how can I stop binge eating?? Please help I usually save up to 600 calories for dinner but then I feel like it wasn't enough that's when I started binging, help
i am having hips pain while doing squats and sumo deadlift even with hips warmup + mobility before my workout. Any ideas or treatment ? Thank you
Which to take:Fat burner vs pre workout supplement? To get the most energy and effective. Pre workout- of course provide you with energy Fat burner-fat burning ingredients + energy(caffeine)
Fats sources
saturated fat vs unsaturated fats Coconut oil vs olive oil Saturated fat-bad reputation, bad kind of fats increases cholesterol level.(Saturated fat increase hormones level=gains) Unsaturated fats-good kind of fats, of course. Which is better to make gains?
this probably is in the wrong topic but... i will be going on vacation for few weeks and is it okay to bring a tub of protein on the plane?
at the end of the day should I track the amount of calorie vs the number of carbs/fats/protein? To get accurate number of cal I have eaten? (Some of the food like fiber one cereal 60calorie and it has like 25carb per serving)
Cheat day
Should I be worry after a cheat day? I went for a bang yesterday(no macros counted + not the best kind of food) and I gained 5pound next day. Iam on a calorie deficit/cutting for a while and I'm feeling so guilty and keep thinking about fat gain. Please help
I'm currently 18 weight around 155lbs, I checked my body fat and my chest is 3mm, biceps and triceps 2mm, and thighs 4mm on the body fat caliper BUT I have a little belly fat around 12mm on the caliper. I can see and feel really lean except little stomach fat. Do you have any recommendations?
would anyones recommend bulk vs cutting first for a teenager??im wanting to lose some bf fat and gain some muscle. I'm currently 18 5'10 at around 150. BF don't know( guessing around 10-12%) And my current caloric intake is 1900-2100 Thanks