Catpee, the magical new diet

Ok, my opinion.

The only thing that matters for weight loss is CALORIES EATEN and CALORIES LOST. If you want to lose weight eat less and/or exercise more. The only reason that any of these diets work, is because they restrict how much you eat.

Most studies that I have seen show that if you have certain genetic makeup, being overweight strongly increases your risk for Diabetes type 2 and a number of other metabolic problems. Losing weight is the main factor that you can control that will lower your risk. 1/3 of all people are overweight, or obese in the US, and this is a major health problem.

Next, most of these diets like, Paleo, HCG, Atkins, are not healthy. None of them have any evidence that supports them. Again, they only work, because they restrict your calorie intake. Secondly, all of them are promoted by companies/individuals who are making money of you, by trying to convince you that they have the answer that solves your weight. If they help you lose weight, use them, BUT you do not need them. Using a website like this and figure out how many calories that you eat and how many that you lose, is all you need and can save you a lot of money and less health risk by following these diets.

Reading through some post and websites, it seems to me that these diets start with a tiny fact, and then they build this pyramid on that. Facts, like paleo people eat only meat, babies only drink milk, pregnant woman have hormones, are used and distorted. Like this: babies drink milk with lots of cholesterol and saturated fat, thus this is good and essential for babies, thus eating lots of saturated fat and cholesterol is good for all of us, etc. Let me make two up: some people drawn in water, hence too much water kills, hence any water will kill you, thus do not drink any water. Most cats are not overweight, hence drinking cat pee will make you lose weight and gain a normal weight.

Note that they all argue they have it figured out and try to convince you that they have the only key fact that’s important. However, the bottom line is test it, and none of them have ever been tested. Again, they restrict eating, and if this restricts calorie intake you will lose weight, nothing magical about it. And they are promoted, because people/companies make money of you by doing this.

My opinion, eat in moderation, control your weight and ignore all this blabber. There are some things that we do have good evidence for. Trans fat are bad, avoid them. Fiber is good, hence any way you get more fiber, like whole foods, fruits and vegetables is good for you. Too much saturated fat is not healthy, also for people with a normal weight. Eat saturated fat them in moderation, or avoid them. Fish oil is good for your health, eat more fish. But research these facts yourself from reputable sources, not websites or posts her by people/companies that are making money of you. Go to the USDA, Cancer society, Diebetis society, Mayo clinic, etc. And I am impressed with Wikipedia, almost all their information is a good summary of each topic.

Some people who follow these diets seem like reborn religious converts to me. It does not matter what you say their mind is made up, and they are fervent in trying to convert you to their faith/diet. Often they claim that there is a government/industry/Monsanto conspiracy out there that has brainwashed all of us, and that they have found a leader/diet that has lead them out of this wilderness. Well if it helps them lose weight, good for them, but remember you do not need this. CALORIES IN versus CALORIES OUT, eat less or exercise more that’s the only thing that matters for weight loss.


  • ErrataCorrige
    ErrataCorrige Posts: 649 Member
    Lol, someone told me that HCG was pee from pregnant chinese ladies. That can't be true, right?!? Ugh, I know people who have put that in their mouths! Please tell me it is not pee from a cat or anything else!!!
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Good post and so true! I love telling people when they ask "how did you lose all that weight" and I say I ate less and worked out more. It is such a bummer to hear the truth when they would rather me say I discovered the magic pill that lets me eat everything and lay on the couch!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    The bottom line really is very simple - except for those with medical issues screwing with their hormones and weight. It's all those people/companies that make things seem so much more complicated.

    Calories in vs. calories out is the one fact. You can do this with junk food but of course it's better for our heart and health to do it with the right foods.

    Unfortunately, we're in the times of "rush, rush, rush". We want it and we want it now. We don't want to have to wait for anything. And these people/companies really know how to take advantage of it.

