my inadvertent satiety experiment
It wasn't really an experiment, but I did make some interesting observations from today's food. 1. It does not take much prompting to get me to rapidly devour 3 stale doughnuts. I wasn't particularly hungry even. But they were sitting on a desk for open consumption, so I decided they needed eating. As doughnuts go, they…
12 Weeks with SideSteel
I have recently finished a 12 week project with SideSteel for weight loss. So, with his permission, I thought I would post about my experience and results. Sometimes the trip to the well can be a little long with me. With that in mind, I'll try to edit. TL:DR: SS was great. I found him to be very knowledgeable. It seemed…
Hunter/gatherer digestion
http://www.wired.com/2014/04/hadza-hunter-gatherer-gut-microbiome/ I'm not a biologist, and it's Wired after all, but interesting nonetheless. Paleo gets talked about frequently enough that I thought people might like to read the story. Note that the author is very explicit about how this shouldn't prompt any changes to…
Guys, does anyone care...
..how you're losing weight? I'm speaking specifically to the men here. I see all kinds of threads about frustrations from co-workers/friends/family who give lectures to the poster about how their proposed weight loss method is bound to fail. But most of these posts seem to come from women, which I thought was interesting.…
Dietary question
In my latest lab tests, my doctor found abnormal number of oxalate crystals. That combined with a strong family history of kidney stones has him recommending a low oxalate diet; my father was given a similar recommendation to deal with his kidney stones, as it happens. I'm kind of left with annoying situation. I would like…
Completely Sabotaged by co-worker!
So, my office lunch buddy knows I'm trying to lose weight and is very supportive. And before deciding where we're going to eat, he'll ask what kind of calories I have to work with. This is awesome. However, I should note that when I say "I'm pretty open" this translates into "Yay we can have Indian Buffet." And I was even…
Radio restrictions.
I don't know exactly how debatable this topic is. Mostly this just covers something I found annoying. I guess one could argue that it's an issue of government control and freedom of expression at its core. I can't stand when Radio shows (or commercials etc) use sound effects like honking horns or sirens. I think it should…
mmorpg sigh
I really didn't want to get roped into Guild Wars 2, but I keep hearing great things about it. Dang it.
From marginal success to Flat out Fail
I recognize that the failure is a good thing as it represents the possibility for progress. That aside, I'm simply astounded that my OHP on Monday was a little challenging but I got all my reps and sets in, but today (5lbs heavier), my sets went like this. 3,4,3,1,1 I must have looked ridiculous standing there, stationary,…
Free iPhone app
Downloaded the iPhone app for free today. Now, clearly the work isn't that complex, especially just starting out and I haven't hit any limits yet. Still it's kind of nice to have it on my phone. I wouldn't call it a must have, but for a free app, I can dig it.
cutting/bulking question
I guess this doesn't have anything to do with SL 5x5 specifically, but I'm posing here anyway. I'm contemplating increasing in my intake to a slight surplus now that my lifts are getting more challenging. Mostly this is because: 1. I would like some more muscle mass at some point. 2. I'm getting tired/bored of losing…
Standardization for emoticon direction, discuss
I don't know that this is really a debate, but every time I see (: instead of :) I get thrown for a loop for a split second. Apparently cultural variation is not limited to phoneme and morpheme choices.
What are the odds
...that either candidate will do anything to change your mind about your vote at this point? This comes with a mini rant that's aimed at the election season in general and not so much at this debate group; I thought it would be important to preface that. I've never been savvy enough to really make predictions about…
They our Agenda, folks.
*found our agenda. darnit Uganda: NGOs' Gay Plans Leak, Govt Furious http://allafrica.com/stories/201206280900.html Many Bothans died to bring them this report.
I just streamed this on netflix. I'll try not to go into too much detail for those that want to see it. Overall, I want to say I wasn't impressed, but my expectations weren't high to begin with. Take that as you will. However, there is something I wanted to go into. I felt like there was some body image subtext going on.…
Wow, just wow. http://www.buzzfeed.com/mjs538/how-could-you-boycott-a-cookie
squat form question
After having watched multiple videos (including Mehdi's) on how to perform squats, I'm having a tiny issue with my back. I'm also having an issue with balance, but i assume that will get better with more practice. I find that right about when I'm breaking the parallel, I'm getting a sharp pinching feeling in my upper back.…
Historical revisionism or just plain awesome?
supplement question
Maybe it's not significant, but I was wondering if there were any particular supplements people recommend for this kind of lifting program Currently I'm taking a daily multi : http://www.rainbowlight.com/immune-support-mens-one-multivitamin.aspx and a fish oil supplement: Nordic Naturals ultimate omega--why it has added…
Do not be scared of calories.
I've seen several threads recently from people who, like myself, have been frustrated by plateaus don't know what to do. They've tried changing up the work outs, deloading, eating at maintenance for weeks. Still not losing. I have a crazy idea, and if I don't start losing in 3 weeks, I'll put my money where my mouth is and…
I found this group today and felt the need for some geek unity. I bring offerings reaped from the seeds of boredom, a mildly self-destructive need to procrastinate, and a friend's request to come up with a caption for picture of a duckling. To my fellow Geeks, I bring you Gaduckriel: EDIT: to correct errors in image.
More water helps me lose weight
I'm convinced. There's no freaking way I'm not burning more calories given the number of times I have to leave my desk. On a more empirical note, I've outpaced my steps/day by a decent margin given similar times of day compared to days when i don't drink as much.
Hello! and question
After reading so much support for stronglifts 5x5, I decided to try it as I'm coming off a several month break due to some minor injuries. Today was day 1 for me, and obviously it wasn't terribly strenuous, so I'm looking forward to adding a little weight in the coming days/weeks :) I did have a question re: cardio. It's…
Federal DOMA ruled unconstitutional by fed appeals
Onto the supreme court! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/05/31/doma-unconstitutional-ruling-appeals-court-boston_n_1559031.html It looks like the ruling is more focused on states where federal benefits are being denied when a same-sex marriage is legal in a specific state. But it's something.
prop 8 denied on en banc appeal
One step closer. Even if they file it with SCOTUS, I'm not sure it would be heard.
Eating enough?
Preface: Mostly I think I'm probably just looking for someone to pat me on the head and tell me everything is fine. It's nice to get reassurance now and then. I realize it's only been a week, but I'm not really seeing any results. And by *seeing* I mean what I see on the scale. Now I know that I'm coming back from several…
NC pastor thinks gov should kill the lgbt
This isn't so much a rant about "how dare he say such things" because I think most rational people, even those who strongly don't approve of homosexuality, don't believe they should systematically put to death. I'm know some people feel that way, but I don't think they're the statistical majority. If CNN is to be trusted,…
Problems with hunger
Hi all. New here. I apologize if this is has been discussed in detail before. The nested structure of the search results were kind of tiring to follow. Here's my problem. I'm hungry. All the time. Eating what appears to be a full meal based on my calorie goal for the day just feels like an appetizer, and I find myself…