EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
Has anyone tried it? What's your opinion? I've had it with the high cost cable, so I just get Broadcast Cable (11.49) and have just purchased a ROKU XD Streaming Video Player, and joined Netflix. Also, any other good FREE Online Streaming places...I know about Crackle, Joost and Hulu.


  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Roku is the shiz.

    Roku with a Netflix and Hulu Plus subscription is all you need. That's enough movies and tv shows that you can cut back your cable to just the complete bare bones. That's what I do. I pay $12 a month for cable. $9 each for Netflix and Hulu Plus.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Sweet! Sounds good.
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    I have a Roku and a NF subscription and got rid of $70 per month cable a year ago and haven't looked back. With the Roku I also stream Pandora so if I don't feel like watching something, I'll listen to music (a great option for working out at home).
  • JeremyM1977
    I have a Roku, with a Netflix and Hulu Plus account (each about $7.99/mo), and a free Pandora account.
    As if that's not enough, I also have Plex, which is a Roku channel that allows me to stream any media on my home computer to my TV.
    So that means if I have a movie or TV show, or even my personal music and pictures, I can view them on any TV where I have a Roku installed (which is on every TV in my house).

    I have gone from paying over $110 a month for cable, to only $16 a month for my two subscriptions.......and I don't really miss cable all that much (at least not enough to pay over $110 a month to get back).