    Great post!
  • Randee75
    Randee75 Posts: 234
    Great read thanks for sharing. People watch the weight creep on but just want it to fall off overnight. It takes work, will power and the willingness to do all the above. I know people doing the HGC diet and have lost 15 lbs in 3 weeks and 5 lbs. of money in their wallet lol. Its a fast fix but when you start eating normally I believe you are just going to pack on the pounds and then some. Slow and steady is working for me....I am not going without I am just choosing less.
  • giantspeck
    Lol, someone told me that HCG was pee from pregnant chinese ladies. That can't be true, right?!? Ugh, I know people who have put that in their mouths! Please tell me it is not pee from a cat or anything else!!!
    HGC is a hormone produced during pregnancy. It triggers the body to produce progesterone, which helps enrich the uterus with a thick lining of blood vessels and capillaries so that it can sustain the growing fetus.
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Love the catchy topic title, got my attention, LMAO! Thanks, a good read!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I was having a convo with someone at work about losing weight. I was saying "BROCOLLI!!" and we laughed.
    Then another person I know arrived and we were discussed my 10 pound weight gain and I yelled "PIZZA!"

    so true and simple.........cals in, cals out.

    I LOL when I read the bottle of diet pills "Take this $5 pill 3 x day, eat a sensible diet and get 30 minutes of exercise each day and you will lose weight"

    No sh-t Sherlock! :laugh:
  • Aitenev
    Great post! I think people often get caught up in achieving a "number on the scale". The goal should be to get healthy and there is no quick fix for that. These fad diets may work short term by helping hit that magic number but they do not help reach the ultimate goal of a lifetime of health.
  • PanicAtTheBuffet
    I was wondering how do you hold the cat still and not get all scratched up.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    The only diet I subscribe to is healthy eating habits, a bare min of processed junk, and basically going back to my roots where you make your own foods from natural things. Like meat from our local famrers who do not use stereiods to help their cows grow, chickens that are free range as well as their eggs and lots of veggies. Its done wonders for me and I have gotten over a few long term health issues because of it, I personally believe that is one of the problems with our diets is that we eat to much crap and need to start looking to better options. I do this more for how it makes me feel than the scale which I do not really pay much attention to, for me its more how I personally feel and how much energy I have.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,248 Member
    If you ever smelled un-neutered male cat pee in concentrated doses, I'd say it's a VERY effective appetite suppressant. Makes your eyes burn, your head throb, and your throat close up. :noway:
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    cow urine mixed with spices is a weightloss drink in some countries...
  • _Bro
    _Bro Posts: 437 Member
    I was wondering how do you hold the cat still and not get all scratched up.

    DUH -- that's the cardio part of the plan... Sheesh :)

    Now where's that darn cat.... He's always running from me these days
  • dawnslaughter
    hooray this is what i have been saying for year, we didnt get fat because of out genetics, we didnt get fat because we had kids, we got fat because we ate to much end of story!!!!

    all these faddy diets work, but only for the short term then you pile on the weight again.

    counting calories works i am proof, i still have a long journey to travel but this is the only way to do it
  • JillyCornwall
    JillyCornwall Posts: 376 Member
    soooooooooooooo right..well said.
  • ♥Violette♥4Ever♥
    Ok, I'm at work right now reading this and it's making me want to go home and hug my kitty.
  • nixxy74
    nixxy74 Posts: 106
    i bought a nice pair of nike id trainers (ya know the ones you can design yourself)...well my cat georgie decided to pee in my left shoe...if anyone has any tips for cat pee removal i would be highly grateful. its only in one shoe so its not just sweaty trainers lol

    washing then in the washing machine or febreeze isnt working and i keep getting funny looks if i wear them lol.
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    I totally agree!
  • juliana1977
    juliana1977 Posts: 153 Member
    People dont realized that it takes less time to lose weight that took you all life to put it in with only doing the calories in versus calories out. I did not gain all my 50 extra lbs in one month, but instead I gainned in at least throughout 20 years. But in the past 6 weeks I alredy lost almost 12 lbs eating less and healthier and exercising!
    It is like somebody else already said in here: look at the weight loss pill panflet and you will see: diet, exercise and 3 pills a day will help you lose at to X lbs in a month! Helloooo, diet and exercise alnoe will help you to lose the same amount!!
    And the in HCG diet you can not eat more than 500 calories a day and you also need to exercise, and people still believe it is the drops that make them lose weight.
    I am not very smart, but I am not stupid either! lol!!!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Ok, my opinion.

    The only thing that matters for weight loss is CALORIES EATEN and CALORIES LOST. If you want to lose weight eat less and/or exercise more. The only reason that any of these diets work, is because they restrict how much you eat.

