slbbw Member


  • I Dec we decided to get a rowing machine. Watterower offers a rental program that I am currently using. There may still be a short wait but I think it was only about 3 weeks until mine arrived. It is a 3 month minimum and you have the option to purchase your unit. Since the rower lives in my family room, the waterrower was…
  • They are great for core work. you can also use them to add a stability component to seated exercises like dumbell curls. These are a good start but there are a hug number of exercises you can do. knee tucks, pikes, and rotation are what I find the ball excel at.
  • Sugar has often led me to binge and also gives me stomach issues if I over indulge. I have cut out added sugar completely for various stretches, 6 months was the longest. In that time I allowed a bit of honey or maple syrup, but I really focused on my fiber intake and recalibrating my taste buds to less sweet foods. I am…
  • I randomly picked these up at the grocery the other day looking for lower carb "noodles" I have not tried them yet. I did not believe the calorie count and had to read up on the product. Anyone else try these are they any good? I might need to go pick up some regular shirataki at the asian grocery some time if they end up…
  • I went from 185 to 140 in 20 weeks last year. Started out around 3 lbs a week, tapered to 2 lbs a week and then to one thinking I was doing it right when I started feeling really hungry. The problem was I was in weight loss mode and not how to I do this everyday mode. And I ended up gaining 15 lbs of that back. The only…
  • Thanks all for the suggestions. Moving it up arm did the trick. Avg hr 175 is much more indicative of reality.
  • I have not tried moving it up arm. I will try that Wednesday. I also do not mind using sla different hand position on the bike if that will solve the problem. My current vivo sport does not work with a chest stap. I have an old forerunner 305 with a chest strap I might be able to use at least to check my sanity.
  • I tend to store fat on my arms. I hate it, but not much I can do. Strength training particularly with tricep exercises using a full range of motion plus losing fat. I almost got the jiggle gone pre pandemic and the the 10 lbs I have put on located back there. Recommitted to getting those arms lean again.
  • Time first and foremost. Like 4-6 weeks before you will notice much if anything. Take pictures now to help you spot the difference. Second would be to add in moves that work those areas. Banded monster walk, squat jumps, skier jumps and jumping lunges are super effective cardio moves. Squats, deadlifts a weight lateral…
  • Paying attention to high protein grains and veg can really make a huge difference. If you would like to stick to least processed some easy options are farro (wheat), quinoa, tempeh (same process…
  • If tracking calories feels too restrictive continuing with the program and eating when hungry may work for you now since you were starting slim and mass is the goal. The trick here is a small surplus. If calorie tracking is working keep at it, but you may enjoy the process at a .5lbs per week gaining range.
  • 1/2 cup oats 3/4 cup water 2 min in microwave.
  • Also important is to realize what your deficit is. If this is to hit a 1.5 or 2lb per week loss then going over by 100 calories means that you are still losing weight, just not as fast.
  • How are your macros coming at the end of the day. Are you ending up low in fat? Do you have any restrictions? Switching low fat for full dairt or making sure you are using oils in you cooking can be an easy way to add calories. On such a low calorie diet getting proper nutrition can be tricky. Fiber fat and protein should…
  • I am going to respond to this from the depression anxiety angle. Do the amount of exercise that you can make a habit for life and becomes so ingrained it becomes difficult to skip. I have struggled with consistency over the years. Each time I do this I get a little bit better though. This time what has worked was daily…
  • There will be a small spike as you adjust your calories up. This likely will come from the weight of the food and water weight. If you are still at a deficit it will continue to decrease after that. I started last year at an overly aggressive deficit which I icreased every month or so after the first two months. Each time…
  • For me my range is around the top of the BMI scale, usually aim for 24. I can be at a healthy weight by all other metrics at BMI of 25.5. So I prefer to work on composition instead. My preferred composition is between 20 and 25%. BMI is about 25.2 and my BF% is about 27% so I am trying to drop a few lbs while working on…
  • If you are finding 10,50 hard to stick to you may want to pay attention to how lethargic you feel. When your calorie level is low often times the body will compensate by lowering your NEAT (non exercise activity thermogenesis), or rather the amount of calories you burn throughout your normal daily activity. This can be a…
  • Good luck on your journey. What do you plan to do differently this time compared to before. The answer that usually results in long term success is less not more. What tyoe of activities do you imagine doing with your child on the way. What kind of habits do you hope they pick up from you. Use those ideas to motivate you…
  • I have been craving an everything doughnut from a local shop and they have not had them in. That would be my personal choice for sure.
  • I am in the camp of make room for the thing you want and enjoy in moderation. If I want a donut or a slice of pizza, no lower calorie version is really going to do it for me. I would prefer to eat a small controlled portion of the thing I want and move on. In the alcohol camp I tend to drink wine and spirits because I can…
  • Given what you have mentioned about your schedule it might be that ending you eating sooner may work, but only if it actually works for you and you want to try this approach out. Are you hungry after your spinning class? Do you eat because you are hungry or because you think you should. For me exercise is an appetite…
  • I once had a Dr compare anti-depressant to crutches, in that you would not try to heal a broken leg while continuing to walk on it. Sometimes it is helpful to take an anti-deppressant while you work to find and fix a route cause of teh issue. Depression is a chemical imbalance. Sometimes that chemical imbalance can be…
  • Short term bursts of "motivation" only work if you have a long term plan in mind. Loss of water weight can be very motivating if you realize that is what it is and do not ascribe moral failing to a temporary increase when you have pizza one night (which can be a wonderfully tasty party of a balanced diet). You are showing…
  • BMR would be how much your body needs to keep itself running with no activity at all(lying in bed all day etc) Depending on how you set up your MFP account, lets say it is set to maintenance, 2600 would be what you need to take in based on the activity level you set, sedentary, lightly active, very active. If your Garmin…
  • Fat and protein are essential nutrients your body needs to survive. You should make sure you hit minimum lvels for these. the .8 per ideal body weight is a good start. At that point with regard to weight loss it only matter how easily you can stay within your target. Some folks find fiber very satiating, others protein,…
    in Carbs Comment by slbbw February 2020
  • I am definitely a stress eater for sure. Regular daily exercise helps manage the basic stress. Understanding the problem so that if I do end up stress eating I am doing so with things like celery and carrot sticks and not nuts or chocolate. I also try to find alternate ways to manage stress when i notice the stress…
  • I prioritize lower calorie alcohol that I still enjoy and can drink moderately. For me that usually means a whiskey on the rocks>small pour glass of wine> a good quality beer. I often have room for a treat at the end of the day as well. And some times my treat is chocolate and sometimes my treat is wine or whiskey.
  • It all really depends on what you like? Boxing classes, Dance, Indoor rock climbing all build muscle in different ways and are fun activities. Is there a recreational sport you want to learn? Tennis, Golf, Bowling? Scuba diving? What interests you. Having a goal to work towards that is fitness instead of weight related can…
  • I suspect between your multi-gym and your fit cube, you would be able to do much of what a traditional bench would get you. What do you plan to do with your barbell? Will your setup give you the ability to a squat or bench press. I have a very minimal home gym and use a modular step/bench and fit it gives me the most…
    in Home gym Comment by slbbw February 2020