Rainy and Raw
An evening for Aaron Neville Radio on Pandora, loving and green tea. "Some Days Are Made For Rain"!
Latest Research Shows...
Vitamins and Supplements are USELESS and maybe HARMFUL! Yes, anyone who knows anything about the Body did NOT need this Study to know that the Body can not metabolize "supplements/vitamins/nutrients" that are taken out of its whole source. Allopathic medicine treat people the same way...they treat symptoms and body parts.…
Why do I need to buy Organic?
When all I have to do is WASH My Fruits and Veggies in a Solution of White Vinegar and Baking SODA for at least 5 minutes (Research for amts.); this INCLUDES the Pre-Packaged Pre-Washed Produce and FROZEN. YEAH, sorry but those frozen berries used for those Smoothies ALSO have pesticides on them. I can see buying milled…
New Habit...Popcorn
OK, I'm starting a New Habit of Snacking on Popcorn. I LOVE Popcorn but I have not had any in a while, so I thought about microwave Popcorn. I don't use a microwave anymore but I thought , well, maybe for this. I Googled info on it (something I would have Never done 12 months ago) AND there is NO WAY I would eat that…
Could You Live With...?
Could you marry or live with someone who does not have the same or similar Health Goals (and how to achieve them) as you? Before I changed My Lifestyle I knew I could not live with a "smoker", cigarettes or otherwise. Now that I have dramatically changed My Lifestyle and Health/Wellness I can not imagine living with…
"Doing The Dirty" Problem
I take My Son to his College Town to set him up for Fall. Well, we sign the Apt Lease and discover that the person above My Son's Apt.(WE don't know who leases up there yet) is a NOISY lover. My Son could not sleep for the NOISE, bed squeaking, going 40 mph like a jack rabbit ...then this chick starts going into her…
Is Being Lesbian/Gay...A Lifestyle?
What do you think? I have been a lesbian all of My Life, but have practiced it for over 20 years. I always accepted being homosexual as My orientation, just as a woman who is sexually attracted to men is heterosexual. I never even ever considered that being homosexual as a "Lifestyle"; I do not dedicate My Life to all or…
Local Harvest...
Localharvest.org. I may be late but I am a budding Vegetarian, and right now I am doing some juicing and eating raw for a while...it is going great! Anyway, I do a lot of YouTube for anything/infor I seek for a lot of things. Well, one of My Subscriptions was talking about getting TOP Quality Produce (most organic), (as…
I Love My Pandora
I have it filled with every type of music for all of My possible moods...but 70% of the time some type of jazz will do the trick. I have Tupac, Kevin Mahogany, Jaheim, Maze, Smooth Jazz, Coltrane, Najee, Davis, Gospel, R and B, Beetles, Stones, More Jazz... I have 2 computers and a Roku on My Flat Screen. All hooked to…
Lesbian Social Networking
I have been out of the Lesbian Dating scenario for quite a while. I was in a long term partnership and then took time to clear from it. I've never done a lot of online socializing BUT NOW I am very interested to know where Lesbians go online to socialize and meet. Age 40+ definitely desired, not trying to discriminate but…
Local Harvest...Great Produce
Localharvest.org. I am a budding Vegetarian, and right now I am doing some juicing and eating raw for a while...it is going great! Anyway, I do a lot of YouTube for anything/infor I seek for a lot of things. Well, one of My Subscriptions was talking about getting TOP Quality Produce (most organic), (as well as free range…
So some of My friends came over to watch the NCAA Tournament Final Four (My brackets were shot after the first week). We were like...OMG, look at all these BEAUTIFUL Black Women...Dayyyyyyyum, Ballers get everything! (Thanks Mr. Obama). I gotta get back to the ATL soon; I lived there for 3 yrs, you never appreciate stuff…
One Healthy Azz Hobby...
I've gotten Myself into, GREEN Tea, YEAH! Well, for 25 years I was a coffee drinker. I had to have My mug of coffee every morning, Gevalia. I was really into it. So about 3 years ago when I began to "normalize" My weight and eat more healthfully I noticed some mornings I could pass. Well, about 6 months ago I noticed that…
What's Your Weakness...
In a same sex attraction? ME, Imma fool for beautiful, kinda bowed-shapely LEGS; and a Beautiful face and smile. But NICE legs on a pretty woman knocks Me out. If she puts on a skirt or dress just below or mid knee with a 2 inch or higher heel, I freak! I have to "contain" Myself...LOL! What attracts you to a person? Oh…
Natural Hair Movement; Health, Care, Styles...
