hallzz Member


  • Hi all, I've just joined this group and have ordered but not yet received my 21 day fix. I've been using shakeology for the last month. I've lost 4 pounds with shakeology and giving up sweets for lent. I'm really hoping this works for me!
    in 21 Day Fix? Comment by hallzz April 2015
  • Wow good stuff. I'm back after a long break. Still need to work on finances and weight. I just started back on MFP last week.
  • I'm so happy to see that there are new members. I am failing miserably at my Dave Ramsey golas - just surviving at the moment. We only have one income and are working on getting my other half a source of income! As soon as that happens I think that we should be able to pick away at the goals again. Sadly I am back to baby…
  • I keep telling myself that I will get back to regular workouts too....so far no luck with that though. We are working so hard on the propery that we run out of steam before we run!
  • It was a great weekend- my weight is still about 168-167.... We have been doing a lot of work on the gardens and yard which is hard and make s me stronger but I don't lose weight. I need to get back to running! No produce for us yet either but everythng is growing nicely! I too would be happy with gaining 3 pounds after…
  • Okay had a good week last week - lots of exercise and healthy food. We did go out to eat a bunch over the weekend but I was on vaacation so I was good with that. We spent three days putting in a new vegetable garden. It seems like every year we don't like what we did the previous year and we start over every time. This…
  • Awesome! I have really fallen of fof both wagons - weighed in this morning at 167 - yuk. I am on serious calroie reduction now and watching my coins!
  • Thanks - you too! Budget is done and the first half of the month is tough but the second half looks a little bit better. I might be able to throw a little bit extra at my debt instead of just holding steady. At least I have already paid the first half bills - it always feels good to get that overwith! I went for a jog last…
  • UGH - I weighed in this morning - 166:explode: No one to blame but myself. I was 160 pounds about two weeks ago. My MFP is about to pick up with a vengence. I was so close to getting into the 150's and I let myself go.... As for DR - ugh work to be dnoe there too. I'm embarassed to admit that I had to borrow from my…
  • Welcome Joe! Okay so I fell off of both wagons in the end of April :blushing: but I will get it back! MFP goal of the week: - get back on the workout track! Get in at least 3 cardio workouts with abs too! DR goal: Ok today is BF birthday and he last his dad last May so I am his family and want to make sure it is a special…
  • UGH....sorry to hear about the dog. I hope that the follow up visit goes well. I know that our dog is more important to us than anything else in the world. He was also one of my unexpected bills but he is a priority! I think tha tyour goals are doable and are realistic. Nothing is more important than setting goals that are…
  • Nice work on the garden, I bet that you are sore! We ended up having a really nice weekend althought very active and busy. We went out to dinner on Saturday night and then went to a concert, a friend treated so it was definitly in the budget :laugh: I didn't weigh in all weekend or this morning so I'm not sure what my…
  • Oh that stinks.... I do love Taco Bell though :love: I made a great dinner tonight for BF, steak with sauteed mushrooms (well he did the steak), baked potato, salad, with home made pineapple upside down cake. Dinner was delicious, then one of his friends called - a real yahoo and now he is out. I was hoping for a romantic…
  • No exercise and no restaurants so far.... Well, wait I think i did workout on Monday. That's right I had a good 30 minute run on Monday. Nothing since then. It got kind of raw out and I don't want to run outside. Then tonight we were going to go to the Y but my BF had plans with a friend and we ran out of time. The good…
  • I've pretty much given up soda. I love Coke and will have one every once in awhile but mostly I have switched to water or Arnold Palmers! Good luck this week you can do it! And planting the garden totally counts! It is so much work. We have tons of seedlings inside and just removed a huge raised bed garden and are going to…
  • Easter was really nice and I didn't eat too much! I am not happy with my scale right now (it's all the scales fault!). I weighed in at 160.8 on Friday and was hoping to be 159 today when I weigh in for a group - nope 163.4....:grumble: I did start running a lot and I know from the past that sometimes makes my weight go up…
  • I was just in Norristown today visiting a friends tree nursery. Had a great workout yesterday and did hours of yard work today. No restaurants so far this week! We are going to a friends family for Easter tomorrow. Do you have any big plans this weekend?
  • PS - Don't sweat the one pound - it could be just too much dinner! I also like to weigh myself everyday. I did that routinely when i was thin, it really helped me to keep on track. i wouldn't panic if my weight fluctuated within a 5 pound range but would buckle down when it went beyond that. I put this weight on after I…
  • Wow, I just watched the video. It is truly moving, I'd love to be able to help others like that! Now that it is the end of the day I am tired and am going to bail on my workout. I haven't slept well for the last two nights, that plus the run yesterday and I am just beat. I will have to make up for it tomorrow. We tend to…
  • Had a great run last night and lost .2 pounds on my ticker this morning (really 2.2 pounds - I don't always update my weight). I haven't spent a dime on restaurants all week so far! Hoping to keep that update but the weekends get tough as my boyfriend works from home and I don't blame him for wanting to get out of the…
  • I made it to the gym Monday night for a decent work out. I feel pretty good about that one - going again tonight. I haven't hit my 1200 calorie goal yet this week but have been relatively close which works for me. Went to a hockey game last night for free too - feel good about that one too :-) How is your week going so…
  • Yes, I get eye rolls at home when I say things like "I have to track my calories on MFP or I have to track our spend in the budget tool, or Dave Ramsey says..." He is supportive overall but just gets tired of hearing about it. He doesn't like that I am hyper focused on the budget. He is more of a wai and see as he is…
  • You're funny! I like the advice of if you are running you aren't eating or spending money :flowerforyou: I am working hard on both but my weight loss goals are much more attainable and I have been working on them for a lot longer! The Total Money Makeover budget has you allocate for every individual payment and debt. You…
  • I find that running works the best for me but the most I have ever lost is about 5 pounds in a month. I'm 5'10" had a starting weight of 174. Just keep at it and take measurements too. That has been a big help for me as some months i have gained weight but lost inches. It truly is all about doing this in a healthy and…
  • Im off to a bad start on my goals for both MFP and TMMO. Need to motivate to get a workout in, and some unexpected bills! This is my first full month on TMMO i still have a lot to learn!
  • Awesome, welcome aboard. I have a date for my BS2 completion too but I hate to think about it! It is January 2015 - but I think that I can have it done by March 2014 if not sooner!:blushing:
  • Join a group! I find that the support of others on the site really helps me when my numbers aren't moving in the right direction. I also take measurements once a month or so. I find that even if the scale doesn't always change I will sometimes see a change in my measurements.
  • I'd like to join too! What info do we need to provide to get started? Looking forward to group support and challenges.