diet fiber
http://science.sciencemag.org/content/359/6380/1151 This is an interesting study. It shows that switching to a high fiber diet improves glucose control and improves A1C. The mechanisms is that including fiber in the diet changes the gut microbial biota. Summary below. So, bottom line, eat more fiber. "The gut microbiota…
Catpee, the magical new diet
Ok, my opinion. The only thing that matters for weight loss is CALORIES EATEN and CALORIES LOST. If you want to lose weight eat less and/or exercise more. The only reason that any of these diets work, is because they restrict how much you eat. Most studies that I have seen show that if you have certain genetic makeup,…
vitamins, a waste of money and time
Interesting article: http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/dont-take-your-vitamins/
Why we need GMO
It is distressing how much fear mongering and conspiracy driven speculation is being posted about GMO crops. Here is my take. GMO organisms have a genetic code inserted that expresses as a protein. Different GMO organisms are very different and lumping them all together is useless. All current insulin is GMO, and it has…
Chinese bicycle traffic rules
Traffic in China seems like completely chaos at first. But, after bicycling for 11 months in China, I think I figured it out. There is a system, but there are 5 important differences with the US. 1. At intersections left turning traffic has preferences before straight going traffic. The same with merging traffic, and…
Chinese traffic rules
Traffic in China seems like completely chaos at first. But, after bicycling for 11 months in China, I think I figured it out. There is a system, but there are 5 important differences with the US. 1. At intersections left turning traffic has preferences before straight going traffic. The same with merging traffic, and…
Another diet to try
Ok, fad diets are nuts and there are a lot of nutty people out there. But this beats them all, light only. http://gawker.com/seattle-woman-trying-to-live-on-sunlight-alone-is-proba-511749944
Chinese Traditional Medicine (CTM) for Diabetes
I have been for the last 10 months in China, so reading some stuff about Chinese Traditional Medicine and other alternative treatments online, all I can say there are a lot of quacks out there. But since I am in China, I decided I might as well try it. I went to the Lanzhou University Chinese Traditional Medicinal…
Possible Microwave Effects on Your Biophotons
Ok, I was reading some posts on microwaves and the person refered to this web page. I don't even know where to start. Biophotonics. I thought I had seen it all. HOW many idiots are out there that actually believe this???? And What Next? Any suggestions???…
Why is there an obesity epidemic?
Why is 2/3 of the US overweight and 1/3 obese? I have read too many quack “Garry Taubes” inspired ideas of carbohydrates etc., on MFP. But all these ideas are selectively using data and do not follow basic scientific principles, like calorie in and calorie out. Note if you reject basic science or evolution, think that…
folding bicycle
I am in China for a while and the current rage here is folding bicycles. I am tempted to buy one, easy to take back and easy to carry on a bus and train here. Does anyone have any experience with these? Anything that I should pay attention to, when I look at these?
Why is there an obesity epidemic, part 2.
My question was about large populations, not individuals. Reading all this, it seems the overwhelming opinion of the question why individual are obese is that: 1. It’s the persons own fault. If you eat crap or too much, or both, you get obese. Your own fault and you yourself are to blame for this and you yourself have to…
6 month diabetes update
An update after 6 months and since I have all these glucose readings, I thought I analyze them a bit and see if I can learn something of what is happening and changing. A1c 05/2/2012 5.8 07/6/2012 4.6 10/6/2012 4.6 Medication 5/18/2012 500 metformin 6/01/2012 1000 metformin 6/14/2012 1000 metformin + 25 Januvia 6/21/2012…
The Dawn Phenomenon
I am prediabetic and my A1c is 5.7 and has been up to 6.0 Recently I have been measuring my morning glucose and it varies between 80 and 125. I have only measured in once at 2. AM, when glucose was 90 versus 105 at 7 AM. Reading about this it seems to match the The Dawn Phenomenon. Has anyone dealt with this?
Raw Milk
A number of people are advocating raw milk. Before you do this, you might read some science based evaluations. Raw milk is not save; up to 12% of raw mild samples are contaminated by pathogenic bacteria. From 1998 on, more than 40 separate outbreaks have been attributed to raw milk consumption that resulted in more than…
Paleo / Primal / hunter gatherer diet
Looking around I found these are two relevant, balanced peer-reviewed, well cited, articles. The second one is a follow-up to the original, which started most of this diet debate 25 years ago. The second one lists the following numbers as an estimated ancestral Hunter-Gatherer diet (numbers are % of daily intake):…
Weight loss target goal and strategy when you get close to t
Ok, I could use some advice. I started In October last year 194lb, BMI of 28, got down to 159lb, BMI of 23, and body fat of around 17-17.5%, measured with a scale, so I am not sure how accurate this is. My doctor told me in October that I was prediabetic. Reading up on it, aiming for the lower range of the BMI, something…
HCG Diet
Looking at posts here, some peple are using this. See this article: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/08/nyregion/08hcg.html?pagewanted=1 Note: "But the F.D.A. has also reiterated a warning, first issued in the mid-1970s, that is required on hCG packaging: It has not been shown to increase weight loss, to cause a more…
Science, rational evidence, and made up nutritional facts.
So, first off some background on me. I am a scientist, biology specific, and work and teach on plant community and ecosystem ecology, carbon and nitrogen cycling, much of it related to global change research issues. Not nutrition, or weight loss, but I have read up on it to some degree. I have had high cholesterol for a…