CCGwald Member


  • My biggest advice is HAVE FUN !!!!. You only get to have your FIRST TIME once, enjoy every aspect of the new experience. In my opinion the last thing to worry about is that your pace is too slow. With all the adrenaline pumping TOO SLOW will be almost IMPOSSIBLE, especially early on in your first. Enjoy every stride and…
  • Bathing Suit weather??? It was 45F in Michigan this morning. Maybe I need to move??
  • Season w/ Garlic Powder, Paprika and Cumin. Brown in a skillet Add a can of diced tomatoes, a small diced onion and a couple of stalks of chopped celery. Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer for ~20 minutes In the last few minutes add a chopped Bell Pepper (I prefer them still a little crispy) Serve over steamed rice.
  • I battled sciatica for years as a result of degenerative disc disease. Chiropractors, surgical consultations, PT and meds. I found what worked best for me was developing and maintaining a strong core. It was not a “magic pill” nor did it happen overnight. Though gradually (over ~3 months) the intensity and frequency of the…
  • I like raisins, dried cranberries, almonds and cinnamon.
    in oatmeal Comment by CCGwald May 2015
  • I am runing my first full at the Detroit Free Press (Oct 21) as well!
  • test
  • Like others I create a Spreadsheet on Excel, then upload in onto my Google Drive. (On the black bar at the top of the Google Home Page. under Drive or under More) Google Drive will convert an Excel file to their Spreadsheet Format. (You can just create it with their Spreadsheet Software, but for me it is easier to…
  • Hi, I am Craig. After 3 Halfs in the past nine months, planning on the my first Full Marathon in October. The Detroit Free Press on the 10/21/12. Yikes that is less than five month away!
  • Goal weight on Oct. 31st 204 10/01: 209 10/07: 207 10/14: 205 10/21: 203 - just have hold now! (for this month) or build a cushion for Thanksgiving!!!! 10/28: 10/31: Additonal goal log 175 miles of running for the month! running week ending / total 10/07 36.7 / 36.7 10/14 36.1 / 72.8 10/21 35.1 / 107.9 - a little behind…
  • Goal weight on Oct. 31st 204 10/01: 209 10/07: 207 10/14: 205 10/21: 10/28: 10/31: Additonal goal log 175 miles of running for the month! running week ending / total 10/07 36.7 / 36.7 10/14 36.1 / 72.8 10/21 10/28 10/31 Keep at it Everybody!!! Half Way Home !!!
  • Goal weight on Oct. 31st 204 10/01: 209 10/07: 207 10/14: 10/21: 10/28: 10/31: Additonal goal log 175 miles of running for th month! running week ending / total 10/07 36.7 / 36.7 10/14 10/21 10/28 10/31 Keep at it Everybody!!!
  • Weighing in today, tomorrow is going to be hectic. Goal weight on Oct. 31st 204 10/01: 209 10/07: 10/14: 10/21: 10/28: 10/31: Additonal goal log 175 miles of running for th month! running week ending / total 10/07 - /- 10/14 10/21 10/28 10/31 Good Luck Everybody!!!
  • Name/ real name: CCGwald/ Craig G Goal weight on Sept. 30th 208 09/01: 214 09/05: 213 09/12: 212 09/19: 211 09/26: 210 09/30: 209 Additonal goal log 175 miles of running month! running week ending / total 09/05 37.9/37.9 09/12 35.3/73.2 09/19 20.9/94.1 09/26 31.7/125.8 09/30 10.3/136.1 Not quite on either goal, but I'll…
  • Name/ real name: CCGwald/ Craig G Goal weight on Sept. 30th 208 09/01: 214 09/05: 213 09/12: 212 09/19: 211 09/26: 210 09/30: Additonal goal log 175 miles of running month! running week ending / total 09/05 37.9/37.9 09/12 35.3/73.2 09/19 20.9/94.1 09/26 31.7/125.8 09/30
  • Name/ real name: CCGwald/ Craig G Goal weight on Sept. 30th 208 09/01: 214 09/05: 213 09/12: 212 09/19: 211 09/26: 09/30: Additonal goal log 175 miles of running month! running week ending / total 09/05 37.9/37.9 09/12 35.3/73.2 09/19 20.9/94.1 09/26 09/30
  • Name/ real name: CCGwald/ Craig G Goal weight on Sept. 30th 208 09/01: 214 09/05: 213 09/12: 212 09/19: 09/26: 09/30: Additonal goal log 175 miles of running month! running week ending / total 09/05 37.9/37.9 09/12 35.3/73.2 09/19 09/26 09/30
  • I try to do three days a week of each. So I have a contingency plan if something comes up. Also just to mix it up a bit. In the morning it is typically alone, which I generally prefer. While in the evening it is usually with others, which provides some extra motivation. Find whatever works for you, but don’t be afraid to…
  • Name/ real name: CCGwald/ Craig G Goal weight on Sept. 30th 208 09/01: 214 09/05: 213 09/12: 09/19: 09/26: 09/30: Additonal goal log 175 miles of running month! running week ending / total 09/05 37.9/37.9 09/12 09/19 09/26 09/30
  • Name/ real name: CCGwald/ Craig G Goal weight on Sept. 30th 208 09/01: 214 09/05: 09/12: 09/19: 09/26: 09/30: Additonal goal log 175 miles of running month! running week ending / total 09/07 09/14 09/21 09/28 09/30 Good Luck Everyone!
  • SW - 224 lbs (Monday August 1) Week 1 - 222 lbs (Monday August 8) Week 2 - 219 lbs (Monday August 15) Week 3 - 216 lbs (Monday August 22) Week 4 - 215lbs (Monday August 29) Total lost - xx lbs (Thursday September 1) Oh so close!!!
  • SW - 224 lbs (Monday August 1) Week 1 - 222 lbs (Monday August 8) Week 2 - 219 lbs (Monday August 15) Week 3 - 216 lbs (Monday August 22) Week 4 - xxx lbs (Monday August 29) Total lost - xx lbs (Thursday September 1) Keep at it eveyone!!!
  • This being your first, the only goal should be: “To Finish”. If you feel the training is too intense, it probably is. If you hurt yourself over-training you will not “Finish” because you probably won’t start. Don’t fret over times, no matter in what time you “Finish” it will be a Personal Best. Worry about your speed in…
  • Half way thru the month .....Keep at it everybody ! SW - 224 lbs (Monday August 1) Week 1 - 222 lbs (Monday August 8) Week 2 - 219 lbs (Monday August 15) Week 3 - xxx lbs (Monday August 22) Week 4 - xxx lbs (Monday August 29) Total lost - xx lbs (Thursday September 1)
  • Go to a professional ( Running Store) especially the first time. Get fitted for the shoes that fit your needs, it is different for everybody. It is worth thef few extra dollars. ( cheaper than throwing a pair out ) Also don't forget some micro -fiber running socks if you have any issues with blistering; cotton will just…
  • Training for A Half myself, 25-30 miles a week. Also finding losing pounds difficult. I feel better, definately toning and both my speed and endurance are inching up. So I v'e decided to quit obessing about the weight, at least for now! Keep at it!
  • Keep at it everybody ! SW - 224 lbs (Monday August 1) Week 1 - 222 lbs (Monday August 8) Week 2 - xxx lbs (Monday August 15) Week 3 - xxx lbs (Monday August 22) Week 4 - xxx lbs (Monday August 29) Total lost - xx lbs (Thursday September 1)