Natural Hair Movement; Health, Care, Styles...

EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
For all African American and Latino Women (and Men) or ALL Women interested in The Natural Hair Movement, if you want to get started/Transitioning or learn how to care for your Natural Hair, as well as styling. You are getting Healthy, bring your Natural beautiful hair along. The Natural Hair Movement is a Health Movement, as well as a self-awareness movement. You do NOT have to cut off your beautiful Natural Hair or go without style in order to get your exercise in, NOR do you have to continue to perm your hair and stay addicted to the "creamy crack". I will list some sites to get you started; Please just continue to research and learn how to care for, manipulate, grow and style your Natural Hair. There is SOOOOO much info out there.

* LadyKey Natural Hair (My Naturalista); FaceBook and she also has a website that you can get from her FB Page;

* CurlyNikki: FB, with a website on her FB Page;

* Carol's Daughter - Transitioning Movement; FB Page with website;

* YouTube: Search Natural Hair or whatever you want to know about Natural Hair...

These will get you started, then let your mind flow with the possibilities, these will lead you to others...(Best Products, Care... you name it). They are also Vlogers with MANY how to videos on YouTube!!!

Be Well, Live Well...and Bring Your Natural Hair with you!