Forums for help with shoulder snapping
Orthopaedic forums online seems difficult to find Tried patient.com can’t sign in for some reason in that site Can I get help here with it
Getting help with crunchy shoulder blade
The shoulder blade is crunching against chest wall crepitus think it’s called when joints crack In the rhomboids area when push shoulder back it grinds like bone on bone but doesn’t hurt it’s just extremely irritating Tried so many exercises strengthening serratus anterior infraspinatus thoaric foam rolling Posture…
Pain in upper arm deltoid tuberosity
Doing a lateral raise no more then 2kg get a pinch sharp bolt of pain in that area where the delt meets the humerus Tried tendinitis exercises and impingement exercises pendulums/external internal rotations and others Stopped sleeping on it as im a side sleeper Tried ice heat magnesium gel cold water when it nips Never…
Inverted rows gruelling back pain
The problem isn’t the actual row itself but the shoulder blades or infraspinatus muscles and upper traps Try and warm them up first and realise there’s gonna some pain but these are searing hot spots very tender to touch What exercises will give stability and activate these areas safely so it doesn’t feel like backs been…
Bump in wrist
Bump appear s w h Bump appears when flex wrist forwards and is quite painful around it and to touch and it hurts applying pressure to palm Don’t no what this is Realise this isn’t a professional diagnosis site etc just wanted an idea what it could be
Cannot diagnose this in back
Nagging persistent grind and click when push shoulder blade back It’s not painful but when try scalpula snapping relief exercises it’s not changing it Tried videos to stop shoulder clicking you tube and posture changes which just aggravate especially wall angels and neck chin tucks Sitting in a passenger seat in a car…
Tennis Elbow and sore wrists
Tennis elbow in right arm the problem is not exactly sure if it is 100 per cent Pain in the bony area on outside and tried to ascertain what is but aren’t sure if it’s nerves like ulnar radial or that lateral epicondylitis that’s more common and takes ages to heal Tried rehabilitation wrist curls pronation surpination 1 kg…
Core exercises everyday
Need core exercises that can do everyday without unbearable pain in the lower back Nothing complex but strengthening the core nothing like sit ups bloody crunches planks are out as well cause of shoulder injury Less is more kinda mentality 41 male
Pain in Wrists
Bearing down weight onto wrists like push up position hurts So does pressing palms together and flexing hand towards wrists Tried wrist strengthing and mobility as well as kin tape It’s not going ice helps and cold water
Brain fog sucks
Cardio is all well but for nearly a year have had awful brain fog bottomless pit days that suck more then cancer Concentration shot Energy poor Memory terrible cohesion gone Mood appalling So elimated milk yogurt dairy sugars salt in safe zones Drink enough water and take hydration pills It’s not adrenal fatigue as it goes…