Calories in Oat Bran?
I just bought a big tub from the farmer's market, and all it says is "Kansas Organic Oat Bran." I'm seeing numbers ranging from 50-120 calories for 1/4 cup dry. Does anyone know how much it actually is?
Preparing for a Half Marathon?
I'm a fairly new runner - I've been running for under a year. I'm signing up for a half marathon in November. How should I prepare? I definitely intend to participate in a number of 5Ks prior to it. How did you prepare for your first half marathon?
Body Fat % Estimation
How is this site for estimating body fat, in your experience? http://www.healthyforms.com/helpful-tools/body-fat-percentage.php It's telling me I have 22% body fat - obviously I will get this checked at the gym at my school. I'm filling something out and want an estimation for now.
Help with a calorie estimate - pho!
Hi, everyone! I just had some pho with tofu for lunch and didn't eat the rice noodles. I'd estimate I had about three cups of broth... I'm guessing it was fairly fatty broth, since it kind of glistened? Basically, it was your average pho broth. I also had onions, scallion, some bean sprouts, and about 8oz of firm tofu -…
Cruise Ship Bartending
This is..... an incredibly strange question. I've been in school non-stop. I just turned 23, and I'm about to enter into a nursing program. I work full time as a bartender, and calling myself burned-out would be an understatement. Today I was sent home sick from work; I haven't been sick in years, and I'm convinced that…
Safe to run after giving blood?
I gave blood today after a string of failed attempts - iron too low, blood flow too slow, etc. I want to celebrate with a run later tonight (I'll use any excuse for a celebratory run ;) ). If I drink a ton of water, do you think it's okay to run 6 hours after donating?
Zumba online?
I keep hearing great things about this DVD series, but I want to try it out before I shell out $50. Anyone know of a link where I can try it? Thanks!
Kay's Naturals Protein products
Anyone else in love with these? Most of them have a gritty taste that's probably a turn-off for a lot of folks, but I love it. The apple cinnamon cereal and cinnamon toast pretzel sticks are my favorites.
Moe's/Online Nutrition Counters
How accurate do you guys think the nutrition facts are for Moe's? I'm wondering if I should Quick Add 100 calories just to make sure... it seems like I got a LOT of food for 255 calories! It's easy to make a giant plate of food for that many calories at home, but I'm skeptical of a number like that when I eat out. I…
Cut-off Time
Decided my cut-off time will be 8PM. In addition, I completely planned my food tomorrow. I'm treating it like Day 1. I really need a clean slate in my mind! Today was horrible, but when I wake up, I want to forgive myself and forget it. Who's with me?
Calorie intake on days when you're up longer
Hey, guys. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I'm in school, so I usually am up from 5:30AM to 2-3AM (school + work). For those of you who occasionally have days like this, do you up your calorie intake? I'm up for so long that my usual amount doesn't typically get me through. I suppose I'm burning a bit more merely by being awake…
Ladies eating at a higher net?
So... I've been on this site for almost 100 days. Started off at 1200, lost a few pounds. Went up to 1400 net next, because I didn't want to be stuck at 1200. Lately, it seems like my body is craving even more food, and I'm just wondering if this is normal as I get closer to my goal? I'm about 130 lbs at 5'4" and still…
I just discovered the best protein powder EVER
Trutein Cinnabun. I.... feel like I just drank a cinnabun. In the best way. Stats are good, too: 1 scoop:120 cals, 24 g protein, 2.5 g fiber, 5 carbs
I can't believe there's already so much pollen in the air. It was really mild today in Atlanta, and I've seen BEES. In JANUARY. My sinuses are acting up like crazy. I was hoping for another month or two before the attack of the allergies reemerged :/
Shopping List!
Anyone else making a much needed trip to the grocery store today? If so, what are you getting? Oat bran (changing it up from my daily steel-cut oats) Grapes (to freeze - love snacking on these) Liquid egg whites Sliced chicken breast Raspberries Almond milk Celery Cucumbers Sugar snap peas Frozen veggie blends Cottage…
Not showering after the gym?
Gross, I know. I have a small gap between classes, and I really want to get a workout in at my school's gym. I can't go after my last class, because it gets dark and I have to wait on the bus in downtown Atlanta... yeah, not happening in the dark. I sweat a lot when I exercise, but I've never been told that I smell. If I…
Logging Shifts
Twice a week, I work 6-8 hour (sometimes 12 hours if I'm working a double) bar/serving shifts that involve never sitting down and constantly running around. I typically log these as 2 hours of walking at 3.0 mph (obviously a gross underestimate). However, my shifts the rest of the week are much shorter, and on days that I…
GF Turkey Jerky?
Anyone found any? I'm on a mission!
Doctor Weigh-In - Eek!
I'm going to the doctor for a lady check up, and I'm freaking out slightly about stepping on the scale. At home, I weigh myself without clothes... how much should I subtract for the jeans? At my height, every pound counts, and I don't want to be horrified at the difference. Thanks, guys!
Filling Foods for School!
Hey guys! I'm on campus from 7am to 5pm this semester, and I'm in need of some filling foods that don't need to stay too cold. I have a decent lunch box, but I have three classes in a row 'til my break, so my food is usually warmish by then. Also, I'm looking for things to snack on in class (I hate it when my stomach…
Polar FT7 - Subtract Rest Calories?
Do you guys subtract the cals you would have burned just by sitting from your exercise calories? For instance, my HRM told me I burned 122 calories in 20 minutes - do I subtract what I would have burned just by living for 20 minutes?
Bailing on friends :(
It's my friend's birthday tonight, and my other friend just called to pick me up... I'm right in my calorie limit, it's already after 8pm, and they want to go for Mexican food and then drink shots all night. I know I could go and not eat/drink, but it's so much easier to just stay home. On top of that, I've been having a…
Peanut Butter and Co.
Don't get me wrong, I still love my crunchy unsalted almond butter for oatmeal... but man, I just bought PB and Co's Oatmeal Raisin Swirl, and I've been eating this stuff out of a tablespoon for a snack. So. Good. Anyone try any other flavors?
recipes with rice paper?
Like basil rolls, please? I have a bunch of rice paper and would love some ideas for how to use it!
Lower back pain
How do you deal with it? My Ibuprofen from earlier just wore off, and I'm trying to figure out how to stretch the pain away until it kicks in again. Pulled it yesterday :/
Fat Macro
I've been under the impression that it's best to hit/exceed the protein and fat macros, but not the carb one (because MFP makes it higher than necessary?). Granted, it depends on what kind of fat you're eating... but I primarily get mine from nut butter and consistently hit or go over my macro by 5-10. Is that okay? I…
"You Guys Suck"
At the end of an 8 hour bartending shift, I received a note left on one of the booths that read "you guys suck." I think few people understand just how stressful a New Years morning bartending shift can be, especially when brunch is being served along with Bloody Marys and Mimosas. This is the first shift I've experienced…
NYE home alone?
I opted to stay in this year, mainly because I have work at 9am tomorrow morning! However, I also drank waaaay too much last night and have plans to go out tomorrow night with work buddies who also have to be up super early today. My boyfriend is going to a show, but I'd much rather have a quiet evening in with Netflix and…
Mini Elliptical?
I'm carless and don't have a gym nearby, but I always LOVE the burn I get from an elliptical. In addition, I don't have much expendable income and live in a pretty small apartment. I just came across this mini elliptical…