Any vegetarians?



  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    Vegetarian for 13 years and Vegan for the past 5 years...feel free to add me!
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    another pet hate: if you eat fish you are NOT a vegetarian!!!!!! Seriously people its not that complicated. a vegetarian does not eat
    animals. fish = animals!!! i dont mind if you eat fish but then you are not a vegetarian so stop kidding yourself!!!!

    Yes, I always found this funny. A fish had parents did it not? Did it not once live and breathe? The general population just has never heard the term pescetarian so if someone tells you they eat fish rather than yell at them, just correct them and tell them they are a pescetarian.
  • savethecat
    savethecat Posts: 290 Member
    Veggie for 6 years! Feel free to add me!
  • DeBlue
    DeBlue Posts: 254 Member
    30+ years. I try to just keep it out of the conversation as honestly everyone just wants to know why. It is tiring explaining this personal choice. If I'm in a restaurant or at a house party, I can always find something without putting the spotlight on my food choices. No reason to split hairs over the definition of vegetarianism people. There are many ways to go about adopting this lifestyle. People usually start with eliminating beef, and the rest follows. Let's encourage each other! We are all trying to eat healthy here, no?
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    Pseudo-vegetarian here! (I only eat fish and poultry- odd combination, I know, but I wasn't able to get enough protein without adding poultry back in). feel free to add me =)

    echo this - i only eat fish/poultry for completely non-idealistic reasons. it just happens to be what i prefer. :drinker:
  • mindfulmunching
    mindfulmunching Posts: 62 Member
    Hi! I am also a vegetarian. I really enjoy hearing about other people's sucess and struggles, it keeps me interested in this website and makes me want to continue to check in. I am particularily interested in befriending people with similar lifestyle as mine so I will be asking for a few friendships here....probably not the angry fish=animal "get it right" person LOL:smile:
  • Guttzilla
    Vegetarian here also! Will send you a request! :smile:
  • Guttzilla
    Please feel free to add me as a friend anyone!:smile:
  • KnottyRae
    Please read in it's entirety before you get mad at me. Just looking for an explanation and some support. Please:

    I'm totally and completely carnivorous. I don't support cruelty to animals and am quite particular about where my meat comes from. I don't honestly want to get into a philosophical discussion about how eating meat period is cruel. I respect others decisions and likewise, I ask that you respect mine.

    That being said...for reasons unknown to even myself, my body is insisting that I go vegetarian. I have always eaten veggies, I love veggies but I find myself more and more drawn to meatless dishes and food. I'm finding it extremely difficult to even find the juiciest most flavorful burger palatable, the rarest perfectly seasoned porterhouse makes me gag. It's like the synapsis in my brain changed over night. Literally. As of last Thursday I just couldn't do meat any more and it's been persistent. That's how quickly this changed for me. I don't find this to just be a craving. It's a totally and completely different mind set. I'm also gluten free and what seemed like an initial allergy seems to be turning into something more, could it be related?

    I would like to know if anyone has heard of this happening before and how to adjust to it. Don't get me wrong, I love carrots and broccoli but five days straight can get a little old. This is part of the reason I came back to MFP, I would really really appreciate any support I can get in this...

    Thanks for understanding...
  • _eislek_
    _eislek_ Posts: 198 Member
    Vegetarian here :) Who also cringes a little when people who only eat fish and poultry claim to be any kind of a vegetarian. :p If that makes a person a vegetarian I've been a vegetarian my whole life. But that's another thread. Feel free to add me.
  • veggiepug
    30+ years. I try to just keep it out of the conversation as honestly everyone just wants to know why. It is tiring explaining this personal choice. If I'm in a restaurant or at a house party, I can always find something without putting the spotlight on my food choices. No reason to split hairs over the definition of vegetarianism people. There are many ways to go about adopting this lifestyle. People usually start with eliminating beef, and the rest follows. Let's encourage each other! We are all trying to eat healthy here, no?

    Exactly. I feel guilty that I've started eating fish again. BUT I know I need to take the plunge into full-fledged vegetarianism more slowly this time. I completely cut out fish and meat last year without learning how to cook proper vegetarian meals. I gained a bunch of weight because I was eating way too much cheese and carbs, and I was always hungry! I decided to eat fish again for the time being while I learn to cook more vegetable-based meals, and beans and lentils. Then I will cut the fish out.

