Your secret geekiness



  • thegymbunny
    thegymbunny Posts: 602 Member
    My boyfriend and I drive all over town to all the thrift stores looking for books. Books are literally taking over our house.

    We are serious Chuck fans (doesn't get much geekier than Chuck) We even dressed up as Chuck and Sarah for Halloween last year.

    We make homemade sausage every year. That includes the grinding, seasoning and packaging. I don't know if that's geeky but people always look at me weird when I tell them.

    I want to make my own sausage. In fact I want my own sausage shop. However , my significant other says he refuses to one day me married to "mrs sausage"
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    I'm fully "out" as a sci fi chicky, my friends and family have come to terms with it, and my fiance is fortunately similar. I must have annual reviews of various DVD box-sets, inc Firefly, BSG, LOTR among others. I'm just starting DS9 again, then I think Lost will be next, it's been over a year...

    I haven't got into gaming for i fear I have an addictive personality so I would never leave the house! Fiance is into command and conquer games.

    We have 2 separate sci fi channels here, I had a conniption not long ago when we lost one for a few days... eek.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    Secret geekiness. Hmmm
    <---- See shirt
    I LOVE text books. I pop on my nerdy glasses and curl up with a highlighter and notebook. I buy entirely too many. Never stop learning!
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    I am a geek and so is my fiance. :) We love it.

    1. We are the Big Bang Theory. Our friends and us go to the comic book store on a regular basis. We have top 5 ranked super heroes. We are going to comic con... dressed up as the Justice League.

    2. Check out my ticker. LOTR. I also may or may not be having an extendied edition viewing party tonight... on BLUE RAY!

    3. Gamer! And not just FPS (first person shooters) and mario... I am an hard core RPG'er... this includes obscure japanese titles. Yes. I am hard core.

    4. We just alphabetized our DVD/ Blue ray collection... and categorized it.

    5. I have a billion fantasy and sci fi book series that I love and read over and over

    6. I RP online and have created detailed original characters

    7. I have all of the release The Muppet Show seasons and my cell phone case is of animal

    8. I really want a suit of armor a-la LOTR for my horse...
  • inconversant
    My geekiness isn't much of a secret, i'm pretty much a geek geek. :P

    Every Tuesday my friends and I get together to play Settlers of Catan, that's pretty much the highlight of my week. Settlers is an amazing game, we get so into it and you see the claws come out... over a board game.

    I adore reading dystopian fiction. I love 1984 by George Orwell, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, and A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess... Not a fan of all dystopian lit *cough*a brave new world*cough* but I like most of the books i've read in that genre.

    Shakespeare is my hero. I've read all of his plays and they're all fantastic. I have lines memorized from so many different plays. Hamlet is my favourite. :)

    I'm a photonerd. I can go on about cameras, lenses, exposures, apertures, white balance, and etc. I love learning about fuctionality of cameras and how you can manipulate light. Light is an amazing thing, I especially like doing long exposures. Photography is amazing, amazing I say.

    I game. I don't play things like Halo or L4D but I am into Zelda and Mario games.

    I'm a bit of a comicbook geek, especially DC comics, not so much of a fan of Marvel. I don't buy any comic books though but when I'm at the comic book store I just read them. x)

    I still play Neopets and I'm 21. [not sure if this is geeky but I figure it is.]
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    Let's see, playing an inordinate amount of video games, tinkering on my computer, I buy more books than I need, lack of social life, plenty of geekdom here.
  • RichGebs
    RichGebs Posts: 345
    I PLAY RUNESCAPE 24/7!!! haha ok maybe not 24/7 but I play ALOT!
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member

    2. Check out my ticker. LOTR. I also may or may not be having an extendied edition viewing party tonight... on BLUE RAY!

    Lol! EPIC. I did this once in high school....all three movies, extended editions, back-to-back with a lunch break in the middle. I don't think i have the stamina for the anymore, though!
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    OP I'll see your level of geekiness and raise you mine:

    1.- Husband and I met on WoW, 6 years ago. He was a paladin tank during BC and I a hunter. He was in my hardcore raiding guild (I was Gm) and he was our main tank. We got together towards the end of BC and married during Wrath!
    2.- I play WoW, Rift, Sims, Minecraft, LoL, Dragon Age, battlefield, CoD, video games in general etc etc etc.
    3.- I still have the early 1980's late 1970's atari and all the games.
    4.- I have all the collection Strawberry Shortcake dolls from 1979/1980 from when I was a kid. I have the house and all the items that go with the house from 1980. Some of the dolls have never been removed from the box and the box is in mint condition from 1979!!!!!
    5.- I still have the first Nintendo Entertainment System from 1983 with all the original games.
    6.- I have all my collection of Garbage Pail Kids from when I was 7.
    7.- We too go to the Ren Fest here in Texas, each year!
    8.- I went to mid-night openings for Harry Potter releases for the books.
    9.- Husband and I went to every single midnight release of WoW expansions, lol! Yup we were standing in line for 1-2 hours lol.
    10.- I am the only one at work with a WoW mousepad, and screen saver lol
  • boopiejones
    slot cars
    building random electrical gadgets
    cooking, especially BBQ pizza, deep fried oreos & twinkies and funnel cakes
  • KlassyKassi
    KlassyKassi Posts: 58 Member
    I am completely addicted to buying books. I have shelves of them lined up to read, and I still keep buying.
    I walk around with a book in my purse at all times.
  • swordsmith
    swordsmith Posts: 599 Member
    Other geekiness for me- heavily into painting miniatures for my mini games (and I am credited in the Hammers Slammers rulebook)

