Are YOU An Emotional Eater? An Article and Tips To Stop
Emotional Eating: Feeding Your Feelings Eating to feed a feeling, and not a growling stomach, is emotional eating. By Heather Hatfield WebMD Feature Reviewed by Charlotte E. Grayson Mathis, MD When you're happy, your food of choice could be steak or pizza, when you're sad it could be ice cream or cookies, and when you're…
What's The Need For Veggies and Fruit Anymore?
I'm sitting here and just wondering, "Why do we need veggies and fruit in tour diet, today's world?" * We can get sufficient (more than sufficient) vitamins and minerals from Supplements; * We now have access to water, where normally a third of our intake would come from veggies and fruit; * We used to need the "bulk" that…
100+ Lbs. Loss WithOut WT. Loss Surgery
I am just curious. Are there any people on here that have lost or in the process of losing 100 or more pounds that are NOT doing it as part of WLS or motivated by WLS? I do not have a problem with using WLS to get healthy but the PHYSICAL dynamic is different. I have lost 75 lbs. over the last 2 years and need to lose…
NSV, NEVER Over Look Them!
I have learned to take Great Pride in Non-Scale Victories (NSV.) I went to the doctor last week and my blood pressure was 127/75! For a year it had hovered around high to mid high levels. The scales said that I was up a couple of pounds, but when I heard my BP and the nurse "brag" about it, it hit me how wonderful eating…
VIF = Very Important Factor. I'm sitting here feeling SUPER FULL! Last night I ate for dinner: an 8oz Grilled Ribeye Steak, Small Salad, French Fries. It was REALLY GOOD, but still almost tasting it this morning and can barely drink my coffee because I am so full! So I decide to search Digestion Times for Food. I learn…
What Do You Think About Parental Favoritism?
Recently I relocated and am staying a while with My Sister (call her Doris). She has 5 kids and they are wonderful kids. I began to notice that one (the second from the youngest, he is 10 yrs old, call him Tom) was treated much different from the others. He also was disrespectful to Me twice, she was told this and gave him…
AHH The INCREDIBLE Edible Sweet Potato!
Someone recently called the Sweet Potato the most complete food there is. After research, I TOTALLY Agree, it is a SUPER, SUPER FOOD! Not only that, it Tastes Great. I have recently started putting it in My oatmeal (another great food) and I am feeling great about that decision. The nutrients in just a cup of mashed sweet…
Closed...Told Ya! LOL
Fatsecret Thread.
Is LeBron James
Mentally Tough enough to LEAD a team to a championship? I say no...I saw that same "Deer In The Head Light Look" in the Chicago game that I saw on him when he played Boston LAST YEAR. I know that he is a smart guy but that has nothing to do with being mentally tough/focused/committed to WILL something to happen. If Miami…
Has Anyone Else
Reviewed their Diary and realized that they have NOT changed their Lifestyle around food, they have just reduced their calorie intake! I realized this; I have made some changes but I need to really make more if I am to reach My Wellness goals.
What Are You Doing?
(1) What does Good/Excellent Health mean to you? (2) What are you doing to be/Live Healthy? My Answers: #1. I call it Physical Wellness, and it means that I am: (1) Disease Free, (2) All factors for disease are normalized (like blood-sugar levels, BP, cholesterol...), (3) I have good, pain free mobility, (4) I attain and…
What Is A...?
Snack and Meal for you, relative to Calories? AND, does it matter? For Me a Snack is anything eaten from 0-250 Calories; A Meal is ANYTHING eaten over 250 Calories. It matters, don't know exactly why, but intuitively I feel it matters. Maybe someone here will write something that resonates with Me.
Sometimes It comes Down To This
What to do when you have Competing Interests. That's what eating healthy( Healthier) is all about, making choices, hopefully the right choices at that time. I eat beef maybe once a week, so is it worth "stressing" over? Tomorrow I plan to have a Cheeseburger for lunch. My quandary is whether to buy a Double Cheeseburger…
Why Fake It!?