For all African American and Latino Women (and Men) or ALL Women interested in The Natural Hair Movement, if you want to get started/Transitioning or learn how to care for your Natural Hair, as well as styling. You are getting Healthy, bring your Natural beautiful hair along. The Natural Hair Movement is a Health Movement,…
What I REALLY Want To Say
To My Ex! You want Me back, don't you?!!! Yeah! I was the Emotional Glue that held it all together, but you did not Value that until NOW. How ya like Me NOW?! I'm older than you, but I can still offer you the BEST years of your Life...shoooot, some people would take one good year. Sorry to say it but ain't NoooBody gonna…
Stressing, Should I Get Ex Valentine Flowers?
We have been separated for almost 2 years. We went through some hard times together and she cared for Me through a bad illness, she was wonderful, she even financially supported Me! When the illness was over we just seem to drift apart emotionally, and eventually separated. She recently emailed Me and said that it took her…
MFP is Boring Now
Has anyone tried it? What's your opinion? I've had it with the high cost cable, so I just get Broadcast Cable (11.49) and have just purchased a ROKU XD Streaming Video Player, and joined Netflix. Also, any other good FREE Online Streaming places...I know about Crackle, Joost and Hulu. Thanks
I DON'T Know What It Is...
But I feel Extra GREAT Today! I feel Horny, Sensual, Chilled and Special. Yesterday - I went for a walk and then sat in the park for about an hour; I ate My LAST Gluten (My Body had been telling Me for a Couple of weeks to TOTALLY End Gluten in My Life..Throat almost closed and broke out in hives.) Maybe I feel relieved…
Planning Plastics After Wt. Loss Especially Women 50+
I do, I feel like I owe it to Myself. My "under-chin" needs some work, to Me. I'm not wanting a complete face-lift but something that will make Me look "Refreshed." I LOVE My Age and that I am aging Gracefully but I want to basically "Correct" what fat took out of place, NOT what Time put on. Any thoughts?
Arthritis and What's Working For Me
I began an anti-inflammation eating plan (NO GLUTEN, NO Wheat, NO Night Shade Veggies: Tomatoes, Potatoes, Egg Plant, Peppers; Reduced Dairy, No Red Meat) and continued with South Beach 1. This works EXTREMELY well. It is NOT a "Diet" it is a way of LIFE. I weigh about every 2 months and the weight is just dropping off!!!…
Lost/Losing Wt., NOW Getting HEALTHY!
I have lost over 100 in the las t2 years by MAINLY eating less calories. Believe Me that made Me feel better physically and helped some of the medical markers get normalized. SO, a few weeks ago I experienced some severe arthritis pain, I have arthritis in both hips from years of running. I said, this is NOT right...so I…
Crazy Aunt Dee!!!
Thanksgiving was great...until! Who else has a "Crazy" relative who gets drunk at a family function and acts stupid? Growing up, every now and then one of My relatives would "show out" on a holiday or family gathering. I always kinda laughed when I saw it happen...we would always say, "Oh Lawd, there goes Aun't Dee" or…
A Little Help
I have a 13 year old Nephew that I want too get a Christmas gift. He's a bright kid who stays in his Mom's "Dog House." He is very curious about things, LOVES to tinker with things and work with his hands. He says he would like to be an engineer on day. Any suggestions on gifts would be very appreciated. Thanks
Some Input Please
I know that favoritism among children is a tabu subject. Some parents even say that they "Love" each child Equally but may treat them differently. I buy that to some degree...However, what about AFFECTION. ALSO, is Obligation/Duty the same as "Love"? I pose these questions because I am hurt over something. My Sister has…
Need Some Input
Recently I relocated back to My hometown. I was invited to stay with My Sister until I get My own place. My Sister has adopted 3 kids and had them since infancy. They are emerging teens now and I had never met them before...YEA, it's been a while. Anyway, we (Me and the kids) have NOT hit it off. Basically, we "tolerate"…
What is The Basis For Vegan and/or Vegetarian Eating?
I ask this because I heard someone say that she is a Vegan because she detest the killing and/or suffering of animals for food consumption. I have heard others say that it is because they believe that it is a healthier way to eat/Lifestyle. What's your perspective?
Weight Loss
NO ONE can say for sure or even within reason how much weight they can/will ACTUALLY lose over a period of time, there are too many variables, just too many. So why do "WE" set these Weight Goals that inevitably disappoint us and cause us to lose our motivation. Instead why don't "we" just devise a Plan and make the GOAL…