Bake Sweet Potato with skin v.s. Raw Sweet Potato, nothing added
I know that a raw sweet potato weigh more than a baked sweet potato. I am having a baked sweet potato, but I didn't have access to the potato before it was bake. Should I add an extra 50 grams to the baked potato or just go with the baked grams?
Quinoa dry calculation
How do you calculate a serving of Quinoa. The package say 1/4 c. dry, I cooked a cup. So, how do you break it down to a serving size of 4? I like to weigh in grams.
Body for Life for Women
Has anyone tried Body for Life for Women by Pamela Peeke? Did it work for you?
Recipe Builder
Can anyone give me the instruction on how to use the recipe builder? Thanks
Hypertrophy Training
Can anyone explain to me hypertrophy training vs. strength training? I am basically doing strength training at the moment, recomping. Thanks
Has anyone have or considering using Botox to fill in the frown lines after losing weight?
Since, I have lost 45 lbs. I have frown lines. When I was heavier the fat filled them in. I am considering botox, any thoughts or suggestoions?
I have lost 40 lbs. since January 1, 2015.
I would like to share my before and now pictures
Help for Piriformis muscle
Does anyone have suggestions how to relieve the piriformis muscle? I recently started running and this muscle has gotten so tight that I can feel the pain in my right butt and down the back of my thigh.
Albolene during exercising
Has anyone use Albolene with plastic wrap on their abs during exercising and does it works?
Stomach won't go down.
I am a 53 year-old female, I have lost so far 33 pounds, and have 17 pounds to go. I have lost weight everyplace except my stomach. I am starting to look slim with this big stomach. I am pear shape. Also, I have been doing low carbs. Does anyone have any suggestions or tips.
I am on a low carb diet and I am having trouble getting all my fiber in. I do eat a lot of vegetables, like Kale, Spinach and broccoli. Any suggestions?
Loose stomach skin
Hi, I have lost 27 lbs and 17 lbs to go and I have also lost some inches off my stomach. Now, I need learn how to tighten the loose skin on my stomach. Can anyone help me with this? Dre