What's wrong with people?



  • MrsSorenson
    MrsSorenson Posts: 450 Member
    Wow that is totally rude. I hope you have better luck next time! Stick to your guns!
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Tell him...

    "I Yeah, but I have overhead* to cover. ...
    need $25 to cover my overhead and break even PLUS I had to turn down another job to get this too you on time. So I've lost $15 bucks profit from the cake I turned down $15 profit from your cake and I'm in the hole another $15 for my overhead costs that I haven't recoup from your cake. So this "favor" I did you cost me $45."

    If I baked the cake but it wasn't ready until the next day would you have thought it was fair for me to charge you full price? But you expect me to cover your costs for something that you had agreed to? That doesn't seem fair to me"

    (*Remember that overhead includes not only the ingredients, but electricity that you used for baking, a portion of your housing costs for storage space that you use for keeping supplies on hand, and electricity used for the fridge to make sure those supplies are fresh AND YOUR TIME, because if your company grows and you need to hire help THEIR TIME becomes part of your overhead.)

    I don't know what your real costs are but you can figure them out. I'm sure their must me a calculator for this that you can google to find out.
  • Quiltmania
    Why is it when "friends" find out your have a particular skill they think you should give it away? I've had a friend ask me to make a quilt for her daughter and offered me a whopping $25! Excuse me, $25 wouldn't even buy the fabric. I guess I'd be a squeaky wheel about it -- I'd ask him for the money every payday until he got so sick of my asking that he'd pay up.
  • DebsFernandez
    I have decided that from now on, half down is due at the time the order is placed, the other half at the time of pick up. If they don't have the other half when they pick the cake up, they don't get to take the cake with them.

    Yup. My boyfriend was doing something similar in baked goods. People (and by people, family and friends) would place orders and then say if they can pay him later. I kinda of told him that he is to take payment otherwise how is he to buy ingredients? We too are living paycheck to paycheck and it sucks. Then to get stiffed like that in the end of you working so hard to make something beautiful or whatever custom thing they got! No, that's just not right. And these slow times don't help either. I'm really sorry that that happened to you.

    And I really wish you good luck on it. I hope your business turns into something everyone knows :)
  • boopiejones
    this is why friends and family don't mix with business. you need to treat a business like a business 100% of the time. never front more money than you can stand to lose, because eventually someone WILL take advantage of you.

    half upfront and half when the cake is delivered is a good approach. you can justify the first half upfront because you need to buy supplies... and worst case you only get 50% and get to keep the cake! or better yet, slam it on the ground right at their feet. bet they'll never try to screw someone like that again...
  • Learnin2LuvMe
    Learnin2LuvMe Posts: 465 Member
    Thats not cool..He should see that you are trying to run a buisness and support that. My brother does this with me,he will ask me to borrow money and 90% of the time he will not pay me back.Then when the time comes to pay me,he won't txt me for wks. Ill end up inviting him somewhere n he will say hes broke,n ill tell him its ok,dont worry.But now I don't let him borrow nething.Ive learned my lesson.If he asks again,i just am honest with him,n tell him that I can't.Of course hes my brother and I feel bad,but not to be taken advantage of. So I hope everything turns out ok with you and your friend:)
  • christalouigi
    If he thought you were kidding about the price, he should have laughed and said, "Nice one" or something at the time of the negotiation, not agreed to an actual payment plan. People don't realize how much time is involved in making a cake and how expensive supplies can be. I took cake decorating classes last year and then I totally got why cakes, especially ones for weddings or others that look really fancy, cost so much. It is extremely time consuming. $50 is a good price for a nice, skillfully decorated cake, friend or no friend. It is particularly hard making cakes for friends and giving them a price for your time and product. I made two nice cakes for a friend who was having a joint birthday party for her two kids, and I probably could have charged like $100 for both of them together, but I think she gave me $35 and a few of her own character cake pans because I hadn't actually set a price for her up front. That was the hardest thing for me when I was doing cakes, setting a price for people I know. Good luck in the future with your business and I hope that guy coughs up what he owes you!!
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    This is a hard lesson I had to learn. People will take advantage of you. People who you would have gone to the grave swearing they would never do that, just might especially when money is involved.

    Majority of people are out for themselves first, so you have to have that attitude also when it comes to your business. I'd have people pay up front. I run a daycare in my home, and have learned many a hard lessons. A lot of times I have to be a person I don't like to be, but if I don't people will try to rip you apart.
    I may sound cynical but when you have dealt with people and money for so long, you learn how to protect yourself. Especially when it comes to family and friends.
  • laurielie
    laurielie Posts: 133 Member
    If he couldn't afford the cost, he should have baked a cake at home. People need to stop attempting to live beyond their means, especially when it affects your bottom line. Some things you just can't purchase on credit!

    You need to stick with your bottom line, point blank. Now if at some time you want to give price breaks, do something for repeat customers, like after so many purchases, give a price break of 5-10$. I'm sorry you were taken adavantage of. Many friendships have ended over money. You provided a service and deserve to be paid.
  • laurielie
    laurielie Posts: 133 Member
    I AGREE!!!
  • keljo05
    keljo05 Posts: 173
    one really good bit of advice i once read was not the half down half on pickup...

    it was half down on order.. and the remaining balance due by a certain date. No full payment say a week before delivery.( make sure a check clears).. no cake...
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    If he wanted a $10 cake, he should've gone to Wal-Mart. And even there, a $10 cake is pretty puny.
  • mbeach1977
    mbeach1977 Posts: 275 Member
    Wow, I've been doing cakes for almost 3 years now for other people(friends included) and have never had anybody stiff me! Most people I don't know even offer to pay half before and half at pick up. Maybe you should try that methood? I know how much time and effort goes in to my cakes, let alone the money I front for supplies. Good luck!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Don't quit trying to get your money from him, but take this as a learning lesson...it may sound cynical but never trust anyone with money. Not even family. I've had to learn the hard way never to lend money to anyone.
  • unmitigatedbadassery
    unmitigatedbadassery Posts: 653 Member
    As an independent graphic designer I have dealt with this a lot. It can be so frustrating. Here are some things that I do to minimize this:

    Get it in writing. Yes, even for a $50 job. It doesn't have to be fancy but make sure it spells out what you are doing, how long it will take, how much it will cost and when you expect payment. GET A SIGNATURE. I know he's your friend but I have even had family sign agreements.

    Be careful of being too nice. In every agreement I write it states that a minimum payment of 50% is due BEFORE I even touch the job outside of the initial consult. If I decide to waive the 50% up front I have to assume that I am working for free.

    This sucks but you will get the hang of it over time. Good luck.