    I don't understand why some vegetarians have to be so hostile to other people's choices. What worked for you might not work for someone else. I know I need to take it more slowly this time. And yes, I do know the definition of "vegetarian." And if someone confuses vegetarianism with eating fish, you're more than welcome to politely correct them. But going about it in a hostile way will only turn people off. I think we need to be supportive of each other, because we all know how unsupportive other people can be.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Vegetarian here :) Who also cringes a little when people who only eat fish and poultry claim to be any kind of a vegetarian. :p If that makes a person a vegetarian I've been a vegetarian my whole life. But that's another thread. Feel free to add me.

    I get so tired of the nit pickiness, if a person says they are a vegetarian but they eat fish. They mean they are a pescetarian and just don't know the right term's not a widely known term. It makes you guys sound snobby like your in some kind of a vegetarian club(and if your not veggie then whats your beef anyway) when you say things like that, and it reflects badly on the rest of the vegetarian community.
  • veggiepug
    Vegetarian here :) Who also cringes a little when people who only eat fish and poultry claim to be any kind of a vegetarian. :p If that makes a person a vegetarian I've been a vegetarian my whole life. But that's another thread. Feel free to add me.

    I get so tired of the nit pickiness, if a person says they are a vegetarian but they eat fish. They mean they are a pescetarian and just don't know the right term's not a widely known term. It makes you guys sound snobby like your in some kind of a vegetarian club(and if your not veggie then whats your beef anyway) when you say things like that, and it reflects badly on the rest of the vegetarian community.

    THIS X 100!
  • k8wilson
    k8wilson Posts: 28 Member
    I'm adding you. I'm trying to cut meat completely out of my diet, I barely eat it once a week at this point.
  • MaitreyeeMAYHEM
    MaitreyeeMAYHEM Posts: 559 Member
    I'm a vegetarian and I've only been one for a few weeks now. I haven't shed any more pounds yet but time will only tell. :)
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    hey im a vegetarian and im sick of people telling me why i should be eating meat and bla bla bla.

    i DONT tell anyone they should be a vegetarian its none of my business and therefore its none of their business what i eat and why!!! it is my belief not to eat animals and im not going to enforce it on anyone else. so neither should they.

    another pet hate: if you eat fish you are NOT a vegetarian!!!!!! Seriously people its not that complicated. a vegetarian does not eat
    animals. fish = animals!!! i dont mind if you eat fish but then you are not a vegetarian so stop kidding yourself!!!!
    Yeah Veggiepug this was an even better example of why people can be turned off of Vegetarian (all kinds) lifestyles. Shouldn't she be on that high horse and not walking in front of it for this one (the profile pic).
  • Elenne
    Elenne Posts: 1
    I've been a vegetarian my entire life, and to this day have family/friends who do not understand. I've been using MFP for awhile, but am just now starting to check out the community.
  • marsts
    marsts Posts: 85
    hey im a vegetarian and im sick of people telling me why i should be eating meat and bla bla bla.

    i DONT tell anyone they should be a vegetarian its none of my business and therefore its none of their business what i eat and why!!! it is my belief not to eat animals and im not going to enforce it on anyone else. so neither should they.

    another pet hate: if you eat fish you are NOT a vegetarian!!!!!! Seriously people its not that complicated. a vegetarian does not eat
    animals. fish = animals!!! i dont mind if you eat fish but then you are not a vegetarian so stop kidding yourself!!!!

    Um, I'm not sure if you're talking about my post, but if you re-read you can see that I said I recently started eating fish again, and WAS vegetarian last year and hope to be veg again SOON. I understand people who eat fish are pescatarians, not vegetarians. Sorry if I broke some rule by posting in this thread, but I don't see anywhere where I called my current eating habits vegetarian.

    hah don't worry, it's still fine, the point is that you're trying, and atleast you're making a difference by choosing not to eat any other animal. the fish maybe not so lucky, but there's still cows, chickens, deer, and whatever other meat there is out there that people eat who are being saved by that. =)
  • christinathompson1
    christinathompson1 Posts: 144 Member
    i'm a vegetarian! :) i feel like i have a lot more energy since not eating meat. it's weird. morning star has amazing veggie burgers all different styles. they don't even need bread they are so goooood! :) good luck! and just stick with it! as long as you find good alternatives that you like it should be easy. :) boca* has a good meatless foods too! :)
  • BettyMargaret
    BettyMargaret Posts: 407 Member
    I am a vegetarian, have been for almost a year. I have lost 66 pounds so far, JUST from changing my diet, nothing else.
    BTW... if I eat fish, chicken, flies, grasshoppers, whales, dolphins, bear, dragons, WHATEVER.... I am what I say I am, NOT what YOU say I am!... I AM a vegetarian!