

  • one of our local bars can't make ANYTHING unless the name is self explanatory. jack & coke, gin & tonic, etc.
  • cheeseburger with no cheese - there really is such a thing at mcdonalds. if you want a double hamburger, the only way to order it is by asking for a double cheeseburger, hold the cheese. if you ask for a double hamburger, they give you a blank stare.
  • i was gearing my answer toward "hubby" but i suppose i should have added a #3: foul language is not OK in public. if you want to call someone the n word, keep it to a private setting (even if the recipient is OK with it). i have three young kids, and i don't want them learning any foul or LEGITIMATELY derogatory terms.…
  • all that matters is two things: 1) the intent, and 2) whether or not the person it is directed to is OK with it. my dad is michael, but don't call him mike. it's not his name, and it offends him even if the name mike isn't offensive on a stand alone basis. it doesn't matter what my wife and i call each other, as long as WE…
  • i'd start now. keep your calorie intake close to what it is, but eat more protien - eggs, cottage cheese, lean meat, etc. lift HARD. add weight and or reps to your excercises as often as possible. when you hit 9 or 10 reps, add weight so that you can only do 5 or 6 reps. the next week push for one or two more reps, etc...
  • i eat a banana every day. with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter. and it isn't organic peanut butter. it is skippy. i eat a huge bowl of granola cereal (4 servings) with milk. and i eat 4 eggs, a sandwich (with only half-whole grain bread and processed meat, THE HORROR!). whatever the hell i want for dinner and dessert, and a…
  • i've tried the gym at home, and didn't like it. i had all the equipment i could ever need, but i found that once i got home it was difficult to get motivated to workout. plus, for the cost of a well equipped home gym, you can pay for many years worth of a gym membership.
  • depending on your credit rating, it might make sense to finance at least some of the purchase, even if you can afford to pay the full purchase price in cash. i know mortgage rates are currently insanely low, but i am not sure about auto rates. if you can get a cheap rate, you're probably better off financing it and keeping…
  • abs are hot as long as you don't have an outie belly button. i once saw a girl at my gym with veiny 6 pack abs and an outie...yuck...
  • instead of pushups, try bench press. it's the exact same motion, but face up instead of face down. you can start with a light weight and work your way up. instead of situps, try crunches, leg lifts or lying flat on you back with your legs in the air and lifting your butt off the bench (not sure what they are called...)
  • keep going. people that say you are too skinny are either a) jealous or b) used to seeing you 100+lbs heavier. at your current weight, you are NOT too skinny. and GOOD JOB!!!
  • i wouldn't shoot for 2lbs a week. just eat clean, lift heavy and hammer when doing cardio and the results will come. and i agree that 1,200 calories is waaayyy too low for a guy, unless you are very small - like 120lbs or less. i'm eating about 3,500 calories a day and only maintaining my weight at about 165lbs.
  • i'd stay away from protein powders and bars unless you absolutely need them. considering that you can get 30g of protein from a cup of cottage cheese, about 25g from a small steak, 25 from a cup of granola cereal with nonfat milk - even a slice of costco pizza has more than 30 grams, there is no need to supplement with…
  • cottage cheese and eggs. not super portable, but TONS of really good protein.
  • slot cars building random electrical gadgets cooking, especially BBQ pizza, deep fried oreos & twinkies and funnel cakes
  • this is why friends and family don't mix with business. you need to treat a business like a business 100% of the time. never front more money than you can stand to lose, because eventually someone WILL take advantage of you. half upfront and half when the cake is delivered is a good approach. you can justify the first half…
  • my wife is 5"6 and 115 lbs. she definitely doesn't have, and definitely doesn't look like she has an eating disorder.
  • "with the intent to commit any theft or felony" - maybe it is the "felony" part that might occur in an outhouse, not the theft...
  • there are homes that back to the trail that i ride my bike on. some of them have fruit trees overhanging the fences, and i will occasionally see people picking the fruit. usually they just take one or two, but some times there will be people with plastic grocery bags chock full of apples, oranges, etc. maybe it's not…
  • i work out during lunch, but i ride my bike to work every morning. i get everything loaded into my bike panniers the night before. when i wake up, i make a cup of coffee and check the news. then take a quick shower and get on the bike. when i get to work, i eat breakfast. same goes for my lunchtime workout - i eat my lunch…
  • i specifically said in my original post that the word failure was harsh... you say "it may not be that persons goal" but in reality it is that persons goal... a person's MFP calorie goal is a guideline to get where they want their weight to be based on the info that they put into MFP. if the goal is wrong, then the…
  • i don't disagree with what you are saying. i have been averaging about 1,100 calories UNDER my goal every day (mfp says my goal is over 4,500 cals/day - i am trying to gain 10 lbs...), but i have been maintaining my current weight of about 165 lbs. so it is pretty accurate in my case. all i was trying to say in the above…
  • if it is important to you, then discuss it with him. i think that it is a good sign that he says "i love you" back after you say it to him. and i think it is a great sign that he treats you well and his actions SHOW you that he loves you. reminds me of that 80's power ballad "more than words."
  • "under your goal" typically means that you didn't make your goal. i don't view it as glorifying undereating - it is quite the opposite: you DID NOT make your goal. you failed. if you were under your goal for production at work, that's a failure. under your goal for the amount of weight you lift at the gym: failure. under…
  • you don't need a treadmill, but the wii isn't the perfect solution either. walk or run outside. when the weather gets nasty, maybe try snowshoeing or something. strength training is important too. it might be a good idea to invest in a cheap set of adjustable weights. start with a barbell and two dumbells and a handful of…
  • a chin up engages your biceps a lot more than a pullup does. if you look at the range of motion of your arm during the excercise, it is basically contracting similarly to a curling motion. a couple ways to add reps are by having someone hold your feet and spot you, or by kipping (swinging your hips to gain momentum). but i…
  • you are probably doing them too often and your arms are compensating because your back muscles haven't recovered from the last workout. try working out your back only once a week. start with pull-ups so that you can track progress in that exercise. then do some other back excercises - bent over rows, upright rows, pull…
  • edamame, toro, maguro and amaebi.... with the fried heads. yum!
  • you should record something, as you definitely burned calories. if you were moving for the entire two hours and you went 15.6 miles, then your average speed is only 7.8 mph... on hills you are definitely burning more than the flats, but assuming you finished the ride in the same spot where you started, every uphill will…
  • we have three boys: 2, 4 and 5 years old. they occasionally go to mcdonalds, in-n-out or burgerking. they occasionally play video games too. but they are healthy - they typically eat home cooked meals, play a lot of sports, ride bikes, etc. i eat fast food more than they do, and i am perfectly healthy. good cholesterol…
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