Does Eating Back Exercise Calories ACTUALLY Work?

EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
edited September 26 in Food and Nutrition
I would like to know from WOMEN who STARTED OUT at 250 lbs or More. Do you eat all of them, a part, only on the days you work out... Also, What type of exercise (s) you are doing, how often and avg calories burned?



  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    i started out at 185 and YES eating em back definitely helps! If you click my success story link below, it shows in the chart WHEN i started eating them back AND the resulting downward weight loss.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I was 187 when I started and being that overweight I did not need to eat my exercise calories back so I didn't that worked wonders for me. It is a different story now that I am 139.
  • TiffanyW1014
    TiffanyW1014 Posts: 599 Member
    I am 5'8 and started at 262 pounds in June 2010. I am now at 189.2 (give or take) and at the beginning I DIDN"T eat back my calories but i really wasn't watching either. Now I watch everything and log EVERYTHING that goes in my mouth. I do a lot on the elliptical normally 20-30 minutes 5-6 times a week. I also started lifting but nothing crazy ;) In an average I burn 200-300 calories a day and now I eat those back. I am still losing just not as fast as I once was but the scale is still going down. I also try really hard to get atleast 100 grams of protein a day and that seems to help. Hope this helps and good luck!! If you need a friend request me I'm here !
  • Wileyjoe
    Wileyjoe Posts: 282
  • Kelleinna
    Kelleinna Posts: 160
    I started at 261... I guess that qualifies me to reply. :)

    I don't stress too much about eating ALL my exercise calories (though I often do), but what I make sure of is that I NET 1200 calories for the day. If at the end of the day my net calories on the homepage are not yet at 1200, I go find myself a snack. Generally I do my workouts at a gym here in town that is sort of like Curves but isn't... in 30 minutes I usually burn about 245 according to my HRM. I also teach preschool and I'm often running around with little kids on recess during the day... lol.

    Seems to be working well enough. I've lost 26 lbs. and over 15 total inches since January 1st. :)
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Everyone's different but here's my story: At first I set my weight loss goal at a pound per week, ate back all my exercise calories and had a day or two a week that I'd go over a little. I lost 5 pounds in the first month but then stalled completely a few weeks ago.

    I'd been doing Weight Watchers (Momentum, not Points Plus) and had great success with eating my basic points, earned activity points AND the weekly allowance points so I knew I could do it with eating plenty but needed to figure out the difference. A friend helped me figure out approximately how many calories per week I was getting through WW and when I went in to change my weight loss goal to 1.5 pounds per week, it came up with about the same number. I still eat all my exercise calories and have a day or two that I go over but that extra deficit in daily calories gives me the wiggle room that I need to still succeed. And I always make sure that I eat at least the 1300 or so calories in my minimum daily goal.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    [sorry removed, as I am not a woman]
  • webbstace
    webbstace Posts: 17
    Started out and still above 250. I do not always eat them back. I typically use them when I really want some sort of "treat". As far as exercise approx 3 times a week walk/jog and burn about 300 calories. I have not been losing fast but fairly consistently without depriving myself of anything just being much more wise about portion control. Best wishes to you!
  • Davali
    Davali Posts: 225 Member
    I started above 250lbs and do eat back my exercise calories. I've recently increased my calorie intake in general and it seems to have kickstarted the loss again.
  • bgeer34
    bgeer34 Posts: 135 Member
    I am in the minority here and would like to not get slammed on.. but for now eating them back does not work for me. First off, I started at 286 and currently at 228.6. With the weight and heart rate I burn more calories than would be humanly possible to eat back. My doc says I am not in danger of starvation mode at my weight as there is plenty there to go still. His suggestion to me was to vary the calories each day so that I am not eating exactly (or close) to the same amount every day. Have higher days and lower days. Following his advice I am doing great. As I lose weight, then yes, I will probably need to eat some of them back as I won't have the fat stores to survive on that I currently have. I make sure I had good nutrition (all my fiber, protein, etc) and if I am hungry, I eat. If I am not hungry, I eat a tiny bit at least so that I never get to where I have no food in my body. 3 meals and 3 snacks daily and their size and calorie content is based on how hungry I am at the time.

    As I said, I do believe it is because of my weight that I don't have to worry about it right now. I haven't eaten them back since I started on Jan 1 and so far I have done very well. Good luck to you :)
  • applebottomjeans11
    applebottomjeans11 Posts: 46 Member
    Hey girl I started out at 229 so not quite 250 and in 25 days I am down to 221.5 and I have been going back and forth with this. I have noticed that when I don't eat back most of my exercise calories I get sick because it puts my body under 1200 net calories and your body needs at least 1200 before working out to maintain a healthy weightloss. I do A LOT of cardio with a little bit of strength training and I workout on the Xbox Kinect and Wii. This is my first week at really eating back most of my exercise calories and the work outs are getting harder and longer so I will let you know how the loss goes for the week. Up until a few days ago I WAS NOT eating back ANY exercise calories and was losing about 2lbs per week except I did start to gain which I believe was due to not having enough net calories which is why I am eating most of my exercise ones now. Hope that makes since and helps you with knowing what to do.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    I do not. Sometimes if I have worked out and feel hungry that day I may eat a little more but otherwise no.
  • Spayrroe
    Spayrroe Posts: 210 Member
    I started out over 300 lbs. I lost two pounds when I first started using this site, but then fell off track prepping for my husband's deployment. When I got back on track, I'd gained back my 2lbs, plus three more. Now, almost one month later, MFP says I've lost 15lbs (but if you count the 3 I gained back, it's actually been 18).

