bump bump
I so understand
Vittix always looking for foods you can feel good about eating
Rite now The wolfs gift by Anne Rice and so far its great
I blend mine with a little dry ranch dressing, to make a dip for veggies
looks great
:embarassed: Yesterday the fog hit big time and as im telling my 14yr son why to do what i asked of him i blanked.........i recovered but still Bluh
It is frustrating! I dont blame you for dumping your Dr. I find you have Dr's who understand or willing to understand life with Fibro or Dr's who think your faking it, its not real and blow you off. Shame on them........
I'm im driving on a back road sometimes the thought comes to me "Where am i?" I recall wheI'm im going "home" and just keep driving and almost auto pilot Its scary
Please do let us know how that works out
I stop as I'm talking with no clue what i was saying or like some of you replace the word out loud to something else even tho i swear thats not what i said. I talked to me Dr about this, I feel like a space case. She wants to do a sleep lab. She thinks lack of stage 4 sleep can make the fog worse. I'm all for trying it but…
I have 4 cats and a rabbit, my son calls me a crazy cat lady with a bunny :) We have a 9 yr male Tabbie/ Maine coon Trouble ( hes the King) 8 yr siamese Emmy aka the ninja kitty I'm her momma and she doesn't like to share her momma and we have 2 7 yr white cats blue eyed Thumper aka the mouth and Bambi yellow eyes we call…
Im glad to have a few pople in my life that are understanding and there will always be ppl who are not and can be real jerks some of them Dr's. This is something i wouldnt wish on anyone. I keep hearing about some of the new meds coming out and a few ppl have asked me if i have tried them I have but they didnt work out for…
i forget my list all the time i soon time have my boyfriend text me the list i forgot. Thankfuly i never forget my phone lol as always its helps to know im not the only one lol
Im a big list maker, never go out without one that helps. Get me in the Dr's office i get stuck. Talking to my 14 yr i get stuck ( loves that lol) i always seem to have a few things going lol on top of calorie counting. That seems to be the thing that i never for get. lol I read something about omga 3 helping. Im wondering…
I've been on Bupropion xl for 8 years. It made me very shakie and i would mildly stutter, but it did stettle down. Ive never issue's with my lidido with it. I was on Zoloft for a long time and took my self off. No sex drive at all but the person i was with was thought depression is made up. Thankfull Im with someone who is…
Cottage cheese is one of the few dairy foods i can have. I add fruit, put it on pasta or chili.
I had my knee worked on about 7 years ago. Dr said i need to get it worked on asap, its going to keep locking up ( last time it was 5 full days) and im sure its not helping my hip. Its Jan I live in Maine and i have a 14 yr i need to drive. So i know i should get is done but spring would be better then winter. I have to…
they did deep pressure treatment before they diagnosed me with fibro. I will never willingly do it again. This past year Ive developed chronic bursitis in my hip. I can't take anitinflammatory meds so injections are my only relieve. Finding the spot to inject is more painful then the shot or having my knee cap locked up. (…
oatmeal fat free cottage cheese bannanas sf apple sauce ground trukey lean ham slices lite wheat bread
I had the same thing happen. I find wellbutrin helps.
i have oatmeal 1/2 bannana and coffee. On the week end i may make pancakes for everyone. I only buy foods/snacks that are low cal so i kinda have something diff