Cure for Laziness? How do you motivate yourself?



  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    Truthfully? I look in the gol-dang mirror! I try to put on clothes I can no longer fit into. I get mad, and I get motivated.
  • Sometimes when I'm really not feeling like doing anything, I start really small. Just do some crunches or pushups, or take a short walk or run. It doesn't take long and it can jumpstart your motivation.

    I also have some specific things I think about on bad days. First, I always remind myself that I never regret working out, but i ALWAYS regret NOT doing a workout (even if its the last thing I want to do at the time). If that mantra doesn't work, then I think about a certain outfit I could be wearing if I was just a little thinner or something like that. If THAT doesn't work, my last resort is pettiness. I think of someone I don't like very much who I would love to be thinner than and realize it won't happen if I don't get off my *kitten* :) hey don't judge, that last one usually works the best! :D

    Good luck to you. Also one last thing, read through the success stories on the forums or through the newsfeed to see what your mfp friends have done today. My friends kick butt everyday and they are a huge motivation to me.

    You guys are amazing! I went to the kitchen and ate ALOT of food, came back not expecting a reply and now I feel absolutely guilty having read your supportive posts! This is good though as I feel I owe it to get up and do something now! Lol.

    The above quote I related most too but I'm taking on board parts of everything I've read...

    - "bought myself a pair of blue jeans 3 sizes to small and hung them in my kitchen. I almost able to fit them."

    - "I also look at pictures and say I don't want to look like that in this year"

    - "Soon, I began to desire the sweating, tiredness, good feeling of going"

    - "I logged my calories of regular eating without thought to calories for about a week to get used to the program. After seeing that number, it made me..."

    - "You remember that next time you go shopping, you are going to buy even bigger clothes"

    - "5 minutes then maybe more"

    All of the above remind me of my own personal goals. I'm going to Start with 5 minutes of push-ups and sit-ups and hopefully feel like heading outside with an increased heart rate thinking of this... "First, I always remind myself that I never regret working out, but i ALWAYS regret NOT doing a workout". Brilliant, thank you everyone. Feel free to add me. I'm really impressed with your weight loss counters and how motivated some people are after only a short period of time. Quite inspiring I'd say :-)

  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    That's Awesome!! Thanks for reading the replys and using them to your advantage!! Have a great day! Don't regret eating what you ate.. it happens! Enjoy the workout!!
  • Elmaunie
    Elmaunie Posts: 78 Member
    i just recommend exercising every day even if you can't control what you eat right now. Exercise every day...find something you enjoy doing...for at least an hour a day. After a week or two your body will start craving the exercise and then you can gradually change your eating habits. My body now craves the weirdest combinations of foods. Usually protein i am craving......good luck! You can do this! Once you start losing, you will become more motivated to lose more!

    I was going to write exactly this! I'm not currently losing any weight but I AM exercising every day and my body's changing shape. Once you're used to exercising every day you'll feel restless if you don't do any. I agree that changing eating habits can come second but keep logging and looking at other people's diaries too.

    You can do it! Good luck :)
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    You really just have to do it and stop giving up. But something else that works for me is having small goals to beat the laziness and make wiser food choices. I start off by eliminating certain food (fast food) or drinks (sodas) ingredients (high fructose corn syrup) and then I just live without them until they're no longer on my radar of things I "need". When I exercise, since I'm outside I challenge myself to jog for a certain amount of time or just until I reach that red car up there, or whatever. But as soon as I reach that time or that red car, I make a second challenge "to the tree just ahead" and then "to the stop light" and when I get there, "to the bench". You get the idea.

    You can do this with anything. Soon you'll be saying "Well I jogged all the way to that bench last time so I can't jog less than that today." And with food, you'll say "It's been 3 days since I drank soda, so I don't want to mess that up." Start small and learn to kick your own *kitten*.
  • Liquid741
    Liquid741 Posts: 292 Member
    i talk *kitten* to myself when i feel unmotivated...because i know after about 10min into my run i feel EPIC!
  • tomcat4680
    This may sound dumb but I was arguing with some jerk on another site last week and he put up a picture of a really fat old guy without his shirt on and said it was me. So now whenever I feel like giving up I think of that.
  • hsh0927
    hsh0927 Posts: 259 Member
    I ake my profile pic a pic of somebody I want to look like. It doesn't have to be somebody you know (that would actually be kinda wierd :tongue: ) Or photo shop a pic of yourself so you look the way you want to and make that you pic :wink:
    Good luck!
  • CindiBryce
    I'm supposed to be on a diet and exercising but I'm hungry and lazy, so I don't think it's going to happen somehow today. This was meant to be my first day. I can't even be bothered to go to the shop for some healthy food. Totally lacking motivation. Wish I could just snap out of it!