    SOme of my work/stuff:

    Warmachine figs I painted:

    Hammers Slammers minis:

    7 foot Settlers of Catan Board I made:

    Battlestar fleet for miniature gaming:

    You get the idea....
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    i still have a gameboy advance and play donkey kong, super marioland, tetris, pokemons silver and yellow

    ...quite avidly might i add..
  • diplomad
    diplomad Posts: 51
    Cop by day wannabe astrophysicist at night.

    I friggin love science. Especially cosmology and physics. Sagan, Dawkins, Tyson, Feynman, Hawking, etc etc I read them all...repeatedly. Paraphrasing Neil Tyson, but knowing that every molecule in our body is traceable to the cosmos is one of the most fascinating things I have ever heard. That and the fact that there are more GALAXIES in the universe than grains of sand on earth. We really are just a mote of dust. Its all so humbling. I could go on for hours.

    Definitely the geekiest thing about me. Hands down.
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    I love Harry Potter. The books, movies, theme park. I even learned to make homemade Butterbeer last weekend. :D

    I also love The Dresden Files. The books, not the show...though I do own the only season of the show ever made on DVD.

    I've spent many an hour playing Mario Kart, Mario Party, and Castlevania games.

    I will play most any board or trivia game, anytime, anywhere.

    I can spend an entire day in a bookstore, or browsing bookstores in general. And I'm perfectly content to spend my Friday nights in, reading a book. Like tonight. :P

    I'm a roller coaster junkie. I'll get on any ride. I fear none!

    I'm a complete holiday nut. I love decorating for holidays, making decorations and cards and gifts, etc.

    I'm sure there's much more that makes me geeky...those are just what come to mind immediately.
  • FaithsVegWorkout
    I'm a sci fi fan and a math major. I've never played any role playing games, been to a sci fi convention or to a Ren fair. So, def not as geeky as you. ;)
  • FaithsVegWorkout
    Well, I'm finishing up a bachelor's degree in math with a minor in physics and starting to apply for grad schools. Can't get a whole lot geekier than that! Especially since my focus is number theory. I want to go into cryptology, specifically using math to break codes (sound like Charlie Epps or Tim McGee much? lol)

    But I do get geekier:
    1- I play WoW, too. 3 85's and 7 between 40 and 75. And that's just on my main server (I play on Vek'nilash, main is a human rogue named Annitra). I'm an officer in my guild.

    2- Member of a Start Trek/general science fiction/fantasy club. We meet monthly and I also write stories about characters on the ship for our quarterly fanzine.

    3- Part of the planning committee for the annual SF/fantasy convention in town. Have been involved in it for 14 years, doing security for the past 10.

    4- Seriously miss the paper-and-dice RPGs we used to play. Sadly, too many of us in the group have so many RL things going on (like kids, jobs, etc) that we haven't gotten together recently. But I have been teaching MY kids how to play. Hey, I was taught by my parents, might as well pass it on (not to mention all the skills they gain from it!)

    Since I work in cyber security I deal with cryptology pretty regularly and understand it at a high level. Actual cryptologists blow my f’ing mind, though.

    Cryptography is one of the things I'm possibly interested in doing w/ my math degree when I get it.
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    I love Harry Potter. The books, movies, theme park. I even learned to make homemade Butterbeer last weekend. :D

    how how HOW???
  • utes09
    utes09 Posts: 561 Member
    Anatomy/Physiology/Kinesiology fanatic...

    Yeah that's me too :)
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    Other geekiness for me- heavily into painting miniatures for my mini games (and I am credited in the Hammers Slammers rulebook)

    SOme of my work/stuff:

    Warmachine figs I painted:

    Wow, those are absolutely gorgeous. Love the gradiation of colours and the textures. I've only just started getting into fig painting, and I find it such a challenge...I went to art school and all that, but I primarily do digital painting, which allows a person to zoom in as close as they want for details. Working with something so tiny is a real challenge. Does hand steadiness get better with time?