    As far as consuming exercise calories, I don't usually. I have really ambitious goals (I need to lose 3 sizes in the next four months to meet the goal in my signature), so I try to cut out as much as I can without causing myself a problem. So, in a typical day, I try to burn 500+ cals (usually by doing the eliptical, stationary bike, and strength training if I'm at the gym). Now, if I end up tapping into my exercise cals, I don't beat myself up over it or anything.

    When you're more overweight, it's okay to create bigger calorie deficits without doing damage to yourself. Someone who only has like 20 lbs to lose has to go slower than someone who has over 100 lbs to lose.

    Hope this helps :)
  • mexiana
    mexiana Posts: 77 Member
    I started at 298 and I rarely eat all of my exercise calories back. I try to keep my net close to 1200, but generally speaking I'm a zigzagger. I think the larger you are the more you can get away with not eating them back. As you get closer to goal you should not only eat them all, but when you hit a plateau, change your goal to lose 1.5 or 1 pound a week vs. 2 a week. When you only have 30 pounds or so to go, you can't have such a high deficit and still be losing, you need food!

    I work out daily anywhere from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours depending on how much time I have (and how much I indulged that day!) I have an elliptical machine that I LOVE, but I also love Dance Central on the KINECT.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    I was 187 when I started and being that overweight I did not need to eat my exercise calories back so I didn't that worked wonders for me. It is a different story now that I am 139.

    Exactly! What I am trying to get at is: When someone has so much Stored fat cells, is it prudent to eat back exercise calories or is it more effective to allow the Body to eat on those stored cells. It may be more discomfort at first but if a person is, according to BMI "over weight," "obese," morbid or super morbidly obese," just eating sedentary calorie requirements are a lot of calories and are usually far above the dreaded 1200 calorie baseline that some like to use. And when a person "Normalizes" their weight, there are LESS Stored Fat cells and it THEN becomes necessary to eat back exercise calories to Maintain weight.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    I started out over 300 lbs. I lost two pounds when I first started using this site, but then fell off track prepping for my husband's deployment. When I got back on track, I'd gained back my 2lbs, plus three more. Now, almost one month later, MFP says I've lost 15lbs (but if you count the 3 I gained back, it's actually been 18).

    As far as consuming exercise calories, I don't usually. I have really ambitious goals (I need to lose 3 sizes in the next four months to meet the goal in my signature), so I try to cut out as much as I can without causing myself a problem. So, in a typical day, I try to burn 500+ cals (usually by doing the eliptical, stationary bike, and strength training if I'm at the gym). Now, if I end up tapping into my exercise cals, I don't beat myself up over it or anything.

    When you're more overweight, it's okay to create bigger calorie deficits without doing damage to yourself. Someone who only has like 20 lbs to lose has to go slower than someone who has over 100 lbs to lose.

    Hope this helps :)

    Exactly, thanks.
  • trixylewis
    trixylewis Posts: 197 Member
    i started out at 240, im now 217. i do not eat my calories back intentionally, i use those as a cushion if i want something extra, like a guilt free snack. but normally i dont
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I was 187 when I started and being that overweight I did not need to eat my exercise calories back so I didn't that worked wonders for me. It is a different story now that I am 139.

    Exactly! What I am trying to get at is: When someone has so much Stored fat cells, is it prudent to eat back exercise calories or is it more effective to allow the Body to eat on those stored cells. It may be more discomfort at first but if a person is, according to BMI "over weight," "obese," morbid or super morbidly obese," just eating sedentary calorie requirements are a lot of calories and are usually far above the dreaded 1200 calorie baseline that some like to use. And when a person "Normalizes" their weight, there are LESS Stored Fat cells and it THEN becomes necessary to eat back exercise calories to Maintain weight.

    Correct, I think the more fat cells you have the safer it is and probably even better if you dotn eat those calories back. Eventually, like me you will come to a standstill on the scale and need to increase those calories but in the beginning I lost very quickly and would do it the same way if I had to again.
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    My diary is open and I log everything and honestly. I started at 225. I eat at least half of my exercise calories, but leave cushion because I do not have an HRM and like to have some cushion for error. I am consistently losing (28 pounds to date).

    Since I am still obese for my height, I could afford a larger deficit and not eat them back. But I prefer to lose weight gradually, have my skin remain tight, and maintain my muscle mass as much as possible. I do not want to get down to goal weight and then tone up. I want to lose fat, keep muscle and look like a size six athlete. I know I cannot do that with a high deficit. I must have plenty of protein and calories. So, I am content losing an average of 3 to 4 pounds a month, in exchange for lost inches.

    As for exercise, I take yoga at least 3 times per week. This is the center of my fitness, and I commit to going to yoga even if I do no other exercise all week. I often do 15 minutes of intervals on the elliptical prior to yoga class, because it helps get me warmed up and burns a few more calories. I also lift weights, take zumba (1-2 times per week), and occasionally BodyPump or Pilates, when I can fit it in. Occasionally, I do 30 Day Shred at home, but prefer to workout in the gym.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    I too use some of my exercise calories for a cushion since I do not have a HRM either and in some situations it is hard to estimate your food intake. I make sure that I have a net 1200 calories but it isn't like 2 days out of the 240 I have been on here is bad. However I keep an eye on it. I really think varying calories works well. So if I eat almost all or even have a day I go over a bit it is not a big deal but generally I stay under and try to keep a cushion. I try to eat more on high exercise days in general. I too have my goal set lower at between 1 - 1.5 pounds a week for the same reasons Yolanda mentions. For now I know I do not lose when I have my weight set at 1 pound loss and eat all my exercise calories back. I also adjust my calories as I lose.
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