
I've seen em and wanted to try but haven't. How do they taste?? Real coconut or what? =) Im very curious as I LOVE coconut!
hey you stc lol You know all about MY plateau!
Imagine being me.... I'm where you are EXCEPT Im still on track..exaughsting every positive option.... exercising.. still eating healthy.. Lost 50...still have that to go..havent lost in over a month. THATS frustration! Good luck though, I REALLY do understand.
You just HAVE to make yourself consciously aware of every single thing you put in your body. Its truly shocking how many calories are in things we dont even think about!!!! Once you start thinking about it, its kinda hard to stop unless you 'choose' to live with shall we say, blinders, on lol Ah, the good ole days when we…
Whats killing me is that its not like im close to my goal! I still weigh 214!!! Ive got a ways to go, so if my body is 'comfy' here, its got another thing coming!!!!
Thank you! I've been eating my exercise calories all along.... <sigh> lol
I also tried upping that when the weight loss started failing..upping my calories did no good.
Oh, yes..of course I am! When I stopped losing I tried low carb for success so now im going back to low calorie and I want some help which is why i'm asking questions. I was always staying between 1,200-1,600
Thank you Hollie!
Okay, thanks corina! I'll try a protein shake!
I hardly ever on here is the problem guys...Im busy with my 2yr old and my ms, cooking for the family, working out... its hard enough to keep all that under wraps and try to take care of myself.. but im trying to at least come on here and keep tabs.. be accountable but I dont have time to do the diary, sorry.. I…
Yes, I do strength training!