New Habit...Popcorn

EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
OK, I'm starting a New Habit of Snacking on Popcorn. I LOVE Popcorn but I have not had any in a while, so I thought about microwave Popcorn. I don't use a microwave anymore but I thought , well, maybe for this. I Googled info on it (something I would have Never done 12 months ago) AND there is NO WAY I would eat that stuff, Anymore! So I will be doing the stove top pop...I have not done that in about 25 yrs. and am pretty excited about it.

I usually go all out on My new habits, like when I got into Green Tea, GREAT! So, I will start slow with a big pot I have, Coconut Oil, fine sea salt and a generic popcorn that I will try.

Any other Popcorn aficionados out there who can give Me advice on stuff like: Popcorn Poppers, Oils, Salts, Seasonings and of course Popcorn. Football Season is here and I will have a bowl and a glass of lemonade ready every Saturday and Sunday. Thanks