    How do you motivate yourself's to get up and just do it?
    The more you linger in laziness, the more you will adjust your actions and attitudes to match your mindset. Snap out of it, now.
    Just do it. Healthy habits are developed, not acquired overnight. Go shop for some healthy food, that can be your first step to your healthy lifestyle.
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    Find your motivation/inspiration.
    Its my Mum that gets me out the door and running. She's a runner, and even a quick text from her telling me about the run she went on this morning makes me get up and out the door.
    I also look at photos of fitness models for inspiration, and google healthy recipes and articles about super foods to keep me eating the good and not the bad.
    Also, I often don't let myself turn on my laptop until I've done something with my day (run errands, been jogging...). I can check my emails on my phone as I drink my coffee, but I can't get too distracted.
  • MaudeBeige
    So... Log those calories now and next time you post wait 5 minutes before disappearing off to the kitchen!!!

    Oh yes, WATER... I drink loads of water, especially in the beginning. Bit harder now as I am back at work. (Yes, started my mission when I was on holiday!)
  • geekymom57
    geekymom57 Posts: 176 Member
    How great that you got immediate feedback and support--that's one of the benefits of this site, I believe--people are there if/when you need them. The minute (well, maybe not the minute, but the moment) I start to feel like I don't want to go to the gym, I don't want to use our elliptical, etc., I think of what I would be doing with that time instead and if it's more valuable to me than the other activity I'm avoiding. Facebook or weeding? On-line browsing or the gym and a sauna afterwards? Feeling fat and unhappy that I've ignored my health and fitness needs and put others' ahead of mine or taking the time to get healthy and fit and be a good role model to my young adult daughters? You get the picture.

    If you're someone who likes routine and structure and meeting goals, then use that to your advantage. Say "exercise 3 times a week, 30 minutes a time" and then set the days for that. Set up a plan for your weekly meals and buy what you need for them all at ounce, thereby avoiding the excuse of "there's nothing healthy to eat so I may as well order a pizza." If you're an emotional eater and graze the pantry/fridge, then don't keep unhealthy foods on hand, so your choices for grazing are things such as fruits, vegetables, etc.

    Logging what you eat will make you very aware and conscious of the "cost" of that--is a giant cookie or bag of chips worth the X hours of exercise to burn it off, or the healthy meal you can't eat if you want to stay within your calorie goals? I can't tell you how many times I start to eat something (esp. at work when people bring in treats) and stop after considering that the item would be a quarter of my total calories for the day and is it really worth that?

    If your lack of energy/motivation is somewhat new or extends to other areas of your life, you may want to consider possible medical issues. For example, I learned two years ago I had hypothyroidism and am now finally getting close to normal levels, but my meds need adjusting every few months. Looking back, I realize that my usual energy/activity levels had decreased but I had attributed it to other things-a lot of life stress going on at the time.

    Hang in there, one day at a time, don't beat yourself up on days/times that you make less than ideal choices. As you will see many times on here, excess weight is gained over time, so be realistic in how long you should allot yourself to lose it. Incremental, small success that you can maintain is much better than a short burst of extreme dieting and activity that you won't maintain the rest of your life.
  • Rikki444
    Rikki444 Posts: 326 Member
    What you call 'laziness' I call 'making a choice'.....I hate to break it to you, but this 'feeling' never really goes anywhere. It is part of our human DNA and something that we choose against or for on a daily basis in a lot of things... not only on being healthy. So how do YOU motivate yourself to get out of bed and go to work when you would rather sleep another 2 hours? Same thing. When your health gets on your list of will choose against 'laziness' more often than not.

    As to going to the market today....(sigh!).... I feel the same way.... I just don't want to go... not today and not ever! BUT....I don't focus on how I feel about it...I'm just going to go and the sooner I get this chore out of the way... the better... so here I go.

  • cgfol1
    cgfol1 Posts: 179 Member
    I'm supposed to be on a diet and exercising but I'm hungry and lazy, so I don't think it's going to happen somehow today. This was meant to be my first day. I can't even be bothered to go to the shop for some healthy food. Totally lacking motivation. Wish I could just snap out of it!

    How do you motivate yourself's to get up and just do it?

    What I found interesting about what you said is that you can't be bothered shopping for healthy food. This is a tough one, which I'm sure everyone struggles with because of the way supermarkets are set up, I know I do! The way I combat this is by writing a shopping list with all the foods you need, lots of fruit, veggies, etc. Then take it to the shop with you. Don't enter the junk food section! And supermarkets always put lollies and chips on the end of the aisle and at the register. Put your head down and march on, and if you get itchy fingers at the register, grab some gum!

    It's hard, but the end result is going to be so much better then how you're feeling now!
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    You know I had no motivation, but I acted like I did, you know "fake it till you make it"?

    It really doesn't require motivation just action, make an iron clad decision, set yourself up for success and just behave the way a thin, fit person does.

    Now how you set yourself up for success is: planning - planning your food, planning when you are going to move yourself and just doing it. You are talking yourself out of action by giving yourself the excuse of laziness, but just like Rikki's fantastic reply (love it) we make choices every day, you just have to make the right ones.

  • theabcgirl
    I agree with so many... the only thing you can do is force yourself to do it! I believe you have to make a decision to make it happen. You can do it! :wink:
  • CindyWarner
    I've been taking slow but steady changes in my eatting habits and my exercise habits. I think - for me - that I would not stick to a drastic change in my lifestyle. Not all at once. I've lost 7lb in 3 weeks since I started. I'm still making changes. Positive ones.

    All you need is a commitment to yourself.