I don't know why we say that we want to eat healthy and then not take the time to do the research needed to eat healthy or we will just accept things OTHER people say as THE truth, instead of A truth - NOT necessarily MY truth. I look at some diaries and see people adding foods that right off the top I KNOW have more…
EATING!? YES, Eating!
(From My Blog I Posted Today) Is Counter-Intuitive to losing weight/fat but it is REAL and Very Effective. Women especially have languished-actually agonized with this concept of eat more and lose weight. And when I say eat more, I mean consistent-quality food intake that is sustainable and will sustain the Body. Of course…
Does Eating Back Exercise Calories ACTUALLY Work?
I would like to know from WOMEN who STARTED OUT at 250 lbs or More. Do you eat all of them, a part, only on the days you work out... Also, What type of exercise (s) you are doing, how often and avg calories burned? Thank-you
What Is Water Weight?
And ISN'T it as difficult to lose as "any other weight?" I have found for Myself that whenever I go up quickly, do to "water gain" it still takes Me a week or two to lose that 2-5 lbs as it would to lose "fat." So I don't think "water" loss or gain should be taken as "Oh well it's JUST Water weight." I still have to WORK…
Does Anyone...
Keep a few calories at the end of the day to account for the possible discrepancies that may be in serving sizes or calories for foods...? I have begun to do that, I will keep about 50 back per day.
When You Meet Your Wt Loss GOAL, What Do You Do?
What's Next...when you have "That Number or even a few pounds below it," What do you do or PLAN to DO? For those that have Reached that "Number" and regained weight, could you tell Me how you did that? What did you Stop doing or began doing? How long did it take you to catch yourself, how much did you regain? This time, do…
Is It "Them" or is It YOU?
Lately I have been seeing a LOT of Posts about "people" getting on someone for "eating right" or rejecting food; also about being "sabotaged" by friends and family. I'm not saying these things do not happen, but at what point do we stop blaming others for "stuff" and begin to take personal responsibility for what we do,…
Again allow the scale to dictate My Emotional Well-being again! I admit that I became emotionally paralyzed, then angry, then sad, then persecuted Myself after getting on the scale and it moved 1 lb in the "wrong" direction, when I have been Living My Wellness Plan. That was CRAZY, it changed My whole day...Before I got on…
What Do You Think?
Each day someone saved enough of their calories to have a "Treat"...like a candy bar (2 Days, Large Snickers, Large Mr. Good Bar), bag of chips (Grab Bag Salt and Vinegar), ice cream (3 Days, some type of novelty), cookies. Each day this person is saving from 300-600 Calories to eat this. QUESTIONS: (1) Is that eating…
Are Screen Names With No Pics Trustworthy?
I know, someone can post a false pic. I used to keep my pic off of My postings on different websites, but then I thought...WHY? I'm not posting somewhere I'm ashamed of and I'm not ashamed of what I am posting, and no one knows my real name unless I choose to share it with them. So I decided to put My pic on My screen name…
World's Oldest Man Dies
His thoughts on Nutrition: Eat Only 2 Meals per day, "That's all you need."
Just Had To DO It!
Well, I just had to clear out My Friends Log of those that have NOT signed in within a Month. I give and like motivation...when I see that someone has "given up" or don't care about "this" anymore it COULD be deflating, so I figure why keep them as a Friend. Actually, if they have NOT logged in over that time, they have…
Help For Those Who Can't Find Calorie/Nutritional Info
Just go to nutritiondata.com, then you can add it to "My Foods" or the Database...
Alcohol Awareness Month
I am in the process of transitioning My Career from law to HR. I do quite a bit of reading on HR matters and ran across this article, "Think Alcohol Is Not A Problem in the Work Place." http://humanresources.about.com/b/2011/04/04/think-alcohol-use-is-not-a-problem.htm?nl=1 I thought that since we usually have vigorous…
Great Nutrition Data Website
Hello: I just thought I would share this website that I just discovered>>>nutritiondata.com I track several nutritional elements in My eating and I looked at some entries here and KNEW that the info. was not correct, so I went searching and came upon this website.Others may have already known about it but it is THE Answer…