

  • Awesome! Ok well weigh in today YIKES! 157.8 up from last time I weighed myself in the summer time. Waist: 30.5 Hips: 39.8 Bust: 38
  • Well the way that they calculate your calorie goals is by how many pounds you would like to lose in a week. So if you wanted to lose one pound, you would need to have a 3500 calorie deficiency over some period of time. So as long as your calories all balance out to your goal for the week you will reach the calorie deficit…
  • Agreed, sometimes weight or physical goals loose their motivation. Working towards a fitness goal puts pressure on the situation to make you work harder. Or maybe work towards a diet change goal, such as reducing sodium or wheat or something along those lines! Anything that you think will give you something new to work…
  • very insightful everyone thank you! I have the same type of skin flare ups your talking about... I had one particularly nasty event last christmas that lasted about 3 weeks, it was practically debilitating I was so uncomfortable and it covered my whole body basically it was awful. I was tested for allergies and they found…
  • Ok thanks for the input. Im just curious as the doctors have not really been able to shed any light onto my problems. But yes I have also heard that they are very expensive. But curiosity may get the better of my wallet....
  • Wonderfully slender arms! Congrats on the 138lbs!! looking very healthy
  • Love your pink hair!! so unique! Glad that on your profile you declare your happiness to just be 'me' a lot of people struggle with that! way to go!
  • Alright!! First weight in day.... Still at 150! Discouraging... But Im going to work extra hard this week to move that scale!!
  • Ok great thanks! If it doesnt take up too much room then I guess I can find some space at home. Cant wait to start it
  • My absolute favourite thing to do!!! Also... SKINNY COW!!
  • Is insanity crazy hard? I exercise a decent amount, or so I like to think... but I have a feeling this will kick my butt (Im going to start in may). Also... where do you do the videos... I dont really have much room at home to do it
  • Burned 3494 Calories this week! So close... Im just going to round up! Monday: 705--> running, elliptical Tuesday: 353--> Walking , Callisthenics Wednesday: 558--> running, elliptical, callisthenics Thursday: 280--> walking Friday: 410 --> Running, Elliptical, walking Saturday: 587--> walking, running, elliptical and stair…
  • If you want to do a serious cleanse you can go to any natural food type store (think planet organic) and they have an entire section dedicated to different cleanses. I do one once or twice a year to flush out any junk that has accumulated in me. I typically do a seven day one which gives you just a simple fibre powder to…
  • WOW you look fantastic!!! Love that last picture.. so funny. Congrats!
  • Also anyone feel free to add me!
  • paunch... and that nasty piece between my arm and my chest (what do you call that anyway).
  • I feel ya... its like I dont even care, i feel like im justifying eating poorly because im in a crap mood. However, I find that if I put aside enough calories for one outstanding treat it satisfies my cravings. If i try to cheap out and have say.. a single piece of chocolate.. i end up going hog wild. But if I buy a…
  • Yes please! im in the same boat... I've been on and off trying/worry about/desperate to lose ten pounds for the last year and a half. LETS GET IT DONE! starting at 150, 5''7'
  • Try switching up your macro nutrient allocation. Upping your protein will help and adding in weights, even if minimal, will up your metabolism which will help you push through the plateau. Your body is great at adapting so the more you switch things up the less likely a plateau will be
  • just had a snack size almond joy... but i had an oh henry not too long ago.....
  • Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It kick starts your metabolism and will help you maintain your blood glucose levels much better throughout the day. Skipping breakfast means you are more likely to eat more calories at lunch or dinner than you normally would. So having a high protein and complex carb…
  • I tried the dukan diet and made it through the initial first week " meat week" i called it where you can basically only eat protein for 7 days. I will say this... I did not feel very good after that. I did loose around 5 pounds but it was all water weight. After that I just switched to a regular balanced diet... not sure…