Re-Introduction-& 100+lbs to lose
Hi there! My name is Chelsea. I have been on here for 5+ years and at this point I have been on a major roller coaster ride with my weight, so here I am re-introducing myself. I am married and a mommy. I love reading, writing, singing, riding bikes and swimming. Thought I am mostly secondary in my active life, that has…
Tunafish Recipes?
I usually eat tuna fish with mayonnaise, black pepper, pickle relish and crackers. Is there a healthier but still just as good way to eat tuna fish?
Healthy Dressing?
I have compared the nutritional facts until i could pass out on salad dressings. What would be the best option, instead of opting for one of the high sodium/high fat/high carb salad dressing out there? Any homemade recipes?
Jell-O No Bake Dry Pie Crust Mix nutritional information?
Yes, it's bad to eat. But I was craving something sweet and instead of eating cheesecake, I ate the package of the crust mix (nothing else added to it). I cannot find the nutritional information just for that package alone anywhere. Any ideas what it is??
Looking for my motivation and energy again
I started out at 315lbs & I got down to 260lbs last year, but gained back up to 290lbs and I'm now stuck at this weight. I have no energy or motivation to workout anymore. I have not taken the time to make out a weekly meal schedule, but I've have every intention to. I know what happened, I had a knee surgery last April…
I am so down..knee surgery
I lost down to 265 steady and smooth...unfortunately earlier this year Ihad aknee surgery and I'm back up to 290lbs I am so frustrated!! I have been giving into stress eating and I do not exercise anymore. Just struggling a lot..anyone else ever dealt with this and what did you do to get your mind back on track?
I am...beating obesity for life
Hi there!! I am 22, a WOHM, a wife and currently have 100+ lbs to lose. I've been on this site for two years, but I didn't start losing weight until March 2013. My realization that I needed to change was when I could barely sit without having to be out of breath, being hot on a cold day, becoming so upset over the smallest…
Weekly exercise routine plan
I just started exercising and as soon as I got through walking I felt so lost as to what strength exercises I should focus on each day. Can anyone give me an example so I won't be lost and confused from now on and can establish a weekly workout plan? It may sound silly, but I'm really stressed trying to figure it out right…
I Need Help shopping for pants
I absolutely cannot stand shopping for pants for one and only one reason. Comfort. No matter how many different pants I try on nothing fits right. I do not like the high waist pants, because I do currently have a muffin top, so it's not comfortable, but I would try one if if fit right, but I really do not know my pants…
Jillian's Body Revolution
Totally want to try it out, but am not sure if it is something I should invest in. I mean if I was to stay on this program, would i ever have to switch to another exercise to continue losing? because on her site she already has a NEW dvd out for kickboxing! I am so confused as to how all of it works, and how my body will…
started off with 115 lbs to lose, now its 125lbs
I started this journey weighing 305 lbs, I am now 315lbs...due to stress and the addiction to eating. I stress over so much, I am having a hard time to learn how to deal with it. I have not started exercising, which is my first reason I am not improving. I also have been using the "I will start my diet tomorrow" saying…
Exercise Ideas For Parents Of Toddlers
What are some good exercise ideas for someone with a toddler? Or any links I can check out. Thanks everyone!
How to seperate egg whites from the yolk
I am going to cook tomorrow with egg white, but only have whole eggs. How do i cook it and how do I separate the egg whites from the yolk?
Please Help Nominate My Friend To Be on The Biggest Loser
Hi everyone, please help my friend out he needs all the nominations he can get for the Biggest Loser audition this weekend. Please send in an email for his nomination. all the support he can get will be VERY helpful. Please send nominations to BL14nominations@gmail.com. Please include your name, age and place you reside…
Question About Chicken ASAP!
ughhh i cooked chicken and turned the oven off, got busy cleaning and forgot all about it!! It has been 4 1/2 hours in the oven (off)...should I throw it away or re heat it to 200 degrees? =(
Question about CHicken!
ughhh i cooked chicken and turned the oven off, got busy cleaning and forgot all about it!! It has been 4 1/2 hours in the oven (off)...should I throw it away or can I put my oven up to 200 to kill off any bacteria that may have gotten on it ? =(
How Do I Prevent Sweating Under My Belly During Exercise?
I had a baby last year and was overweight (255 lbs) and now I am 297 lbs and my belly is hanging over, AKA "done lapped over my belt". Well, when i clean or dance, I sweat a ton in the crease there, and was wondering if anyone had any ideas how to prevent this from happening so much? Thanks!
Uncomfortable doing Floor Exercises
I have a very hard time doing sit ups, crunches, leg lifts, any exercise that requires me to lay on my back to do, due to the fact it makes my tailbone pop, and it makes it very uncomfortable for me to continue. I do not have a bad back, so why would my tailbone be popping during my exercises, and how can I prevent it? (It…
1 Year After Giving Birth And..
My belly still looks 6 months pregnant. Now, I have already cut back on my intake of calories, fat, sugar, etc...and have lost 5 lbs, but, I do not know where to start on exercises for my belly. Any ideas of where I can start?
Family Cookout!
My family is having a cookout soon, with hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, drinks, etc..and I am frightened! I do not know what I am gonna do, I have a problem eating everything...and I blame it on when I was raised I was given the "Kids overseas hardly get to eat" speech so I would eat my food, so now I automatically think I…
Exercises for The Obese (To Start Off With)
It is so hard to do some of the exercises out there, I cannot hold my own weight long enough to get into a plank position. So, I was wondering if any of you had any websites, or basic exercises I should start off with, and when should I change it up?
5'9" with a goal weight of 120 lbs
I am looking for friends that are motivated to lose weight and are about at the same goal as myself. I need support and will help support you as well. Sharing tips and exercises as we go along! Add me if you are interested in supporting and receiving support on the mission!
I am so confused on calorie counting and eating
So I heard we are supposed to burn more calories than we eat, then I hear we are suppose to eat back the calories we burn. I have 120 lbs to lose and do not know what the correct answer is. Can anyone explain this to me?
How do i prevent pain in the back of my neck??
How do I prevent the back of my neck from aching and hurting while I am doing crunches?
I am so sleepy, but feel like I have too much to do.
I always get sleepy, and I know I should follow my natural cues to go to bed, but I am always wired up at this time because of TV, and the Internet. I also want to start exercising and I only get motivation at this time of the day, is is currently 11:36pm...but I am so weak because of lack of sleep that I never follow…
20 yr old girl, 120 lbs to lose, I AM DONE WITH BEING UNHEAL
Hi everyone! I recently had the motivation to push forward with losing this weight that is way overdue to lose. I do not know how to manage my time yet to work out, and am working on my portion control. Today marks the beginning of my new healthy lifestyle! Add me to your friends list, and share tips with me and help me…