Your secret geekiness

swordsmith Posts: 599 Member
SO what do you do for fun/hobby that is just oh so geeky when compared to your serious work?

Me- I am 48 and work for Sikorsky Aircraft as a manager for international military helicopters. I handle contracts up into the hundreds of millions (or billions in the case of one customer) and try to keep disparate international military customers happy worldwide. I have been in contact with everyone from lowly privates fresh out of aviation mechanics school up to generals, minor princes and defense ministers. At work I am a suit and tie wearing, carefully spoken, politically aware and seriosu individual.

My secret geekiness:

1- I play WOW. I have 7 level 85 toons with my main being a Dranei shaman (Haelion, Sisters of Elune server, Ascendancy is my guild or my primary alt is Serigala, a worgen hunter). Stop by and say hi especially if you are on SoE.

2- Every other Sunday I get together with my old high school friends for a rousing old school game of dungeons and dragons (actually we play Pathfinder now but same difference). Full on paper and pencil, painted lead miniatures, terrain tiles, etc.

3- The wife and I are hard core renaissance faire goers (or "rennies"). We got married at the NY Ren Faire 20 years ago- the wife holds pin #2 of the International Wenches Guild ( and I am pin #2 of the Ren Mercs guild. I also used to make swords and daggers years ago for the ren faire. I am happy to say I can now fit into a lot of garb I have not fit into in years! Booyah!

4- Huge sci-fi geek- many tens of thousands of dollars in actual props and prop replicas from Star Wars, Star Trek, terminator, Firefly, battlestar,etc. I just recently bought my Holy Grail of sci-fi props- a working hero sandman Deep Sleep pistol from Logans Run along with a screen accurate follower and holster (yes- the gun uses calcium carbonate to generate acetylene gas which is ignited by a glow plug in the barrel just like the movie version).

This is my ultimate MFP goal- once I am at goal weight to get a screen accurate sandman costume, kit out like a sandman and go to a sci-fi convention like this. I have a freidn who works in NYC as a pyro technician for stage and screen and he has agreed to set my wife up with a bursting charge. She will dress as a last day "red" from Logans Run, I will track her, shoot her, and she will trigger the burst charge.


  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    You win.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    roast coffee
    brew beer (well, it's been a while)
    count calories (that counts as geeky)
    write code
    make pizza, on occasion. it's a 2-3 day labor of love involving an 800 degree oven.
  • katzrich
    katzrich Posts: 17
    My husband got me into Ren Faires.. we go to the SoCal ones. I also am learning to contact juggle (whatever you do, don't call it fushigi! Those are a particular kind of ball they sell.... its contact juggling and my husband has been doing it for 20 years!) I also kick butt with a hula hoop.
  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member
    yes, i surrender to your geek-dom!! :D
    geeks are awesome!
  • BethanyMasters
    BethanyMasters Posts: 519 Member
    None of my geekiness is a secret. :D
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    I am a huge sci fi fan - I belong to a LOST group on facebook - we are die hard fans of LOST (the tv show) and I watch black & white movies from the 40's & 50's on TCM religiously. I love them but my absolute faves are film noir and campy joan crawford or bette davis (imma dork)
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I'm married to a computer engineer and we don't have any geek secrets in my house. We also have a lot of friends that proudly let their Geek flag fly. I also live in the 3rd Geekiest city in the US according to an article published last week. Whoo hoo!
    BF and I have a game night every week with friends. Sooo many board games. =)
    I also enjoy Starcraft and I gave up WOW several years ago, it broke up my marriage. lol
  • Serpymatt
    Serpymatt Posts: 6 Member
    Why keep it a secret? We are a sum of our parts! My geekiness brought my wife and I together and life just keep getting better and better :)
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I am a huge sci fi fan - I belong to a LOST group on facebook - we are die hard fans of LOST (the tv show) and I watch black & white movies from the 40's & 50's on TCM religiously. I love them but my absolute faves are film noir and campy joan crawford or bette davis (imma dork)

    My friend when on the 8 hour LOST tour in Hawaii. It was part of her honeymoon!
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    1. I would like to be your very best friend.

    2. What do you have from Firefly?!
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    i have panic attacks if i leave home with out my TI-89

    (thats a graphing calculator for any non-engineers out there)
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    BF and I have a game night every week with friends. Sooo many board games. =)
    I also enjoy Starcraft and I gave up WOW several years ago, it broke up my marriage. lol

    I've seen WOW do a lot of damage to marriages, friendships, and people's careers. All in moderation I guess.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I don't hide my Geekiness. Save maybe for my Darth Vader spatula.
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    I'm a huge classics nerd.

    I was on executive of my high school's classics club, know Latin (studied it for several years), and can spend hours reading about notable classical figures.

    Augustus Casear (or Gaius Julius Caesar...or Octavian...depending on the time frame!) is my personal favourite. Ah, Rome... <3
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    I love our Ren fest here in MN. We go every year. I might dress up this year.

    I used to play D&D, Battletech, and Magic: The Gathering. I actually have credits in a few games that I helped test/design.
  • CountryDevil
    CountryDevil Posts: 819 Member
    Write code for things just because I can.
    Watch scfi-fi movies.
    Am and shall always be a Star Trek and Star Wars Fan.
    Gamer - Currently play Rift
    XBOX Geek
    And believe it or not, I still play with Lego's and Lego Mindstorms.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    A couple years ago made 35 gallons of wine from berries,wild apples,wild grapes,watermelon and a couple of flower ones.

    Playing golf which for a non athletic person is challenging.
  • starpi22
    starpi22 Posts: 74
    Hahahaha this is a great topic!

    Well, I'm a Rennie at heart and make my own costumes to boot... I have been to my share of Comic cons and Sci-Fi conventions... I'm a secret weekend gamer GOW to be exact. And one day I believe I will go as Chung Li for Halloween. Oh and I'm anti store bought computer... It's better to build you own :-)
  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    Neuroplasticity specialist by day, I use movement, visual & vestibular systems to reeducate the neural system.

    Secret geekiness: chose my daughter's donor based on his Celtic Harp and Filking. Yes, he's an unrepentant Rennie. lol Am also a Browncoat. In my world, Inara would be Queen. ;)