Arthritis and What's Working For Me

EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
I began an anti-inflammation eating plan (NO GLUTEN, NO Wheat, NO Night Shade Veggies: Tomatoes, Potatoes, Egg Plant, Peppers; Reduced Dairy, No Red Meat) and continued with South Beach 1. This works EXTREMELY well. It is NOT a "Diet" it is a way of LIFE. I weigh about every 2 months and the weight is just dropping off!!! My Focus is HEALTH, when I eat and Live Healthily, My weight (Your weight WILL Normalize) Do as much of it as you can, it will not happen over night...I still eat a piece of cake about once a week. (I have also decided to begin Juicing, did it once, NOW I know what I want and am doing. I am Craving the RAW-Micro Nutrients.)

A GREAT thing happened. I Heard of Stinging Nettle for Arthritis (A Natural Herb), did My Research, and decided to give it a try. I have severe hip and knee problems. But I am CONVINCED that Arthritis CAN be REVERSED with Diet, Stretching/ Light Calisthenics, and Supplements to ease pain. The Stinging Nettle is a "Miracle" for Me. I have only been using it 2.5 weeks and 3 days ago I noticed major pain reduction, and more pain reduction each day since! I use 300mg capsules - 3 Times per day. I get My supplements from Puritan Pride online...Great Quality and Great Deals.

Be Well, Live Well

" Let your food be your medicine, and let your medicine be your food." Hippocrates.