Marathon training

This really sucks.....I have found that training for a race and trying to lose weight just doesnt go hand in hand. Im training for the Chicago Marathon and im running an average of 40-45 miles a week. I was able to lose 8 pounds back in June when my mileage wasnt as high, but not that ive increased my mileage, Ive just plateued.

Its really hard right before a long run (20 miles). I normally carb up the day before so my calories are rather high. During the week, my workouts have been either strength training or more running (speedwork, tempos, easy). My trainers want me to keep my protein at 130-140 grams per day so i dont lose muscle mass from my workouts, but keep my calories at 1400. I tried increasing it to 1500, but its still the change.

UGGHH, my head is just swimming from all of this.

I feel fine, lots of energy to do my workouts and i dont feel wore out, except after a long run of course.

So should i just maintain my current weight and then work on my weight loss after Chicago? Or is there a way to go past this plateau?


  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    When I trained for a 1/2 my nutritionist told me that I wouldn't be able to make losing weight my focus because I had to fuel my body, so I would say try to maintain and whatever good comes......comes. You will still be shaping up and I'm sure a little weightloss will come with it but I don't think you will be able to drop a lot while training. Good Luck
  • beachbum0819
    what is Tempo running?
  • memobe
    memobe Posts: 126 Member
    I found the same thing when I was training for a half-marathon. I remember one long run, I had absolutely no energy in my legs, it was the worst run of my life, and that week I had really reduced my calorie intake. So, I decided to wait until after to really get myself going again.
    Good for you doing a full marathon, what an accomplishment!
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    dont even care about your weight at this point. honestly, i made that mistake when i wanted to train for my half marathon. i ran AND restricted my calories, and it only lead me into a nightmare of an eating disorder but i am getting a lot better (thanks to mfp and my doctor!). honestly, you want what is healthy for your body and you need to have a REALLY strong and nutritious one in order to run an entire marathon and not feel depleted. best of luck, hope you make the right choice!
  • lovejoydavid
    lovejoydavid Posts: 395 Member
    I lost around 20 pounds while training for my half, however, most of that was in the earliest part of training, and I tapered losses off as I got closer to the race. I was also meticulous in fueling during and after the run. I will say that I ran best on my longer runs when I overate the night before!! I, personally, think you can lose weight while training, but you will have to be very careful to keep it to less than a single pound a week, and not get carried away thinking you are going to PR (you might, but I would not count on it). I would be pretty careful about your crosstraining as well, as you would not want to waste exercise calories on anything but what is pertinent to the run (maybe core training, some walking, but almost all running).
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    Well, in a bad way this makes me feel good hearing these things.

    I trained and ran a 1/2 marathon back in May, and part of the reason was to lose weight. I plateued for most of the time and was discouraged eventhough I ran the 1/2 successfully.

    I later suspected that it was because my body was in such need of fuel during the training that it wouldn't surrender, glad to hear that I'm not the only one.
  • aj_rock
    aj_rock Posts: 390 Member
    Most marathon runners definitely don't do a whole lot of strength training. You actually want less LBM because you want to carry around as little weight as possible.

    That being said, training for an event and restricting calories should not go hand in hand. Reduced calories decreases your body's abilities to recover from your workouts.
  • CCGwald
    CCGwald Posts: 35 Member
    Training for A Half myself, 25-30 miles a week. Also finding losing pounds difficult. I feel better, definately toning and both my speed and endurance are inching up. So I v'e decided to quit obessing about the weight, at least for now!

    Keep at it!
  • froggy97
    froggy97 Posts: 1 Member
    I am also training for chicago, and trying to lose more weight at the same tiime. It's not working to well either. Any weight. I do lose during the week i seem to gain back over the weekend. Usually my fault though from overeating on saturday. Lol. Good luck in chicago, and have fun
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    That must be such a double edged sword. My goal is to run a full marathon so this is really interesting. You have the rest of your life to lose weight..this will be such an accomplishment. Just think, you can be a bad *kitten* and have a 26.2 sticker on your car. :-)))
  • maemiller
    maemiller Posts: 439 Member
    what is Tempo running?

    Tempo running is doing a run at a steady pace,

    Thanks guys! Ive been racking my brains out for over a month! I too tried like a lot of you reducing my calories and it only caused me pain when I had to do my longer runs. And yes it seems that i do better when i do increase my carbs and calories for the week.

    With that im not gonna be so anal about weight loss right now and just wait until everything is over in October and try it again