

  • I ate healthier and went to the gym today! I feel good too :). Thanks everybody!
  • No I can't. I live literally across the street from McDonald's and every time I look out my front window or go outside to check the mail it beckons me!!!!! It's so easy just to walk over there. I'm also within a mile of a Little Caesars. On the other hand I'm walking distance to a Subway and a Kroger. I just need some self…
  • Yes We met Malcolm McDowell, my gf even got his autograph. Also I've seen in person but not actually "met": Michael Moore Jeff Daniels Matthew Modine Jan Harlan Russell Brand Jay Leno and the "cast" of The Tonight Show Bill Engvall Amy Mann The guy that plays Bob on Sesame Street Concert of the bands: Aerosmith Metallica…
  • I guess I should have mentioned this: My insurance also covers a free consultation and orientation with a trainer so I'll definitely do that too. They charge extra after that but my insurance won't cover it and I can't afford it.
  • An old man is sitting on a park bench crying. A young man comes up and asks "What's wrong?" The old man says "I'm married to a beautiful 22 year old woman. The young man, puzzled, asks "What's wrong with that? The old man replies "I forgot where I live."
  • The doctor says to the patient "I can't figure out what's wrong with you, it must be the heavy drinking." The patient says "Well I'll come back when you're sober."
  • A guy walked into a cafe and asked for a bowl of chilli. The waitress said "The guy next to you got the last bowl." He looks over and sees the guy's bowl of chilli is full. He says "If you're not going to eat that, mind if I take it?" The other guy says "No, help yourself." He starts to eat and about halfway down, his…
  • The Green Bay Packers and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers announced they going to merge. Their new name will be the Tampacks. Experts predict they won't be very good, they'll only last one period and they won't have a second string.
  • A guy goes to confession and says "Forgive me Father for I have sinned, I have slept with a loose woman." The priest asks "Well who was it?" The guy says "I can't tell you, I don't want to ruin her reputation. The priest asks "Was it Brenda?" The guy says no. The priest asks "Was it Susan?" The guy says no. The priest asks…
  • The doctor says to the patient "Well there's good news and bad news." The guy says "Well give me the bad news first." The doctor says "You have less than a month to live". The guy says "Oh my God, how could there possibly be good news?" The doctor says "Well see that busty 21 year old nurse over there? I just just started…
  • Three blondes are locked out of their car. The first one says "We should break the window with a rock". But they can't find any. The second one says "We should try to find a hanger to unlock it". But they couldn't find any other those either. They then ask the third one for an idea. She replies "I don't know, but we better…
  • The doctor says to the patient, well there's good news and bad news. The good news is they're naming a disease after you. Three women are in group therapy. The therapist turns to the first and says you're obsessed with money. you even named your daughter Penny. He turns to the second and says "You're an alcoholic, you even…
  • Yeah it sucks. I've lived here for 9 years too. Wendy's was my burger of choice though. Burger King is evil too. But I've only messed up and given in to the temptation three times since I started my diet 2 months ago (no one's perfect!).
  • I live across the street from a McDonalds so I have to smell their greasy burgers and fries whenever I go outside. They're taunting me.
  • I live in the USA and my local grocery store is the complete opposite of "theirs" - the junk food like ice cream, doughnuts, cakes and other sweet snacks are all on the outer walls.
  • Yeah and I just realized the other outer wall has the Hostess and Little Debbie's stuff! and the front of the store has the bakery! and the back has the steaks! I'm not joking either.
  • I was eating Honey Nut Cheerios for breakfast for a while but lately I've been sleeping til noon. I just went out and bought some old fashioned oatmeal, plus milk, honey and raisins to stir in it. I drink water a lot, I just forget to log it.
  • Most fruits and vegetables have little to no calories though. How will they keep me full?
  • re #7: I should stick to the outer perimeter of the store? Woohoo my local grocery store's outer wall has the ice cream :)
  • I used to always say I'm overweight because of the medications I'm on (partially true, weight gain is a side effect of them), and because I have hypothyroidism. Main cause though was I overate (mostly junk food) and never exercised.
  • This may sound dumb but I was arguing with some jerk on another site last week and he put up a picture of a really fat old guy without his shirt on and said it was me. So now whenever I feel like giving up I think of that.
  • I'm a member of this club too. My doctor recently upped my dosage, then I started dieting and walking I've lost 13 pounds in 5 weeks.
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