Any computer geeks want to help a lady in distress?
I have a thumb drive that just all of a sudden stopped working last week. I plug it in and nothing. The drive doesn't even show up anywhere, the lights don't flash, nada. I don't *think* I need anything on it (I'm a writer and I save things to it so they're portable, but also e-mail everything to myself for just such a…
How old do I look?
By my avatar alone. No peaking at my profile!
Endometrial ablation -- who's had it?
Or whose wives/girlfriends/mother have had it? So, I have to have my Mirena out because it's causing weight issues and I'm sick of it. That means back on the pill because without hormonal BC, my periods are horrendous. I had looked up ablation before, but what I read was that it can be painful, a relatively long recovery…
Word conversation through e-mail
We are advertising for another writer here (there are supposed to be two of us, but right now I am it). The AA in charge of posting sent a draft of what we're posting for approval. The draft is a scanned PDF. Me: Everything looks fine, but do you have a Word version I can edit because there are grammatical and…
Help me decorate my house!
Well, a room in my house. :-) I live in a three-bedroom townhouse. The third bedroom is downstairs in the back and opens up to a back porch, so I have always just counted that as an extra living space. There's a futon in there so it can be a guest room when needed. The closet is our storage area and then there's a desk and…
The skinny on reality TV
Other than a few seasons of AI and stuff like Deadliest Catch and Dirty Jobs, I really don't watch reality TV. However, last year TV Guide Channel started running a show called Nail Files centered around a nail salon in LA and the woman who owns it and her life. Well, the woman who's the subject is someone I went to high…
To see or not to see ... Magic Mike
A couple friends are going to see Magic Mike Friday night and invited me. I have absolutely, 100% no interest in male strippers and what attracts me to men is not them dancing half-naked in front of me or having great pecs and a six pack. I know that's blasphemy on this site, but that's just how I feel. I'd like to go have…
Water is bad for you!
Seriously, guys. I mean, every single person who has ever died drank water at one point in his or her life. Truth.
More Adventures in Used Car Buying
So, I found this ad for a 1993 Camry that's supposedly in pretty good condition (according to the ad). The guy says it needs a CV axle and a distributor cap, but otherwise just has very minor body damage and everything else is good. He want's $1,600, insists he won't haggle but also says he's moving and HAS TO sell the car…
Look what I got (warning: too much cute inside)
Banging my head against a wall
OK, I have been on POF for a week. I am reminded once again why I HATE this. First, the guy with the photo and the ""hey" keeps writing and saying nothing but "hey." Over and over and over. Get the hint! Another one I have no interest in keeps writing "hey cutie." He sent that three times in a ROW the other day. One that I…
When you're not interested ...
Well, I'm in the process of trying to end a 7-year relationship and so I decided to put up a profile on POF and have had a few bites. I'm having a lovely conversation with a guy who seems interesting and a few others are in the mix. Today I got a message from a guy who I can definitely say I'm not attracted to, but he…
Helping a friend who binges
So, I have this friend who I've known since we were 12 (let's just say that's a LOT of years!). She was overweight in middle and high school, but as an adult she's really packed on pounds. She's about 5'2" or 5'3" and hovers around 300 pounds. Her background is that er parents and siblings all have weight problems, but…
Adventures in Used Car Shopping
So, the kid graduated high school and in the next couple months will be starting college on the other side of town, plus hopefully a job, which means she kind of needs her own car. We have about $1,500 to spend (before taxes and registration), so pickings are slim, but the boyfriend can fix a lot of things, so if the car…
Working out with a sprained ankle
So, I went on a hike last night and rolled my ankle. I have what feels like a mild sprain and am trying to figure out (besides biking because it isn't an option) what kind of exercise I can do. I'm wondering if I wrap it good if rollerblading or the elliptical are OK to do. Has anyone done those with a mild sprain?
Everyone sucks but me
Really, I mean, my food diary is open to my friends and some of them don't have theirs open, so how can I tell them all the things they're doing wrong? And some of them eat meat, but I'm a vegetarian. And some of them do low-carb or Paleo and I don't. And, would you believe it, but some of them even do different exercises…
When The Big Boss is a motivational speaker -- HELP!
Our agency head is a motivational speaker, so this introverted, sarcastic cynic keeps being forced to participate in stupid office "togetherness" crap. Anyway, the latest is we had to draw a name from a bucket and do something kind for that person. Now, if I actually knew the person whose name I drew, this would be easy.…
Am I a potential stalker?
Am I the only person who thinks this way? When I'm at the gym or running in the park and I see a woman there working out who has the kind of body I wish I had, I have this overwhelming urge to follow her around and copy everything she does.
Ummm ... This is a new issue at the gym
From the Dear Prudence column: Q. Gym Romance: I'm a fit, attractive 30-something single woman who enjoys working out at my local gym. A few weeks ago I noticed a cute guy seemed to have a similar schedule as mine. We also seemed to have a similar workout routine—bike, weights, swim etc. I've tried smiling at him once or…
Game of Thrones (THE BOOK) fans
Um ... so tell me why this book is good? I started it a few days ago and am about 80 pages in and not enjoying it at all. I can live with the author taking a million years to get through the setup and to the meat of the story, but the writing itself is not very good at all. What do you all like about it? What am I missing?
A REAL dog (and cat and horse ...)-lovers' thread:
One of the things I love most about animals is the free entertainment they provide. So ... let's tell stories about what makes us love them so. I'll start with my neighbor's pit bull. He's pushing 80 pounds and only about 2 years old and the biggest baby you'll ever meet. Her roommate is a musician and was playing a gig…
Whole grain bread recipes wanted!
I've been eating Arnold's Double Fiber Whole Wheat bread, which is fine, but I'd like to 1.) Save money and 2.) have something as close to natural as I can get. Arnold's close, but still has quite the long ingredients list. So ... I want to make my own. But I want something COMPLETELY whole grain (no white flour involved)…
Glutenfri Gulrotkake
A spam comment from my blog for your entertainment: This is pointless, why am I even reading it and not enjoying glutenfri gulrotkake? I should learn to spend my time better.
Oy! Some people!
I met and became friends with this girl, K, about a year ago. Within a week of meeting her, she was telling me about how she wanted to find a group to walk and hike with who weren't too physical because she's very overweight and out of shape and her husband is older, so they have trouble keeping up. Since then, about three…
Inconceivable! The thread of PB references
I was sad to see the gaunt thread pulled for no other reason than the vast number of Princess Bride quotes. So, here is a thread dedicated to that wonderful movie. Go! "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
Why not just eat fruits and veggies????
I need to vent here because if I do it on Facebook, my friend who I love dearly will see it and be hurt. But she's seriously getting on my NERVES!!!! She's involved with selling this crap called JuicePlus+. If you read anything about it NOT on the company website, it's basically a bunch of crap. They're pills that…
A Man Alone
So, I guess this is either a good thing or a bad thing, depending on how you look at it. The boyfriend says he's OK with it, so I guess that's all that matters. I was going to go to my best friend's house a couple hours away for Thanksgiving, but the boyfriend has to work until 1:30 that day and asked me to stay and cook.…