Exercise Ideas For Parents Of Toddlers

What are some good exercise ideas for someone with a toddler? Or any links I can check out. Thanks everyone!


  • haycock86
    haycock86 Posts: 23
    Hi, it's really difficult to find the time to exercise with a toddler but I've found if you get them to join in they love it. If you have a wii or a kinect then I highly recommend the game just dance for kids. Your toddler will love the fun songs, dance routines and colours. It's not like the normal just dance as it has actual kids dancing and not an avatar. It's a fab calorie burn for you too as there's lots of jumping and twisting. Your little one will think your a cool mum too :)

    If you want workout just by yourself then I recommend jillian michaels 30 day shred as it's only 20 mins and very effective. :)
  • swest222
    swest222 Posts: 455 Member
    I wish I had some ideas ... I just do it before they wake up in the morning ...
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    I'm with Dani (Haycock) on the wii dance - the kids love it. You can also get "the best fo Wiggles" and "Wow that's what I call nursery rhymes" seriously you might laugh but it's all jumping twisting etc and all fun songs to sing along too. enjoy. x
  • AlynnP1005
    AlynnP1005 Posts: 195
    My son is 7, but I babysit a 2 year old, and I either workout before she gets here at 7am, or I use her as resistance. Chuck her on my front or back and do lunges or squats while singing a song. Lay down on my back and "bench press" her. Stand her on my feet, and sit up to blow raspberries on her cheeks. "race" whenever we are outside. Turn on silly music and dance with her. This all works for the older kids as well lol
  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    My advice -exercise before they get up or after bedtime if you can. I have 2 under 3...it's a challenge, but it can happen. Also, don't forget - playing with the kids, silly dancing, walking, all that kind of stuff - it all burns calories!

    If you can't fit in a "formal" workout - fit in what you can. It's about MOVING!!
  • megsi474
    megsi474 Posts: 370 Member
    I always burn more during the "carry me, I'm tired" phase of our walks- putting an extra 40 pounds on my shoulders does the trick!
  • mrbunsrocks
    mrbunsrocks Posts: 53 Member
    My 3 year old likes doing weights DVDs with me (not for the whole thing, but for part). I have tiny little dumbells (1-2 lbs) and she likes to copy.

    She also likes trying to do aerobics with me.

    As a rule though, I workout after she goes to bed....it's just easier that way!
  • CW101
    CW101 Posts: 85 Member
    I put my 3 year old on his bike, put my 1 year old in the stroller and go for a really long walk! Sometimes we stop at the park and run around with a soccer ball. Usually they're so busy climbing on things and I'm constantly chasing after them that it becomes a pretty good workout!
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    jogging stroller
    take them to the park and play (not sit and watch but get up and play)
    have a play yard place them inside with them toys and do a dvd
    dance / or zumba all the kids even the baby likes to move to music

    I have a 7year old 5year old and 16month old and get 60-90min in 5days a week
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    I have two VERY different kiddos. A two year old and a three year old.

    If I get out 30 Day Shred, my son tends to immediately go find something to do that he shouldn't be doing. My daughter, on the other hand, is the model child, stretching out next to me on the yoga mat and attempting every move I do. (Proof that we need to be careful what we are showing our daughters by our actions!!!!)

    I bought a bike trailer. My daughter falls asleep in it, or chills with sunglasses and a cup of milk. My son is a constant stream of questions and starts yelling if you don't answer. And the questions start basic, then turn into I-just-want-to-drive-you-crazy-with-obvious-questions. "Why is the sky blue? Can you bike all the way to Oklahoma to see Great Grandpa? Can you bike to a park? Why not? Can we go get ice cream? Why not? What is that? A house... what's a house?" *Bashes head against handlebars*

    I have gone for little walks with them, but I have a creepy neighbor, so I don't like doing that much, either. But sometimes we will go to the park in town, and then go for a "treat" at the gas station or cafe or walk to lunch..... we get a little walking in, usually carrying my two year old for half of it, and then return to the park for a little more playing. And that nearly ALWAYS results in a nap.

    Maybe swimming? We have a outdoor pool in the summer locally, and my son starts swimming lessons this week. We got 20 extra admission tickets, so I really should start using them....
  • I'm interested to see replies on this. I know I should do it before my 2 year old gets up but hes up at 6.30am and I don't want to get up any earlier and by his 8pm bedtime I just can't be bothered (something I need to change I know). When my wee mans up and i'm exercising he doesn't give me any peace and i'm almost always chasing him off to play cause e doesn't want to join in& thats not really fair on him either so i'd love smething we can do together apart from walks or running around
  • Jesea
    Jesea Posts: 376 Member
    I have two boys (ages 3 & 8) and I find it very hard to get a workout in some days. My youngest is always into everything, and is up fairly early. I just have to get it in when I can. Sometimes I can let them watch TV while I do a DVD, sometimes I do it when my younger one is napping, sometimes when my husband is with them after dinner, today it will have to wait until they go to bed as we have an extra kid for the day and my husband is out of town. I may not be consistent with the time of day I work out, but I started the 30 Day Shred and I'm going to finish it! Hoping that will be a great way to change my thought pattern and move from "I work out some days" to "I work out every day"!
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    I'm interested to see replies on this. I know I should do it before my 2 year old gets up but hes up at 6.30am and I don't want to get up any earlier and by his 8pm bedtime I just can't be bothered (something I need to change I know). When my wee mans up and i'm exercising he doesn't give me any peace and i'm almost always chasing him off to play cause e doesn't want to join in& thats not really fair on him either so i'd love smething we can do together apart from walks or running around

    We have nearly the same schedule here. Except I'm usually tucking them in around 7:30, honestly. Sometimes I cram in 30 Day Shred or something similar during naptime, but the oldest is moving away from napping.... which is tragic, honestly!
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member

    that is horrific - I surprised that woman isn't locked up! What a stupid idiot! Those poor babies. They should be taken away from those stupid mothers. Errrrr
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    It depends on the toddler. Generally it's easier to do it when the toddler is asleep because otherwise you risk having your workout completely interrupted. And even if you find something that works, the toddlers will tend to get bored of it after awhile. I've been able to do circuit training a few times with my toddler though. Just do 4-5 compound body weight movements in a row, then rest two minutes, then repeat 3-4 times. My toddler will usually want to emulate the exercises which is pretty funny, and then I can play with him during the 2-3 minutes of down time. The playing is sort of like low intensity cardio to keep my heart rate up during the rest interval. Sometime you can even incorporate the toddler, like holding them up to the pull up bar and doing standing calf raises while the toddler pretends to do pull-ups.
  • jen_bd6
    jen_bd6 Posts: 501 Member
    My son is 7, but I babysit a 2 year old, and I either workout before she gets here at 7am, or I use her as resistance. Chuck her on my front or back and do lunges or squats while singing a song. Lay down on my back and "bench press" her. Stand her on my feet, and sit up to blow raspberries on her cheeks. "race" whenever we are outside. Turn on silly music and dance with her. This all works for the older kids as well lol

    I do that with my niece... works everytime and she thinks I'm cool for it... haha!
  • TChester_05
    TChester_05 Posts: 83 Member
  • LauriesTrying2BeFit
    LauriesTrying2BeFit Posts: 414 Member
    i have 3 kiddies all under schooling age so i also find it hard but i have been walking with my 4yr old and double pram for 5-7miles a day and this really helps me, i also get up early before the kiddies and go out on my bike afew days a week. i do zumba on the wii which the kids love joining in and i go to an actual zumba class 1-2nights a week when kids are in bed. i think to exercise with kids in the day its hard unless they can join in, dancing, walking and running around are your best bets!