    Most studies that I have seen show that if you have certain genetic makeup, being overweight strongly increases your risk for Diabetes type 2 and a number of other metabolic problems. Losing weight is the main factor that you can control that will lower your risk. 1/3 of all people are overweight, or obese in the US, and this is a major health problem.

    Next, most of these diets like, Paleo, HCG, Atkins, are not healthy. None of them have any evidence that supports them. Again, they only work, because they restrict your calorie intake. Secondly, all of them are promoted by companies/individuals who are making money of you, by trying to convince you that they have the answer that solves your weight. If they help you lose weight, use them, BUT you do not need them. Using a website like this and figure out how many calories that you eat and how many that you lose, is all you need and can save you a lot of money and less health risk by following these diets.

    Reading through some post and websites, it seems to me that these diets start with a tiny fact, and then they build this pyramid on that. Facts, like paleo people eat only meat, babies only drink milk, pregnant woman have hormones, are used and distorted. Like this: babies drink milk with lots of cholesterol and saturated fat, thus this is good and essential for babies, thus eating lots of saturated fat and cholesterol is good for all of us, etc. Let me make two up: some people drawn in water, hence too much water kills, hence any water will kill you, thus do not drink any water. Most cats are not overweight, hence drinking cat pee will make you lose weight and gain a normal weight.

    Note that they all argue they have it figured out and try to convince you that they have the only key fact that’s important. However, the bottom line is test it, and none of them have ever been tested. Again, they restrict eating, and if this restricts calorie intake you will lose weight, nothing magical about it. And they are promoted, because people/companies make money of you by doing this.

    My opinion, eat in moderation, control your weight and ignore all this blabber. There are some things that we do have good evidence for. Trans fat are bad, avoid them. Fiber is good, hence any way you get more fiber, like whole foods, fruits and vegetables is good for you. Too much saturated fat is not healthy, also for people with a normal weight. Eat saturated fat them in moderation, or avoid them. Fish oil is good for your health, eat more fish. But research these facts yourself from reputable sources, not websites or posts her by people/companies that are making money of you. Go to the USDA, Cancer society, Diebetis society, Mayo clinic, etc. And I am impressed with Wikipedia, almost all their information is a good summary of each topic.

    Some people who follow these diets seem like reborn religious converts to me. It does not matter what you say their mind is made up, and they are fervent in trying to convert you to their faith/diet. Often they claim that there is a government/industry/Monsanto conspiracy out there that has brainwashed all of us, and that they have found a leader/diet that has lead them out of this wilderness. Well if it helps them lose weight, good for them, but remember you do not need this. CALORIES IN versus CALORIES OUT, eat less or exercise more that’s the only thing that matters for weight loss.

    Ok, obivously you have not researched Atkins, Paleo, HCG or any of the plans that you mentioned. If you had, you would not have written anything that you wrote above.......

    There are plenty of PROVEN scientific facts that support these plans. I am getting ready to shower, but I will be more than happy to share with them with you and everyone else when I return from the market and the spa.

    Just because the plan is NOT for U, don't judge others that are using these plans that take them from A to B (with B being maintenance).

    As far as the USDA, ADA, AHA, AMA, FDA and any other organization. Yes, they are all in bed with big pharmaceuticals and Monsanto and the like.

    Monsanto is going to kill off the world with their GMO's. If you are not bothered that they are injecting roundup into the seeds and modifying the genetics of it so that it won't die off and you don't mind ingesting poisons that are making our bodies toxic, then you be my guest. Me and my family will have NO parts of it.

    Now days it is VERY, VERY crucial to know where your food is coming from. If you shop at the main stream grocery stores, then you are eating factory farmed meats that are shot with hormones and antibiotics so they grow in a fraction of the time that they are meant to grow in.

    Ever buy vegetables or fruit that barely have a taste to them or don't taste good at all????? Genetically modified and then picked before they ripened to be shipped on average 1500 miles.

    Watch Food Inc, Food Matters, The Future of Food, King Corn, Big River and there are others..............these people are not lying to you. Companies like Monsanto are cruel and evil. If you only knew what they are doing to farmers and their families. Ruining them and they are ruining our environment and the food supply is already ruined unless you buy Local, farm raised, sustainable foods.

    Our government is the ones lying to us. It is just some of us are open minded enough to know this already.