

  • Stevia in the Raw is FANTASTIC!!!! Splenda is a chemical made by a company that also makes carpet. No thank you! Stevia is a natural plant derived sweetener. You can't go wrong as long as like the other posts say, watch which one you buy!
  • My daughter went berserk this morning because she caught me chugging her chocolate almond milk straight out of the carton. :) I couldn't help it!!!! NOM NOM NOM
  • My heart is with your family. Very very sorry for your loss.
  • ^This recieves the BEST REPLY OF THE DAY AWARD!!! Wahoo Congrats! :)
  • That's frickin hilarious. Way to be an over the shoulder cook... ;)
  • :D I <3 your face buddy.
  • ^Agreed!
  • I just ask. My friends know my situation and what I can/can't eat and they are very good about working with me on it. I'm not going to nag every one to death about every little thing, but if I tell them I'm eating vegetarian and they serve me meat, I respectfully decline. Likewise, if they just cook something, I ask what…
  • [/quote] Me too! I avoid refined sugar like the plague. Once I'm down to where I'd like I'll probably add back in regular milk...But I also like the almond milk taste bc its thicker--skim milk is gross to me, I prefer 2%. Any girl looking into soy milk should do some research first--there's some (albeit disputable)…
  • Ooo Ooo! Add me! Add me!!!:)
  • I have Zumba on the Wii and on Xbox Kinect and I can say, hands down, Kinect is better. It watches your entire body and you have to do the moves and keep up, where as with the Wii I can just move my one hand around and it doesn't really encourage me to keep up. After having taken actual Zumba classes, it took me a minute…
  • Some names are fine and while I didn't get to read every single reply, I just have to say. The majority of MFP'ers don't use their real name for their screen name, most of use a nickname or petname...just sayin.
  • I guess, for me, saying someone would look "anorexic" at a certain weight is like calling something silly "retarded" or "gay". I think at 5'7 you'ld look healthy at 153 lbs but I don't know your bone structure I don't know how you carry weight, you could look just as healthy at 145 or 138, ya know? My best friend and I are…
  • Thanks for bringing this up! Not this time, but in my first go-round on MFP I would read my friend food journals and it would be junk food all day then they would wonder why they weren't losing weight even after working out. Food labels scare me. It ultimately is a good thing, if I can't pronounce it then it doesn't need…
  • :) you're too funny. I suppose it's a lot like over here, people say all southeners are nice and friendly and easy going however I find it to be the opposite. I think the northeners especially in new england are fabulous and incredibly sweet. Nonetheless, I have to agree with my fellow americans, I could listen to a Brit…
  • I am THE SAME WAY with my lists. I always tell people "you know how some people like to hear themselves talk? I like to watch myself write." I can spend way too much time re-writing my grocery list just to make sure I like the way it looks...oh and gosh forbid anyone come behind me and add something else to the list in…
  • Just going to say that I prefer lies to me a little bit, kind of sugar coats things. It may tell me I'm a little lower then I am. BUT I also like that I can add five to ten pounds to it when I need to motivate scales are just too honest. ;)
  • That is the single greatest explanation I have heard. I think that describes soooo many of us! Thanks for a great morning giggle!!!
  • voted! sounds soooo yummy!!!!
  • Preach on sistah!!!!! :) I give this "BEST THREAD OF THE DAY" award!!!!
  • I'm 5'2 and was 210 on the day I gave birth...130 when I got pregnant. I'm sure you can do the math. I was quite literally a walking tree stump. That's really my motivation now, my boyfriend and I want to immediately have kids after we get married and I want to be in a super healthy place so that I can learn from my…
  • I understand needing to use artificial sweetners, have you tried Stevia though? It's an all natural plant derived sweetner. Cost wise it's about the same and you can use it in all the same ways. :)
  • All I have to say right now is...DROOL! Now I want quinoa... Quinoa Noodles + Butternut Squash Sauce = heaven in my mouth. My three year old even loves it! I found the pasta sauce at TJ Maxx and it's gluten free...don't remember the brand though. :(
  • Wholly freakin guacamole YOU LOOK FABULOUS!!! Way to go you sexy beast!!!!! That is some flippin inspiration right there!!!!
  • I don't miss being a kid, I didn't like not being able to make my own decisions or do what I thought was best for myself. I miss my early twenties. I miss being in the military. I miss just picking up and moving because I wanted a new experience.
  • You are absolutely beautiful, you were before and you are now. I'm glad that you feel better though, isn't it amazing what losing 36lbs can do??? I'm REALLY proud of you, keep up the good work and thanks for the motivation!!!!
  • I agree that the body will do what it can to eliminate toxins however it just seems like there are so many pollutants and idea of a detox is lots of water, fruit, and veggies. I want to give my body the opportunity to do what it needs to do and I will just give it the good tools to do it efficiently.…
  • Please read in it's entirety before you get mad at me. Just looking for an explanation and some support. Please: I'm totally and completely carnivorous. I don't support cruelty to animals and am quite particular about where my meat comes from. I don't honestly want to get into a philosophical discussion about how eating…
  • Thanks everyone!!! I feel so loved :love: I'm excited to be back and getting things in line again. It's nice to be a part of a community where we all have the same goals and can be loved and accepted for who we are. Ok...enough of the mushy stuff...:wink: