Local Harvest...Great Produce

EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member

I am a budding Vegetarian, and right now I am doing some juicing and eating raw for a while...it is going great! Anyway, I do a lot of YouTube for anything/infor I seek for a lot of things. Well, one of My Subscriptions was talking about getting TOP Quality Produce (most organic), (as well as free range or grass fed animals) at a great price, She mentioned checking out localharvest.org which are CSA's, and that most have half shares for like $240 for 10 weeks. Well, I checked it out and put in My location...and WOW, there are about 150 farms in My area alone. I forgot I was back in the South! Anyway, I did several reviews of farms and decided on one and it is $240 (half share) for 20 WEEKS! Imagine, 10 or 20 weeks of IN SEASON Fruit and Veggies for $240!!! OMG, I spend $40 a week on veggies and fruit alone that are NOT organic!

So, just putting this out there for those who like to save a buck, and in the process support your local SMALL Farmers, and support sustainable/organic produce, as well as humane care and harvesting of animals.


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Thanks. I've been trying to find a CSA near me. I live out in the country, you'd think there'd be tons but no - they all have pick up places in the big city only. This site has some I don't think I've seen before though so maybe I can find one now!